The Capsule

Volume 1 (2020)

Full Issue


The evaluation of in-vivo and in-vitro hair growth potentials effects of leaves extract from tambis plant (Syzgium aquem, Family: Myrtaceae) in albino rats

Mary Joy S. Busini, Therence Dawn S. Clataro, Mary Christine C. Clemente, Lianne B. Dela Hostria, Mary Donna Vel R. Rubio, Anthony R. Marin

PDF (pp. 30-43)

Modification of methods in extracting microcrystalline cellulose from corn (Zea mays, Family: Poaceae) husks

Chairmane L. Ala, Jerlin M. Culajara, Jewel Renza S. Encabo, Nicole Pauline P. Pausal, Anthony R. Marin

PDF (pp. 51-59)