Registration data

Registration is past due. However if you wish to attend and have not registered yet please use the past-due registration form.

Things to take into account:

    1. There is a WaterFire event in Providence during AGNES weekend. As a result, finding lodging independently, especially at the last moment, will be difficult and expensive.

    2. Junior participants - students and postdocs - are expected to share hotel rooms. It is best if you find a person with whom to share a room prior to registering. Otherwise we will attempt to pair participants, always with people of the same gender. You will be directed to reserve your room using a credit card and receive reimbursement later.

    3. Junior participants are encouraged to present a poster in our poster session on Saturday afternoon. You can indicate your interest in presenting a poster in the registration form. Independently, you can submit our poster session registration form or contact the poster session organizers separately.

Registration is past due. However if you wish to attend and have not registered yet please use our past-due registration form.

Our registration deadline was September 8, 2015.

The poster session, organized by Su-Jeong Kang (Providence College, skang2 at and Bin Wang (Rhode Island College, bwang at, is now fully booked.