Yale University 2016
AGNES Spring 2016 will take place Friday, April 8 through Sunday, April 10.Connections for Women@AGNES: The spring meeting of AGNES will include a workshop during the day on Friday, in the spirit of the Connections for Women series at MSRI, with the intention of encouraging and increasing the active participation of women in the AGNES community. All are welcome to attend the plenary talk, regardless of gender. Some funds will be available to support Thursday night stays for participants attending the Connections for Women@AGNES workshop on Friday. Please indicate your interest on the AGNES registration form.
Registration Deadline: The registration deadline March 13 has passed. If you register after March 13, you can participate of AGNES Spring 2016 but you are responsible for arranging your own hotel accommodations (see information about hotels and lodging support below). Late registration for AGNES is available via the AGNES 2016 Registration Form.
AGNES Organizers: Asher Auel, Jose Gonzalez and Sam Payne
Connections for Women@AGNES Organizers: Melody Chan, Antonella Grassi, and Sam Payne
Venues: The Connections for Women@AGNES Plenary Talk will be held at LOM 202 and all the AGNES talks will be at Davies Auditorium. Davies Auditorium is in the basement of the Becton Center, 15 Prospect Street, New Haven CT 06511. The Conference Banquet is held at the Quinnipiack Club (also known as the Q-Club). The conference map is available here.
Parking information: There is parking near Davies Auditorium as well as parking at the Marriott Hotel (Courtyard New Haven at Yale). (1) There is street parking near Davies Auditorium (assessed at about $1.50/hour from 8 am - 9 pm Mon-Sat) on Hillhouse Avenue, Trumbull Street and surrounding streets (please note that there is a 5 hour limit on Trumbull Street and a 2 hour limit on Hillhouse Avenue, although there are no parking limits after 5 pm). (2) There are Yale parking lots near Davies Auditorium (assessed at about $2.00/hour) that become free after 4 pm on Friday, the closest one is Parking Lot 37. (3) The Marriott has parking on-site, for $20/car/day. (The neighborhoods around the Marriott have zoned parking, so outsiders cannot park there.) AGNES can cover the bill for any hotel parking for any of our participants.
Local transportation from train station: If you are traveling with multiple people, are rushing, or facing bad weather, then a taxi from the train station is the best option. Otherwise, there are several free shuttle buses available: the Yale Red Shuttle, the CT Transit "Commuter Connection", or the CT "Union Station Shuttle". These can let you off at the New Haven "green", at which point the hotel or the lecture hall are pleasant 4-6 block walks away. We do not recommend walking from the train station.
Reimbursement forms: Forms for US Citizens and US Permanent Residents available here. Forms for participants who are not US Citizens or US Permanent Residents available here.
List of Registered Participants: Available here
Conference Poster: Available here
This conference is made possible by support from the NSF, the Yale mathematics department, and the Yale Provost office.
AGNES is a series of weekend workshops in algebraic geometry. One of our goals is to introduce graduate students to a broad spectrum of current research in algebraic geometry. AGNES is held twice a year at the participating universities in the Northeast.
AGNES Speakers:
Dustin Cartwright (University of Tennessee)
Antonella Grassi (University of Pennsylvania)
Brian Harbourne (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Daniel Krashen (University of Georgia)
Martin Olsson (University of California, Berkeley)
Alena Pirutka (New York University)
Karen Smith (University of Michigan)
Connections for Women@AGNES Plenary Speaker:
Lucia Caporaso (Roma Tre University)
Abstracts: Available here
Connections for Women@AGNES Schedule
Friday April 8 (Room for plenary talk: LOM 202)
Plenary talk by Lucia Caporaso: Algebraic curves and their Jacobians from the point of view of tropical geometry
Connections for Women@AGNES networking lunch, to promote connections among women working in algebraic geometry and related fields
AGNES Schedule
Friday April 8 (Room for the Friday talks below: Davies Auditorium)
Registration and coffee
Pre-talk (grad students only)
Brian Harbourne: Lines in P2---Open problems in combinatorics, commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
Saturday April 9 (The Saturday talks are held in Davies Auditorium and the Conference Banquet at the Quinnipiack Club)
Sunday April 10 (The Sunday talks are held in Davies Auditorium)
The pre-talks are meant to provide graduate students with background which will be helpful for the lecture. Those with PhDs are not allowed to attend.
Travel support: We will try to cover travel costs for everyone (excluding air fares), with preference given to junior participants. We will reimburse a limited number of airfares for participants from outside the northeastern US, as funding permits. If you are traveling by air and requesting reimbursement, please contact agnes.yale.2016@gmail.com for approval before purchasing your ticket. Graduate students who are applying for the first time should ask their advisor to send a short e-mail of support (one paragraph) to the organizing committee (agnes.yale.2016@gmail.com). Some funds will be available to support Thursday night stays for participants attending the Connections for Women@AGNES workshop on Friday. Please indicate your interest on the AGNES registration form.
Lodging support: We will cover lodging for all junior participants (graduate students and postdocs) in shared hotel rooms. We will make hotel reservations for participants who register before March 13 and these will be payed directly by AGNES for junior participants (see details below). Junior participants arranging their own accommodations will be reimbursed up to half the regular room rate (on the assumption that they are sharing a room). If you have a valid reason to stay in an individual hotel room, please contact the organizers (agnes.yale.2016@gmail.com) in advance to request an exemption to our room sharing policy.
Registration: The registration deadline March 13 has passed. You can still register and participate of AGNES Spring 2016 but you are responsible for arranging your own hotel accommodations. Late registration for AGNES is available via the AGNES 2016 Registration Form. Please read the information about hotel accommodations for AGNES 2016 below.
Conference dinner on saturday night: AGNES 2016 will have a conference dinner on Saturday night and we would like all participants to be able to attend. There is a dinner participation fee ($10 graduate students, $10 postdocs and $20 faculty). If you will be attending the conference dinner please click on the following link to pay for your dinner participation fee using a credit card:
Hotel information: We had a room block at the Marriott hotel (Courtyard New Haven at Yale) at a negotiated rate to accommodate AGNES 2016 participants. The room block expired on March 13. The AGNES organizing committee made hotel reservations for all participants who registered by Sunday, March 13. All participants who register after the March 13 deadline are responsible for arranging their own hotel accommodations. For a list of hotels in the area and information on the Marriott hotel and the room block please follow the link below.
Parking Information: Available here
AGNES is a series of weekend workshops in algebraic geometry. One of our goals is to introduce graduate students to a broad spectrum of current research in algebraic geometry. AGNES is held twice a year at the participating universities in the Northeast.
Scientific committee: Dan Abramovich (Brown), Joe Harris (Harvard), Aise Johan de Jong (Columbia), Mikhail Kapranov (Yale), János Kollár (Princeton), Robert Lazarsfeld (Stony Brook University), James McKernan (UCSD).
Organizing committee: Dan Abramovich (Brown), Alexander Braverman (Brown), Melody Chan (Brown), Dawei Chen (Boston College), Ron Donagi (UPenn), Maksym Fedorchuk (Boston College), Antonella Grassi (UPenn), Sam Grushevsky (Stony Brook), Paul Hacking (UMass Amherst), Mikhail Kapranov (Yale), Radu Laza (Stony Brook), Stephen Lichtenbaum (Brown), Alina Marian (Northeastern), Tony Pantev (UPenn), Sam Payne (Yale), Jason Starr (Stony Brook), Jenia Tevelev (UMass Amherst).
Past members of the organizing committee: Arend Bayer (UConn/Edinburgh), Milena Hering (UConn/Edinburgh), James McKernan (UCSD).
Photo by flickr user altopower, licensed under Creative Commons-By Attribution-No Derivatives.