Care for Creation

"Care for God's Creation is not a new component of Catholic identity. It is as old as Genesis, and must therefore be integral to the mission, identity and everyday life of Catholic colleges and universities."

Most Reverend William S. Skylstad

Bishop Emeritus of Spokane

Honorary Chairman, Catholic Coalition on Climate Change

Past President, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Care for Creation:

As a Catholic, specifically Franciscan College, Siena aims to follow and exemplify the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi. As seen in the college's mission statement, Siena values "reverence for all creation," meaning human and nature. People have a moral duty to protect the planet created by God, and Siena should aim to be a role model for the Albany area in caring for and respecting the earth.

Catholic Climate Covenant:

In 2006, the Catholic Climate Covenant was formed with the help of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to implement Catholic social teachings on ecology as well as address growing ecological awareness to respond to the Church's call to care for all creation and the poor. Based in Washington, DC, and supported by 16 national partners including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, the Catholic Climate Covenant is grounded in the Church's deep history of teaching on creation, ecology, and the poor. In recent years, Pope Francis has shown the urgent need for Catholics to act on Climate Change. Nonprofits such as the Catholic Climate Covenant are a great resource for individuals of all backgrounds and religions to find information on Climate Change and what they can do to help.

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