Water Bottle Fill-Up Stations and Recycling

Siena has recycling bins in every academic hall and residence building, so the entire Siena community can be active participants in working toward a greener campus.   These bins have helped in reducing the tipping fees of trucks delivering waste from campus  to the landfill. For information on the recycling practices around campus, click here

Facilities also collects large amounts of recyclables such as cardboard, and was one of the first to implement single stream recycling on campus in the Albany area. 

There are multiple water fountains/water bottle fill-up stations around campus to encourage students and faculty to save money and limit their waste by reusing bottles rather than purchasing disposables. They can be found in Academic Buildings, the MAC, the facilities building, the SSU, and residential buildings around campus. As of October 2023, over 255,000 bottles have been refilled counting the stations found in only 4 buildings: Roger Bacon, Siena Hall, the Sarazen Student Union, and the MAC. Assuming that the 255,000+ water bottles that would have been purchased were all standard 16.9 fl oz bottles (approximately 8 inches tall), this is number of water bottles can be visualized as:

The Facilities Department is looking towards increasing the number of fill stations around campus in academic buildings  to encourage students to limit their plastic waste.