Academic Honesty Policy

While attending Seymour High School, students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity. When one cheats or aids someone in cheating, one violates a trust. The decision that a student’s action constitutes cheating will be determined by the professional judgment of each teacher. The following guidelines may assist the teacher in making this determination:

I. Academic Dishonesty is defined as follows:

  • Copying, faxing, or duplicating assignments that will each be turned in as an “original.”
  • Exchanging assignments by printout, disk transfer, network, wireless or modem, and then submitting them as “originals.”
  • Writing formulas, codes, or key words on your person or objects for use on a test when prohibited.
  • Using hidden and/or unauthorized reference sheets during a test.
  • Using programmed materials in electronic or battery-operated devices when prohibited.
  • Exchanging answers with others when prohibited (either giving or receiving answers).
  • Taking, stealing, and/or using an assignment from someone else and submitting it as your own.
  • Giving an assignment to someone else for the purpose of submitting it as his/her own.
  • Submitting material (written or designed by someone else) without giving the author/artist name and/or source (e.g., plagiarizing or submitting work created by internet sources, family, friends, or tutors).
  • Not following additional specific guidelines for academic honesty as established by teacher or by department.
  • Unauthorized acquisition, use, and/or distribution of a teacher’s test materials or answer sheets (Automatic 3rd offense consequences).
  • Unauthorized use of teacher files, grade book, computer files and grading programs (Automatic 3rd offense consequences).

II. Students in violation of this policy will incur the following penalties:*

1st Offense Per Class:

  • Automatic “0” on the assignment or test.
  • Parental notification by the teacher to explain the specifics of the incident.
  • If necessary, a parent conference to include the teacher, parent, student, administrator, and guidance counselor.
  • An Academic Honesty Policy referral form is placed in the student’s disciplinary file.
  • A copy of the Academic Honesty Policy will be mailed to the student’s parent(s).

2nd Offense Per Class:

  • Automatic “0” (zero) on the assignment or test and the student’s final average for that grading quarter in that subject is lowered by ten (10) points.
  • Parental notification by the teacher to explain the specifics of the incident as well as to arrange for a parent conference to include the teacher, parent, student, administrator, and guidance counselor.
  • An Academic Honesty Policy referral form is placed in the student’s disciplinary file.
  • A copy of the Academic Honesty Policy will be issued to the student’s parents.

3rd And Subsequent Offense Per Class:

  • Automatic “0” (zero) on the assignment or test and the student’s final average for that grading quarter in that subject is lowered by twenty (20) points.
  • Parental notification by the teacher to explain the specifics of the incident as well as to arrange for a parent conference to include the teacher, parent, student, administrator, and guidance counselor.
  • Students enrolled in the Academic Honors classes may forfeit the opportunity to continue in Honors classes in the subsequent school year.
  • The student is removed from any and all elected or appointed leadership positions in extracurricular activities including, but not limited to, student clubs, and student government, academic or athletic teams for the remainder of the school year.
  • An Academic Honesty Policy referral form is placed in the student’s disciplinary file.
  • The student may be referred to his/her administrator for further disciplinary action.

*Academic Honesty Policy referral form(s) remain in the student’s disciplinary file until they graduate or leave Seymour High School. If a student transfers to another class and teacher within the same subject (English II to another English II class), the offense level and penalties for that subject follow the student.

Policy Accepted by Seymour Board of Education: June 18, 2001