
Smelling the Coffee

ALIENS AMONGST US - Hidden Agendas, Unknown Threats


even in dreams and 'out of body' experiences we are learning the truth, if only people's minds were capable of processing and dealing with what they experienced. because they aren't aware of the technology invisible to their naked eyes and how it is used to abuse their bodies and souls, they do not comprehend what their fleeing spirit is experiencing. more, becuause they don't understand that cloning occurs and how it effects their souls, they don't realise or recognise the ghosts of their own deceased clones, or understand the dreams when they do.

in the case of physical abductions, again there is the difficulty of coming to terms with was has or is occurring. not only in the face of helplessness in a situation outside of the abductee's experience, but the hypnotic programming to stunt recall. but these experiences, again, can manifest in our dreams.

below is a classic example how this person's out of body experiencewas translated as a dream to their mind because she had either no understanding of the existence of city ships.


note the above is from an ALIEN ABDUCTION SUPPORT SITE, and yet the owner encourages that it is "okay" for these things to happen. just why are these victims being conditioned to believe this?




i was at odds as to whether to put this next example in "physical abductions" or "conditioning individuals and society". here is a woman - betty ann luca - calmly describing the termination of another woman's pregnancy at the hands of aliens to author ronald story for his book "the mammoth encylcopedia of extraterrestial encounters" (page 75) as if it was a mundane occurance.

then again the woman, along with her husband and two daughters were subjected to multiple abductions and she made no apparent effort to protect them, contact authorities until years later, or to prevent it from repeatedly happening.

these aliens don't need baby factories - or fetus factories. cloning technology does away with any excuse. what they aborted and collected under the pretence that some day in the future "man would become sterile" was this young woman's naturally conceived unborn child.

what has actually been witnessed is a crude form of bioinfusion (see glossary). the fetus is injected with viruses and other biomaterial in order to stumulate an immune response before it dies. and if it doesn't, it is still terminated in order to collect material to make the vacceines. most of these women in the earliest stages of their pregnancy (two months or less) had no suspician that they were pregnant, or if they did natural miscarraige is easier for the mind to accept than having a bunch of aliens injecting your unborn baby and then ripping it from your body.


could this person be describing a television-sized box as a television because it is a television? does anyone believe that genuine spirits would be watching a tv in ghost land? and yet this is the first assumption of the poster, and incredibly it is believed by others. why would spirit people have televisions, and transmission towers and all the other related technology required to transmit sound and picture? more importantly, how could they operate such physical equipment. and anazingly that spirits not only watch tv but have the technology to built televisions and tv stations is more "credible" than the possibility that these things and people are physically there, but in warp state.


how many people witness what to them is mentally incomprehensible and forget it in moments, or cannot even retell it with vivid detail because they are mentally incapable of coming to terms with what they have experienced? such people will reach for any imaginative "reasoning" - turning to god, or other "cosmic"/supernatural/fantastical explanation. anything other than what must physically, technologically and logically possible.

how many other witnessed this space craft coming out of warp (d'att) state in a hail storm above their heads? how many others saw it materialise above their vehicles, temporarily shielding them from the storm and yet will never be able to utter a word about it to anyone?

but why did this occur? everything in warp state is subject to 'things' passing through them - buildings, people, the air, pollution, smog. and rain. this craft came out of warp state when safety protocols were breached, then cloaked to avoid witnesses.