Penn 2014
AGNES Workshop
The Fall 2014 workshop will take place October 31 - November 2, 2014, at the University of Pennsylvania, David Rittenhouse Laboratory, Room A1
Registration: Registration is open. Please complete the registration form.
Organizers: Ron Donagi, Antonella Grassi, Tony Pantev.
Major funding for the conference is provided by the NSF and the University of Pennsylvania.
Past participants: please fill our feedback form!
Donu Arapura (Purdue University) A new class of surfaces with maximal Picard number.
Paolo Aluffi (Florida State University) Segre classes of monomial schemes.
Ludmil Katzarkov (University of Miami and Universität Wien) Categorical base loci and applications.
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu (Columbia University) Gromov-Witten invariants of toric Calabi-Yau 3-orbifolds.
David R. Morrison (U C Santa Barbara) Some new tricks for good ol' SL(2,Z).
Madhav Nori (University of Chicago) Boundary behavior of the Teichmüller disc.
Rita Pardini (Università di Pisa) Bi/trielliptic curves of genus 2 and stable Godeaux surfaces.
Giulia Saccà (Stony Brook University) Singularities of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces and
Participants: List of participants.
Abstracts: Please find the abstracts here.
Video and Slides: As they become available, video and slides from lectures will be uploaded to the abstracts page.
Schedule: All lectures will be in David Rittenhouse Laboratory room A1.
Friday, October 31
3:30pm - 4:30pm
4:30pm - 5:00pm
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Registration and coffee
Pre-talk (for junior participants)
Paolo Aluffi: Segre classes of monomial schemes.
Saturday, November 1
Sunday, November 2
Poster Session: (Organized by Márton Hablicsek and Colin Diemer) Titles and abstracts of the posters can be found here.
Directions: Here are the directions from the hotel to the Penn Math Department.
Conference Hotel: Participants will be staying in Holiday Inn Express Midtown. The cutoff date for guaranteed hotel reservations was September 24, 2014. If you missed the deadline but still need a hotel, please email one of the organizers.
Financial Support: We will try to cover travel costs for everyone (excluding air fares), with preference given to junior participants. We encourage participants from the same institution to carpool to reduce travel costs. Graduate students who are applying for the first time should ask their advisor to send a short email of support (one paragraph) to one of the organizers.
About AGNES: AGNES is a series of weekend workshops in algebraic geometry. One of our goals is to introduce graduate students to a broad spectrum of current research in algebraic geometry. AGNES is held twice a year at participating universities in the Northeast.
Scientific Committee: Dan Abramovich (Brown), Joe Harris (Harvard), Aise Johan de Jong (Columbia), Mikhail Kapranov (Yale), János Kollár (Princeton), Robert Lazarsfeld (Stony Brook University), James McKernan (MIT).
Organizing Committee: Dan Abramovich (Brown), Alexander Braverman (Brown), Dawei Chen (Boston College), Ron Donagi (UPenn), Maksym Fedorchuk (Boston College), Antonella Grassi (UPenn), Sam Grushevsky (Stony Brook), Paul Hacking (UMass Amherst), Mikhail Kapranov (Yale), Radu Laza (Stony Brook), Alina Marian (Northeastern), Stephen Lichtenbaum (Brown), Tony Pantev (UPenn), Sam Payne (Yale), Jason Starr (Stony Brook), Jenia Tevelev (UMass Amherst).
Posthumous conference poster: click here