Stony Brook 2020
For more information about Stony Brook, see the Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry Portal. Organizers: Samuel Grushevsky, Radu Laza, Christian Schnell, Jason Starr.
AGNES participants: please fill out our feedback form!
Registration: Please register here, also to submit a poster.
Poster: is here! Feel free to post.
Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston University)
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin (University of Colorado)
Simon Donaldson (Stony Brook University / SCGP / Imperial College)
Hélène Esnault (Freie Universität Berlin)
J. Maurice Rojas (Texas A&M University)
Tony Pantev (University of Pennsylvania)
Junliang Shen (MIT)
Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto)
Abstracts: are available here.
List of participants: will be available here.
Schedule: On Saturday, we are using Gather for a virtual common room. On Friday and Sunday, several people (including most of the speakers) have set up personal Zoom meetings. All the information, including links, can be found in the conference manual that has been sent out to all registered participants.
Friday, October 23
October 23-25, 2020
Saturday, October 24
Sunday, October 25
About AGNES: AGNES is a series of weekend workshops in algebraic geometry. One of our goals is to introduce graduate students to a broad spectrum of current research in algebraic geometry. AGNES is held twice a year at the participating universities in the Northeast.