

I open my eyes to a blinding light being flashed in my face.

“Who the hell are you?” a young voice demands. “And why are you here?”

I take a moment to sit up, blink, and take in my surroundings. A boy of about twelve years old stands to my right and a girl to my left. They seem to be guarding me warily as if I could leap up and attack them. There is also a man who seems to be in his thirties. The last thing I remember is going to bed last night at home… wherever that is. I can’t seem to recall where I live, who my family is, or where I am. Just my name, Jack.

“Hell, I don’t know! Now, who are you?” I respond.

I notice that I’m sitting on a bed in a dungeon-like room made of large stone bricks. The logical side of me kicks in and I try to make sense of the situation. Could they have kidnapped me? Am I dreaming? How did I get here? However, I force these thoughts out of my head and focus on escaping this room and finding my way home.

“No questions. Answer are ours or we will have to tie you up,” says the man as the boy pulls out rope and the girl and the man brandish makeshift daggers.

“I swear it on my life. I know absolutely nothing besides my name is Jack and that I woke up lying on this bed after falling asleep last night.” A plan starts to formulate in my head. Possibly I could befriend these people and use them to escape this mysterious place.

Seeming to believe me, the man says, “Well, sorry we got off to a rough start. We’ve been tricked before and just wanted to be extra careful this time around. The name’s Justin. Nice to meet you!”

I cautiously shake his hand, noticing that it is rough and calloused from rigorous work. A happy memory pops into my mind of my father’s hands when we went camping together in the spring.
