OZZI: Reusable Takeout

Siena Fresh has just introduced OZZI, a system that eliminates traditional disposable takeout containers. AVI Foodsystems has contracted with the Rhode Island-based company to offer students reusable containers for their meals in Lonnstrom Dining Hall.

OZZI is a closed loop system where students will fill a container with food and take their meal to go. Once you finish your meal, just return the container to the OZZI machine in Lonnstrom. The collection cart creates an easy system for dining services to clean them, and you will be issued a credit for a new container with your return. The next time you come in for a to-go meal, just swipe your card and receive a new container.

By eliminating so many cardboard and foam containers, the Siena community will help reduce landfill waste and save on waste hauling costs. An average student would use about five single-use containers each day. Multiply that by 3,200 students, seven days a week, and the impact is pretty clear (112,000, by the way).

Resident Director of Siena Fresh Rachel Jones (below with OZZI) explained that Siena is lucky to have access to this reusable container system at this time. She said the supply chain of single-use containers and other one-time use dining implements is virtually broken because of the pandemic, much the same as it was for toilet paper back in the spring.

The Siena student government supports the new reusable container system (below)

“Siena is doing the right thing for the good of all. We understand the importance of eliminating waste from single use containers and believe it’s our responsibility to engage Siena students, enabling them to play a role in the forward strides we make as a community."

Rachel Jones, resident director of Siena Fresh

“This initiative not only supports our College's mission of caring for the environment around us, but it will also provide an opportunity for students to benefit for years to come. In a time when sustainability has become so important, it’s great to see Siena and AVI leading the charge and pushing us in the right direction."

Eric Weiss '21, Student Senate president

(text taken from the SCoop, Oct. 2, 2020, Vol. 4, Issue 4)