Sustainability Scholars

What is a Sustainability Scholar?

Sustainability Scholars are students chosen by Siena to promote the mission of the Sustainability Steering Committee by designing and implementing projects to increase awareness surrounding sustainability, and working to improve sustainability measures on campus. Scholars are tasked with creating a sustainability initiative or project in order to help reduce waste, increase energy efficiency, and promote awareness at Siena College. They also take on other responsibilities throughout the semester, such as maintaining the campus rain gardens, coordinating volunteers for events, and attending meetings with other members of the Sustainability Steering Committee. 

Current Sustainability Scholars

Jasper Paez

Hi! My name is Jasper and I am a sophomore double majoring in economics and computer science with a minor in environmental science. I also play soccer for Siena as an outside defender! In any free time I have not spent on studying or soccer, I enjoy hiking, drawing, thrifting, reading, and music production. I began working as a Sustainability Scholar during Fall 2023, specifically focusing on bringing sustainability to the Athletics Programs at Siena. I look forward to continuing working to improve Siena's sustainability practices in the future! 

Katie Bisset

I am a sophomore Environmental Studies major with a Political Science minor. I am passionate about sustainable lifestyles and making our world more environmentally friendly for future generations to enjoy! Some of my favorite environmental hobbies are thrifting second-hand clothes, shopping at zero-waste stores, and hiking! I started working as a garden steward in the fall of 2023 and think it is important to improve our sustainability efforts here at Siena. So far, I have made a Recycling 101 poster (you’ve probably seen them hanging in the dorm halls!). My goal as part of the sustainability team is to further educate myself and others about the political aspect of climate change so we can make the future green together!

Past Sustainability Scholars

Jenna Kosnick

Hi, my name is Jenna, and I am a Senior English major at Siena college.  When I’m not confined to the library, I like to play video games, knit, and go on walks and look for mushrooms.  I’m passionate about environmentalism and sustainability – I want to help preserve the Earth for the next generation, and I’m so excited to be working with Dr. Meierdiercks as a Sustainability Scholar in order to do so!  Currently, I’m working on curating the Siena Sustainability Newsletter, so all the steps Siena is taking to protect the Earth can be showcased.

Jessica Dupont

I am a senior Environmental Science major with a concentration in conservation science at Siena College. I am passionate about sustainability and community service, helping people save money while leaving a better world than the one our generation has been handed. My current hobbies are collecting Legend of Zelda games, whittling, and playing Magic the Gathering with friends. I've been working as a scholar since fall 2019 and helped to make a Zero Waste Plan for Siena, recycling guide, and three newsletters. My focus is on introducing two proposals. One for a green revolving fund to help pay for future sustainability projects, and the other for a full time sustainability coordinator position. I believe it is our responsibility as a Franciscan school to be stewards of the environment, and that becoming one of the leading schools in sustainable change would perfectly reflect our values!

Kristin Ching

Hi, my name is Kristin, and I am a junior majoring in Environmental Science with a minor in chemistry. I transferred from Binghamton University in the fall of my sophomore year, and switched from Biology in the spring. When I’m not in the environmental lounge studying, I am either working as a barista at a local coffee shop, playing the cello, or at juggling & unicycle club (not as lame as it sounds, I promise.) I absolutely love the Environmental Science & Studies Department here at Siena, and I feel so lucky that I was chosen to be a Sustainability Scholar, and that I get to work with Dr. Meierdiercks and Jess to help make Siena more sustainable. I hope to be able to make a lasting impression by not only developing a zero waste plan, but putting it into action, so that Siena may be an example of sustainability for the whole community to model themselves after.

Ashley Aupperle

I am a Senior Environmental Science major with a concentration in conservation science at Siena College. I have always enjoyed nature and spending time outside, whether that meant playing sports, camping or helping my parents and grandmother plant and upkeep their flower and vegetable gardens. I am passionate about protecting the beautiful planet we all call home, and hope to do my part in maintaining and bettering the environment for the benefit of all. This summer, I have been given the opportunity to work with Dr. Katherine Meierdiercks and the rest of the Sustainability Steering Committee to design and work on a series of projects to educate and encourage the Siena community in creating a more sustainable campus. Through this website and on-campus projects, I aim to inspire others to find a passion for the environment and join me in promoting sustainable practices at Siena!

Eileen Fitzgerald

My name is Eileen Fitzgerald and I am a junior Environmental Science Major, with a minor in International Studies and a concentration in conservation science at Siena College. My hobbies include hiking, reading, and travelling around the Northeast. I studied water quality and the effects of green infrastructure during the summer of 2017 and learned a great deal on how human action can have real results on the surrounding environment in a positive way. Studying and enjoying nature have always been a great passions of mine, and I hope to help Siena College to take steps in order to ensure future generations have the opportunity to do the same. This semester my focus is to reduce waste production by implementing composting at Massry dining hall, reusable cups in the coffee shop, and an end-of-year dorm supply drive to collect unwanted items during move-out. By working with the Sustainability Steering Committee, Dr. Meierdiercks, and Maria & Ashley, I aim to get the student body excited about sustainability as well as help Siena College implement more environmentally friendly practices. 

Maria Gigliello

My name is Maria Gigliello, and I am a Senior Environmental Studies major with a minor in Writing and Communications. I have always had love for the natural world, so I’m incredibly excited to be working in a position where I can extend that love onto my campus. I especially enjoy hiking, camping and kayaking in my second home—the Adirondacks. I’m also very interested in environmental education, and I’m hoping to spend the semester educating the Siena community on the importance of recycling, composting, and living a sustainable life. I’m looking forward to working with Dr. Meierdiercks, my co-scholar Eileen, and the Sustainability Steering Committee to implement sustainable practices in order to create a more sustainable Siena College!