Post High school Education  Readiness Surveys

One of the most powerful tools for the successful future college/vocational student is to figure out what is expected from your teachers, and what habits you need to develop. 

Use the tools below to help with empowering yourself to get ready for college/vocational school.

what-kind-of-student-are-you (Education Planner).pdf
improving-study-habits (Education Planner).pdf

This Survey will help you learn which type of college learning environment is the best fit for you.

Use the results of this survey to see if it matches the colleges you are considering.

Self Survey for the College Bound (College Match).pdf

This survey helps you learn what the expectations are in college. 

Use the results to help you learn what habits or skills you need to improve to be ready for college.

College_Readiness_Survey_(Fr DL Google Site 2017) - R Adapted for our use.pdf