The conference is funded by the NSF and Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry Fund. The conference site is generously provided by the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. For more information about Stony Brook, see the Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry Portal.
Organizers: Samuel Grushevsky, Christian Schnell, Jason Starr.
Registration: Please click here to register. The deadline is March 28.
Poster: Please take a look here, and feel free to post.
Irene Bouw (University of Ulm)
Carlos Simpson (University of Nice)
John Pardon (Princeton University / SCGP)
Eric Riedl (Notredame University)
Tony Yue Yu (Caltech)
Julia Hartmann (University of Pennsylvania)
Will Sawin (Columbia University)
Abstracts: See here.
List of participants: Available here.
Videos: Click on the speaker's name or "pre-talk" to access.
Schedule: The schedule for the weekend is below. On Saturday afternoon, we plan to have a meeting of all the AGNES organizers, to make plans for the next AGNES cycle.
Friday, April 28
3:30pm–4:30pm Registration and tea time
4:30pm–6:00pm Carlos Simpson: Nonabelian mixed Hodge structures
Saturday, April 29
9:00am–10:00am Eric Riedl: Non-free curves and Geometric Manin's Conjecture
10:00am–10:30am Coffee break
10:30am–11:00am Pre-talk (junior participants only)
11:00am–12:00pm Tony Yue Yu: Mirror structure constants via non-archimedean analytic disks
12:00pm–2:00pm Lunch (provided)
2:00pm–2:30pm Pre-talk (junior participants only)
2:30pm–3:30pm Will Sawin: Quantitative ell-adic sheaf theory
3:30pm–4:00pm Coffee break
4:30pm–5:30pm John Pardon: Counting curves in Calabi--Yau threefolds
5:30pm–6:30pm AGNES long-term planning meeting (for AGNES organizers)
7:00pm–midnight Banquet (at Danfords)
Sunday, April 30
9:00am–9:30am Pre-talk (junior participants only)
9:30am–10:30am Irene Bouw: Computing the Weil representation of superelliptic curves
10:30am–11:00am Coffee break
11:00am–11:30am Pre-talk (junior participants only)
11:30am–12:30pm Julia Hartmann: Local-global principles for homogeneous spaces over arithmetic function fields
Directions: see here. The Long Island Rail Road schedule can be searched here and is posted here.
Wireless Internet Access: Wireless internet access in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, and most buildings on campus, is available via Wolfienet Guest, or via eduroam.
Conference Hotel: The participants will be staying at Danfords Hotel in Port Jefferson. There will a shuttle bus to and from the hotel.
Transportation: There will be a shuttle bus to and from the hotel, at the following times:
Campus → Danfords: 6:15pm and 7:00pm
Danfords → Campus: 7:45am and 8:30am
Campus → Danfords: 5:45pm and 6:30pm
Danfords → Campus: 7:45am and 8:30am
Each bus can only seat 14 people. If you do not have a car, please try to get a ride from someone who does, and plan to use the shuttle only as a last resort.
Parking: The main parking lot on Stony Brook's campus available for conference participants is the "H lot"; the large lot near the Earth and Space Sciences building. You can find it in the middle of the right side of B4 on the following parking map, marked "Lot 13". Parking in this lot is free and permitted to all on Friday after 4pm and all day Saturday and Sunday. There are also a limited number of spots available in the parking lot immediately adjoining the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, which requires an access code for entry. Please contact the organizers if you are interested in parking in one of these spots.
Financial support: We will try to cover travel costs for everyone (excluding air fares), with preference given to junior participants. Graduate students applying to participate in their first AGNES should ask their advisor to send a short e-mail of support (one paragraph) to one of the organizers.
About AGNES: AGNES is a series of weekend workshops in algebraic geometry. One of our goals is to introduce graduate students to a broad spectrum of current research in algebraic geometry. AGNES is held twice a year at the participating universities in the Northeast.