Easy Tips for a Greener Life

There are many ways that individuals can be involved in making Siena a greener campus. Even small actions add up, and little changes in behavior can greatly lead to a healthier environment. Here's some tips so you can do your part on campus:

  • Recycle-there are recycling bins in academic buildings, the SSU, as well as the library and dorms. Taking an extra second to make sure recyclables (papers, plastics, cardboard) are placed in the correct bin makes a big difference
  • Save money and paper by reusing folders and notebooks when possible, and be sure to recycle them when they are no longer usable
  • Purchase a high-quality water bottle or cup to reuse rather than a large pack of disposable bottles to save money and space in your dorm or house
  • Print double sided
  • Take notes electronically
  • Instead of throwing out old clothes, shoes, or even dorm supplies, donate them! As long as they are in good shape, homeless shelters and second-hand shops gladly accept used goods and get them to people who couldn't normally afford them
  • Save water-turn off the water while brushing your teeth and shorten your showers
  • Turn off the lights when you are the last person to leave a room (dorms, classrooms, bathrooms)
  • Unplug electronics when not in use
  • Only take what you can eat in the dining halls to limit what gets thrown away
  • Air-dry laundry in your room when possible to save energy, save time walking to the laundry room, and make your room smell clean
  • Don't use automatic handicap doors unless necessary. They let heated air outside in winter and cool air out in summer
  • Join clubs and activities that support environmental causes! Environmental Club, The Women's Center (Fair Trade), and the Franciscan Center all have programs and activities based on environmental conservation, sustainability, and stewardship
  • Inform others! Encourage others to participate in making green choices! Saints are the kind of people who want to make a difference, so get involved and do your part to keep campus and the planet clean.