The Capsule

The evaluation of in-vivo and in-vitro hair growth potentials effects of leaves extract from tambis plant (Syzgium aquem, Family: Myrtaceae) in albino rats

Mary Joy S. Busini

Therence Dawn S. Clataro

Mary Christine C. Clemente

Lianne B. Dela Hostria

Mary Donna Vel R. Rubio

Pharmacy Department, St. Dominic College of Asia, Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines

Anthony R. Marin

School of Health Science Professions, St. Dominic College of Asia, Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines


This study aimed to check the in-vivo hair count potential of leaves extract from Tambis plant (Syzgium aquem) in albino rats. The study utilized experimental type of research. A total of 16 albino rats were utilized in this study where in each treatment has four albino rats. There were four groups/treatment in the study; Distilled water as negative control, Minoxidil as positive control, 20 mcg/mL Tambis, and 80 mcg/mL of Tambis. Although there is a significant increase in hair count when distilled water was used, Minoxidil, Tambis at 20 mcg/mL and 80 mcg/mL is better than distilled water in increasing hair count. Results shows that Minoxidil proves its consistency in increasing hair count. Also, Tambis at 20 mcg/mL and 80 mcg/mL shows potentiality in increasing hair count. However, 80 mcg/mL of Tambis is more effective in increasing hair count than 20 mcg/mL of Tambis. Tambis at 20 mcg/mL and 80 mcg/mL shows a potential same effect with Minoxidil in increasing hair count.

Keywords: Hair count potential, hair count, leaves extract, tambis plant (Syzygium aqueum), albino rats.