All lectures and activities will be held in the Integrated Science Building (ISB 135 Auditorium) except for the poster session and conference dinner, which will be held in the Campus Center, (Marriott room, 11th floor). Map
Some talks are preceded by a 30 minute "pre-talk" for graduate students.
Friday November 18
16:00-17:00. Registration and coffee
17:00-18:00. Julie Rana. Standard stable Horikawa surfaces.
Saturday November 19.
8:00-9:00. Registration and coffee
9:00-9:30. Pre-talk
9:30-10:30. Alexander Perry . The period-index problem
10:30-11:00. Coffee break
11:00-12:00. Juliette Bruce . The top weight cohomology of A_g.
12:00-14:00. Lunch
14:00-14:30. Pre-talk
14:30-15:30. Mark Andrea de Cataldo . Cohomological Non Abelian Hodge Theorem for curves in positive characteristic.
15:30-16:00. Coffee break
16:00-17:00. Daniel Halpern-Leistner . The noncommutative minimal model program.
17:30-19:00. Poster session
19:00-21:00. Dinner
Sunday November 20
8:30-9:00. Coffee
9:00-10:00. Sarah Frei . Arithmetic and derived categories.
10:00-10:30. Coffee break
10:30-11:00. Pre-talk
11:00-12:00. Mihnea Popa . Conjectures on the Kodaira dimension of algebraic varieties.
12:00-13:00. Lunch
13:00-14:00. Jakub Witaszek . Classification of algebraic varieties in mixed characteristic.