AGNES Summer School

on Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces

Brown University, Providence, RI

July 11-14, 2023

Following the highly-successful first AGNES Summer School on higher dimensional moduli in 2022, this school will focus on intersection theory on moduli spaces.  The past few years have seen spectacular progress in explicit computations of the cohomology and rational/integral Chow rings of moduli spaces of curves and related objects.  This school will introduce graduate students to a range of techniques in this active area through four mini-courses.  A key component of the school will be afternoon working sessions, where participants will work together in groups on problems, ranging from exercises to open-ended examples and research problems, relating to the topics of the lectures.

This summer school is designed for graduate students who have completed a yearlong course covering the foundations of algebraic geometry (e.g., Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry) and are working in the field.


As opposed to four independent mini-courses, the school will begin with several background lectures split amongst all of the lecturers that will feed into the more specialized and advanced final lectures.  The final topics of the mini-courses are as follows:

Andrea di Lorenzo: Introduction to equivariant intersection theory
(Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3)

Eric Larson: User's guide to explicit calculations with higher Chow groups
(Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3)

Hannah Larson: Introduction to the tautological ring of M_{g,n}bar
(Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3)

Angelo Vistoli: Patching techniques for moduli problems and the integral Chow ring of M_{1,2}bar
(Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3)

Day 1 exercises

Day 2 exercises

Day 3 exercises

Day 4 exercises

All exercises all together

Afternoon Sessions

This summer school will feature two different types of afternoon sessions: exercise sessions meant to give participants hands-on practice with the topics from the day's lectures, and research groups.  A list of research problems will be shared with admitted participants and research groups will be formed in advance of the workshop.   The afternoon session advisors are:

Juliette Bruce
Samir Canning
Renzo Cavalieri
Dawei Chen
Emily Clader
Michele Pernice
Rachel Webb
Angelina Zheng


This form is intended for comments on the organization, management, general atmosphere and content of the summer school.  Complaints about more serious issues such as harassment or discrimination should be reported via Brown University's reporting system or brought up to the organizers or the conference administrator Lori Nascimento.

Applications are closed.

Practical Information

COVID-19 Requirements:  All visitors and guests must comply with Brown's current COVID-19 guidelines, which can be found on the University’s COVID-19 Community Response page

Hotel Accommodations:  We encourage participants to share hotel accommodations when possible.  If you need accommodations for your stay, please indicate this and your preferred roommate in the registration form.  We will make the reservation for you and forward you the confirmation.  

Transportation:  Other than driving, there are several ways to come to campus.


Travel Reimbursement:  

If you state in the registration form that you will be requesting reimbursement, you will be receiving an email from with instructions to complete a form that will enter you into our payment system.  After your travel is complete, please send all original, itemized receipts to the conference administrator, Lori Nascimento. 

When making your travel arrangements please be aware that Brown will only reimburse payments for coach seating.  Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 60 days from the date of your trip. (Brown considers expense requests that are over 60 days to be income, which would be reported on your W-2 form.)

Due to IRS/Homeland Security requirements, Brown requires us to verify that foreign nationals have the appropriate visa to allow for travel reimbursement.  Please click here for more information on what documentation you will need to provide in order to process your reimbursement.

Conference administrator: Lori Nascimento (Brown University)

Funding provided by the National Science Foundation and Brown University.

Conference organizers: Dan Abramovich, Melody Chan, Eric Larson and Isabel Vogt

We are committed to creating a safe, professional, and welcoming environment at the AGNES Summer School that benefits from the diversity and experiences of all its participants. Brown University's "Code of Conduct", "Discrimination and Workplace Harassment Policy", "Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct Policy", and "Title IX Policy" apply to all summer school participants and staff. Participants with concerns or requests for assistance on a discrimination or harassment issue should contact one of the organizers or the conference administrator Lori Nascimento.