If your Student has or is eligible for GGRC

Click on any logo below for more information and websites.

FTN2022 Regional Center Services Poster - Copy w SMC address.pdf

Click on the top right corner of the image to save this pdf

GGRC San Mateo Office:

3130 La Selva Street, Suite 202

San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 574-9232


QUICK LINKS // enlaces rápidos a sitios web

Guide to Understanding GGRC Services  //  Una guia para entender servicios de GGRC 


Application form // Formulario de aplicación

Copy of Intake Contact Form.docx
OG Walk-in Spanish.pdf

GGRC - Frequently Asked Questions

(click on the questions to get the answers)

What is GGRC?

GGRC Stands for Golden Gate Regional Center. From the ggrc.org: "Golden Gate Regional Center is a state- and federal-funded nonprofit organization serving individuals with developmental disabilities in Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties. " GGRC Services are at no cost to the student or their family.

What are the benefits for having GGRC services?

Who is eligible for GGRC?

Any individual with a developmental disability that originatated before age 18, is likely to continue indefinitely, and constitutes as a "substantial disability".  GGRC's definition for "developmental disability" is a disability that is attributable to any of the following conditions:

(This definition does not include any disabling condition that is solely psychiatric, solely a learning disability or solely physical in nature.) 

More information on eligibility at ggrc.org

How do I apply for GGRC?

Do I need a social security card to recieve GGRC services?

NO! You do not! GGRC is not an employment service so a social security card is not needed for eligibilty.

My student has GGRC, but I only see them once a year. Is it worth it to keep the service?

Image Credit: Amster Law Firm

7/19/2022 (18:17) Learn about the intake (application) process for Regional Center.

Our local regional center region is called Golden Gate Regional Center (GGRC)

 Presention hosted by Parents Helping Parents.

Navigating and Negotiating Understanding Regional Center Services (Traducido en español)

6/20/22 (1:27:32)  Video includes Spanish Language translation.

In this video, you will learn:

Handouts here: Link to resources including presentation slides, regional center service descriptions, and a tip sheet on accessing generic services: https://drive.google.com/drive/folder...

 Presention hosted by Parents Helping Parents.

Read this if you want to know more about what GGRC can do you for you when you turn 22 years old, and/or have exited high school or TRACE.

Image credit: Charlotte Shields /slideplayer

Conservatorship, Guardianship, Power of Attorney

Money Matters

How to acquire money your student needs to sustain their livelihood after leaving high school programs

Save & invest for the future without affecting public benefits.

Learn more and enroll at CalABLE.ca.gov

CalAble 101 webinar - Everything you need to know.

SSI What is it, how to apply

How to calculate SSI

Tailored Day Services (TDS)

From dds.ca.gov:

"Tailored Day Services are designed to maximize a consumer's individualized choices and needs, with customization of day services through individualized services. Tailored Day Services provide opportunities for increased integration and inclusion, as well as further opportunities for the consumer to develop or maintain employment/volunteer activities, and pursue postsecondary education. "

Best for individuals:

11/18/20 - Understanding Tailored Day Services (1:11:26)

Hosted by Matrix Parent Network & Resource Center (Marin County)

Employment - Paid Internship Program (PIP)

Click image to watch a video about the PIP program, Employment program through GGRC.

Just like the school district's IEP, the IPP (Individualized Program Plan) is a document set up by the Regional Center (or GGRC for San Mateo County) to put in writing the needs and wants of your student and the services GGRC can provide to fulfill them.

This student-friendly booklet shares the real-life stories of how consumers (your student) can set their goals and objectives and work through the IPP process to achieve them.