Stelly's Secondary School

June 2024

  Stelly's Graduating Class 2024


My name is Aliyah and I am from Sekw’el’was. My parents are Roberta  and Brandon. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was making valuable friendships and memorable connections with all of my teachers. I would like to thank all my family for supporting me in all that I’ve done. I will be attending Camosun college and taking the Arts and Science program. I am excited because I get to open a new chapter in life and continue my educational journey. In the future I hope to pursue a career in the geological industry.


My name is Angelina and I am from Malahat and Tsartlip. My parents are Mark  and Suzanne. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4.years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was participating in Indigenous LeadershipI would like to thank my parents, my sister, Aimee and Doug for supporting my educational journey. I will be (list what you will be doing next year: school, work, travel etc.) taking the Indigenous Language Revitalization Program with Uvic. I am excited because the possibilities are endlessIn the future I hope to have a career in something I am passionate about and I also look forward to traveling to different places.


Throughout her academic journey, Angelina has embodied the virtues of dedication, kindness, and perseverance. Balancing her studies with employment at Fairways, she has shown diligence and commitment to both her work and her studies. Despite the challenges of Covid, she has remained steadfast in her pursuit of completing her diploma, demonstrating both resilience and a strong work ethic. Her warmth and compassion extend beyond her family, as she interacts with both teachers and peers with politeness and respect. Next year, Angelina plans to continue working at Fairways, staying connected to her friends, family, and community. Angelina, it has been lovely working with you and we wish you all the best in your future.


My name is Braden and I am both Metis and Homalco First Nation. My parents are Joey and Jennifer and I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. I love, and will miss my Stelly’s Community and am thankful for ALL of the Stelly’s staff, my parents, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I have been accepted to the University of Victoria’s Computer Science Program. I am hoping to combine this with a Business Degree and become an entrepreneur in the future.


My name is Christina and I am from Brentwood Bay. My parents are Jeni-Lynn and Chris. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was the work I did in Costa Rica with the Global Perspectives class. I would like to thank my friends and family for all the support they gave me during my time in highschool, and as I enter UVic for my Bachelors Degree in Writing come September. I am excited because I will have the opportunity to pursue my interests in all the courses offered there. In the future I hope to be able to use my talents and passions in a career where I can benefit the well being of others.


Georgia is a thoughtful, intelligent, eccentric and caring student. You will find her spending nearly all of her time in the Stelly’s art room working on her newest painting, or singing in the school choir. She loves the arts and spends time doing what she loves! And while this artistic, introspective side of her is real, she also has a down-to-earth, kind and caring personality that, along with her quick wit, allows her to make great connections with staff and students alike. These attributes will serve her well as she heads to Camosun next year to study psychology, with the long-term goal of becoming an art therapist. Georgia, we wish you all the best in your future endeavours. 


My name is Gillian. My traditional name is Nagatga. I am 17 years old and a grade 11 student at Stelly’s Secondary School. I am from Squamish First Nation and Alert Bay. I have proudly lived on Pauquachin reserve my whole life with my family. I take pride in where I'm from and I embrace my Coast Salish and Kwakwaka’wakw culture.  May favorite memory at Stelly’s is playing on the soccer team and being in Rec Man class with all of my friends and my favorite teacher, Ms. Jenny Large.

I am hoping to become a teacher and plan to attend Camosun College next year before transferring to UVIc to complete my teaching degree.


My name is Josie and I am from Victoria. My parents are Andrea and Luc. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was going to Politanos at lunch. I would like to thank Ms Glube for getting me through Chemistry 11. I will be going to Camosun college, working and traveling. I am excited because I am starting new things. In the future I hope to travel the world and get rich.


My name is Lilly and I am from Victoria. My parents are Andrea and Luc. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was going to Politanos at lunch every day. I would like to thank Mr. Braun for getting me through High School. I will be going to Camosun college, working and traveling. I am excited because I am starting new things. In the future I hope to travel the world and get rich.


Kassidy's presence has illuminated our halls with her kindness, diligence, and infectious humour. The Indigenous Support team will always remember Kassidy sharing exotic snacks like dragon fruit, imported candy, and fancy noodle bowls with us in the Cultural Room. This highlights Kassidy’s natural kindness, curiosity, and her desire to share unique experiences with others. This  was further demonstrated during her unforgettable journey to Europe during her grade 12 year,  a testament to her adventurous spirit and thirst for new experiences. Kassidy has recently been employed with Sidney Whale Watching as a guest services representative. In the future she is interested in taking the Indigenous Peoples in Trades Training program at Camosun to find a career path in the trades. All the best in your future endeavours Kassidy, we know you will continue to shine brightly and make a lasting impact in whatever field you choose. 


My name is Kiesha and I am from Naniamo. My parents are Carol  and Jeremy. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 2 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was spending time with my Homies.  I would like to thank all the teachers and all the people that have supported me. I will be attending Camosun College for the Automotive Tech Foundations program next year. In the future I hope to start my own business.


Justice, affectionately known as Bub, has touched our hearts and made us laugh with her quiet strength, unwavering reliability, and subtle  sense of humour. I was so honoured when Bub asked me to be her twin for the student/teacher swap day, and that she brought a “shorties and forties” sweater to wear at school. Throughout her years at Stelly's, Justice has been a consistent presence in the Cultural Room, where her calming demeanour and understated wit brought joy and laughter to all who had the privilege of working alongside her. Engaged in Indigenous Leadership, Justice shared her invaluable experience and wisdom at school bone game tournaments, leaving a lasting impression on her peers.Justice will embark on the next phase of her journey at Camosun College with plans to go on to study at UVIC with aspirations of becoming a teacher. We have no doubt that Justice will continue to inspire and uplift others with her dedication, warmth, and remarkable spirit. Congratulations, Justice, on your accomplishments, and best wishes for a bright and fulfilling future ahead. 


My name is Marlayna and I am from Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Maui  and Jackson. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was... just being with the pals. I would like to thank my mom, dad and mama… just everyone in my life for always being there for me and pushing me to do my best, and to not give up.  I will be going to school for the Language Revitalization program... I am excited because I would love to be fluent in SENĆOŦEN. In the future I hope to become a teacher just like my favorite role models Doug and Aimee. 



My name is Priscilla and I am from SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation. My parents are Donald and Angela. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was the Outdoor Pursuits 12 trip where we went to the West Coastal Trail and backpacked for six days and did 75k altogether. I would like to thank my family and friends for everything they helped and taught throughout these years. I will be attending the University Of Victoria for the SENĆOŦEN Revitalization Program.  I am excited because I will be getting the opportunity to learn our home language and become closer to our culture and community. In the future I hope to become a teacher and give more opportunities for generations that are coming up after myself.


My English name is Rose, and my traditional name is siey’laat. I am 18 years old and currently graduating from Stelly’s Secondary School this June. I come from Quw’utsun and TSARTLIP first nations. The last 3 years I've been at Stelly’s Secondary I've been involved in Indigenous leadership. Through this program I've been given the opportunity to help in planning school wide events like Remembrance day, MMIW, National Indigenous peoples day, moose hide campaign, and National day for truth and reconciliation. I want to thank my family, especially my parents for all of their support over the years.  After highschool I will be participating in the W̱ SENĆOŦEN IST Language revitalization program. My plan is to continue this program for the next 4 years, then continue on with getting my PDP to become a teacher.


Sakora is a force to be reckoned with as a soccer player and a canoe puller.  Her unwavering dedication on the field and on the water demonstrates her resilience, teamwork, and skill. She shows the same resilience in the classroom and has worked hard during her time at Stelly’s to find success in her challenging academic courses. Sakora kindled her passion for trades in her grade 11 year when she enrolled in the TASK trades sampler program. Here she excelled in the hands-on learning environment,  gaining experience in many different fields.  Next year Sakora will build on this experience in the Camosun carpentry foundations program. Congratulations Sakora, may your next adventures be as fulfilling and exhilarating as the races you’ve won and the goals you’ve scored.


My name is Savannah and I am from Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Patrick  and Leah. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was when Covid was still around, I was in grade 9, and I was being homeschooled but came into the school to do Culinary Arts. This was when I met Jamie, Eric and Nichole for the first time. It was so scary because it was my first time at Stelly’s, but a few weeks later I was making brownies with Jamie and she was showing me how to mix it and she dropped a spoon full of batter on my shoe; we laughed so hard. That is one of my favorite memories at Stelly’s. I would like to thank Eric, Jamie and Nichole for everything they taught me in the class. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have learnt what I know today.  I am now at Camosun in the Professional Cooking course. I started the course on April 22 2024 as a SIP (South Island Partnership) student. I was so excited but so nervous at the same time because it was a new school and new people, with many more new things to learn. But I already knew some of it because of the three greatest teachers I learnt from. In the future I hope to become a baker because in the last month I noticed that being in the kitchen like this isn’t for me; baking is my passion. I hope to go to a baking school or get a great job at a bakery.


William is the comic relief of our graduating class, and he  leaves us with laughter echoing in our halls as he embarks on his next adventure. With a knack for humour that brightened even the dullest of days, William brought joy to every corner of our school. His big voice and even bigger personality made him a beloved figure among peers and teachers alike. Will gained experience in the world of trades with the TASK trades sampler this year. In the Stelly’s teaching kitchen, William discovered his passion for culinary arts, where his creativity and flair for flavour truly shine. As he steps into the kitchen of his future, we have no doubt that he'll continue to sprinkle his unique charm and humour into every dish he creates. Here's to William, the master of laughter and the culinary maestro, whose journey promises to be as delectable as his sense of humour. Congratulations, William!"


My name is Zeylah  and I am from Brentwood Bay. My parents are Keri and Chad. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years, mainly exploring my love for art and creativity. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was my grade 11 OP trip to Mt. Albert Edward. I would like to thank my friends for their unconditional love and support through anything and everything, I’m beyond excited to make even more memories. I will be traveling with my grandma and exploring my interests and passions after graduation, along with working to afford the things I love. Although I’m sad to leave behind all the people I've met at Stellys, I am excited for life after highschool and what things the future will send my way.

Celebrating Indigeniety bulletin Board 

January 2024

  Stelly's Fall/Winter 

EN SEN NE,S LELILEṈ SE: I Will Be Brave on My Long Journey

RBC Foundation is pleased to provide The Board of Education of School District No. 63 (Saanich) a donation of $75,000.00 paid over 2 year(s). 

RBC’s donation will support the SJÁNEȻEN SEN NE,S LELILEṈ SE: I Will Be Brave on My Journey Program. 

RBC Funding will be used to continue this program which supports Indigenous youth as they transition into post-secondary education and/or the work force. It enables youth to focus on working with a life coach to create future plans and strategies to achieve those plans, creating opportunities for certifications, (for example, First Aid, WHIMIS, etc.) money management skills, and providing opportunities for youth to visit post secondary’s and potential work sites to build familiarity and options.

A huge thank you to RBC for their support through this grant.  We believe we have a very impactful program going on at SD63, and we am so happy that we will be able to continue it in the coming years. We know we will be able to build on our success and improve our programing with this support. 

Stellys Parent Night with Indigenous Peoples Atlas 

Stellys Staff with  Blanket Exercise at TSAWOUT Gym 

Fall Adventures 

Reading  Buddies 

Indigenous Leadership - Fry Bread Cook Off 

June 2023 

Stelly's Graduates  June 2023 


My name is Aaliyah and I am from Victoria BC My parents are Jeff and Daleen. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was the OP 12 trip. I would like to thank Mrs .Large for giving all students the opportunity to do OP. I will be working in agriculture for the next year. I am excited because I get to live independently. In the future I hope to continue doing what I love. 


My name is Abigail and I am from Tsawout. My parents are Tracy and Romaine. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for barely over 2 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was playing bone game in English class and then maybe lunchtime with my friends  I would like to thank me, myself and I for not giving up but actually thank my mom and my Dad for everything because I would be nothing without them and thanks to my family but many thanks to my sisters. 


My name is Amy. My parents are Zandra and Remi.  I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. I am grateful for all of my opportunities and experiences I've had over the past four  years that have led me to finding my future education path. I am looking forward to beginning the early learning and care program this fall at Camosun College. I would like to thank my parents, friends, family and teachers for supporting me over the years. 


My name is Andrew and I am from Brentwood Bay, BC. My parents are Wayne and Heather . I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was playing senior boys basketball with my buddies. I would like to thank all of my teachers for their continued support and ongoing inspiration. Next year I am going to pursue a career in basketball coaching. I would like to thank Jamie Kirk, some friends and some family for helping with graduating and basketball. 


My name is Aniah and I am from Vanderhoof B.C. My parents are Renee  and Albert . I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 3 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was chilling in the bathroom with the homies. I would like to thank my family and all of the teachers and staff for helping me with everything. 


My name is Danelle and I am from Tsartlip First Nation. My parents are Larry and Alena. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was hanging with my friends. I would like to thank my family for giving their full support, as well as my friends- new or old, and a special thank you to Mr, Hart for being my favorite teacher for all 4 years, for making a safe space for some of the best memories to be made. I will be attending Camosun College next winter, taking courses towards a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. 


My name is Isabel. My parents are Amanda and Peter.  I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years.  Next year, I am eager to pursue my talent in visual arts. I would also like to express my gratitude to my parents and aunt, who have given me so many priceless life skills.


My name is Jaidyn and I am from Ahousaht. My parents are Eugene and Randi. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 3 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was playing soccer on the school's team with a bunch of my friends. I would like to thank my close friends and family for their support. I will be attending Camosun college in their culinary program. I am excited because I will get to continue working towards my dream and get my red seal in culinary. In the future I hope to become a professional cook. 


My name is James.  My Mother is Lisa and my Grandmother is Edith.  I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. I had an amazing experience at Stelly's and had so much fun in the outdoor pursuits program especially on the west coast trail and Sayward lakes route. I also want to thank BUB for encouraging me to finish High School. 


My name is Karaleigh and I am from TSAWOUT First Nation. My parents are John and Anna. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 2 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was seeing my friends and being able to hang out with them. I would like to thank my family for the support I will be working in a salon. I am excited because I like helping people and I'll be doing something I love.

In the future I hope to still be working in a salon, and also be hoping to be a co-owner with one of my best friends.


My name is Kerri and I am from Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Donald and Angela. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was working in the Cafeteria. I am currently taking the culinary arts program at Camosun College. I am looking forward to a future career as a chef. I would like to thank my mom and dad as well as my extended family for their support of my education. I really want to thank my teachers, like Eric, Heidi, Doug and Aimee for their support during my time at Stelly's.


My name is Lateesha  and I am from Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Melissa (aka Missy) and the late Brian.  I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 2 years. I would like to thank my mom for the endless support and encouragement throughout my academic journey. Her belief in me has helped me overcome the challenges I've faced and has inspired me to pursue my goals. Also Thank you to anyone else who helped me throughout the years! I will be attending the Indigenous College Prep at the Saanich Adult Education Centre. In the future I’d love to get a certificate in lashes and nails! And after I would like to possibly get into business to start up my own salon. 


My name is Madelyn. My mother is Esther and my grandmother is Caroline. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for three years. I am excited to pursue the dreams I have been focused on for the past few years. All thanks to my immediate family and my partner, Ozawashko, for believing in me, and pushing me to be a better person. To my best friends, we did it. 


My name is Nate. My parents are Johnnie and Lydia. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Stelly's over the past four years. I would like to thank my mom Lydia as well as the rest of my family for all of their support of my education and Phil for always being there for me.


My name is Ozawashko and I am from Peguis First Nations. My parents are Christine and Stan. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 2 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was learning with Will Ballard. I would like to thank all of my teachers, friends and family for the love and support I have received. I am excited to attend Camosun college this fall where I will be taking the criminal justice program. I would like to thank all of my teachers, friends and family for the love and support I've received. 


My name is Percilla. My mother is Salena. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. I would like to thank my best friends, especially the ones who are graduating alongside me today, for giving me that extra push to finish. I am excited to pursue a career in criminology next fall, my dream wouldn't have been reached without those who were around me. Congratulations class of 2023! 


My name is Reid and I am from Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Michelle and Gus. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was becoming closer with my friends who came with me from Bayside. I would like to thank all my friends and family for being there at every step of the way. I would also like to thank all the teachers that helped me get to where I am now. I will be attending Camosun College in the fall where I will be pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree. 


My name is Rhiannon and I am from Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Jen and Ernie. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was being a part of the Indigenous Leadership program. I would like to thank my mom and dad for pushing me to be my best and being my primary support. I will be going to Camosun College and University of Victoria for a Bachelor of Education diploma. I am excited because I will get to work with kids. In the future I hope to continue with my education and become an elementary school teacher. I also hope to stay close with my family and continue with my soccer. 

Se Seni

My name is Se Seni and I am from Tsawout and AHOUSAHT First Nation. My parents are Marlene  and Jackson. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was hanging with my friends. Se Seni would like to thank her parents for always being supportive and encouraging. She also wants to give a shout out to all of her friends for making her laugh and smile everyday, as well as the teachers who patiently answered her many, many questions! I am excited because next year I am taking the Early Learning and Care program at Camosun College, and I look forward to a career working with young people. 


My name is Talia and I am from Namgis First Nation in Alert Bay. My parents are Thomas and Tara. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was playing on the girls soccer team and going to provincials. I am excited to continue my learning and have been accepted at the University of Victoria this fall. I will be studying Social Sciences and living on campus with friends. I would like to thank my dad, and amazing family, for all the support throughout my education. And huge gratitude to all my friends for always being there. 


My name is Terrence.  My mother is Dore-Leigh and my Grandparents are Howard and Tuesday.  I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. I would like to thank my uncle for inspiring me in the hardest of times. 


My name is Trevor. My parents are Rosa and George. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was playing Rugby for the Thunder Indigenous Rugby. I would like to thank my parents and my family for supporting me throughout my journey. I am excited to start Carpentry Foundations in the fall


My name is William and I am from Tsawout  My parents are Beatrice and Toby.  I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was being with my friends and at the fair. I would like to thank my parents for always being supportive and encouraging. I also want to give a shout out to all of my friends for making me laugh and smile everyday, as well as the teachers who patiently answered my many, many questions! Next year I will attend the Indigenous College Prep program and then go on to attend UVIC taking Language Revitalization with hopes of becoming a SENCOTEN teacher! 

January 2023 

Stelly’s Newsletter January 2023 

This school year has gotten off to a busy and exciting start at Stelly’s. Coming back to school this fall felt like a return to the normal school routine, with classes and activities running as they did before the pandemic. We have enjoyed welcoming returning students back and getting to know our new students, as well as seeing their smiling faces in the hallways. It has been great to once again gather for assemblies, go on field trips, and have guest speakers in the school. Students and staff are happy to be interacting more freely and getting back some of the social aspects of school life.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 

In September, student leaders worked tirelessly to plan and pull off one the largest school events for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Stelly’s School history.  This year’s events were planned in collaboration with the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Secondary School and had both schools walking together from Stelly’s to the bandstand in Brentwood Bay to witness speeches and songs in the spirit of reconciliation. Students from Stelly’s Social and Indigenous Leadership classes spoke alongside students and teachers from the leadership school, sharing the impacts of residential schools on their families and communities and promoting reconciliation through social action. Students shared powerfully and the events and presentations of this day were impactful for youth and adults alike. 

Stelly’s students have also been active in athletics. 

As the fall soccer season wrapped up, a friendly scrimmage was played between Stelly’s Indigenous students and a visiting team of Indigenous students from Cowichan High School. Teachers were able to take in the game during their lunch break from a professional development workshop. 

The Stelly’s team was victorious, but Cowichan High has extended the invitation for us to come play them on their home field in the spring. 

Tri-District Indigenous Learners Day

In December, a group of Stelly’s students toured the Camosun Interurban Campus as a part of the Tri-District Indigenous Learners Day. 

This day focused on opportunities in trades, technology, and healthcare. Students got a chance to visit the teaching facilities for trades like sheet metal, welding, auto and heavy duty mechanics, as well as participating in an engineering challenge, and touring the Healthcare and Early Learning and Care facilities.

 It was an eye opening experience for our students to see what post secondary education really looks like and learn about the wide variety of options available to them. 

Stellys Indigenous Education Team - Doug, Aimee and Phil!

June 2022

Stellys Graduating Students 


My name is Aaron and I am Red River Métis. My parents are Eva and Kevin. I’ve enjoyed the variety of interesting courses over my 4 years at Stellys, and would like to thank the many passionate teachers for being just as excited about their subjects as I was and going the extra mile. I hope to be at UVIC in the fall studying engineering 


My name is Anson and I am of Cree, Métis, and French ancestry. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was finding my life long friends. I would like to thank my friends, family, and teachers for always supporting me throughout school. I will be taking a year off to travel with my friends, before attending Camosun College for My Bachelors degree in Athletic and Exercise Therapy. In the future I hope to work as an Athletic Therapist for professional sports teams. 


My name is Ashlee and I am from Sidney, B.C. I am of English, French, German, and Anishinaabe descent. My mother comes from Edmonton Alberta, and my Dad comes from Missinaibi Ontario. I was born and raised on Lekwungen, Songhees, and WSANEC territories. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was being with all my friends and having supportive teachers to guide me through my journey in high school. I would like to thank my friends, family and teachers for all the support and encouragement. I will be taking a gap year to travel and one day pursue a career in the field of Culinary and/or Fine Arts. 


My name is Austin and I am from TSAWOUT. My parents are Amanda  and the late Mike Underwood. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was falling at the Grad rehearsal. I would like to thank Ms. Lizama for being a shoulder to lean on and my mom for showing me how to be independent and strong through tough times. I will be continuing my music career as ShelovesAvs on Spotify and heading to Camosun for College Prep in September. I am excited because after graduating I can explore my passions with no limitations. In the future I hope that I will be a positive influence on my reservation. 


My name is Brendyn and I am from the Tsawout nations. My parents are John and Anna. I have attended Stelly’s for 4 years. I would like to thank my friends and family and my teachers for helping me through, supporting me and encouraging me to push harder in my classes. My favourite memory at Stelly’s is performing and working with peers in “The Outsiders” play for my drama class. It felt like a huge step for me and it was very fun and I’ll never forget it. Next year, I will be attending Camosun for the Criminal Justice program and hope to transfer to UVic for Psychology. I would definitely also love to travel more in Canada and see more places I’ve never been to before, which is very exciting to me especially if it was with a group of friends.


My name is Cameron and I am from Ahousaht First Nation. My parents are Nikki and Andrew. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was hanging out in the FN room and bothering Aimee. I would like to thank my grandma for the constant support and encouragement. I will be working as an Education Assistant in SD63 next year. I am excited to gain more experience in SD63 and in the future I hope to continue my education at Vancouver Island University by pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. 


My name is Carmen  and I am from Saanichton BC. I am Metis from my mom's side and Ojibway/Scottish. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. Some of my favourite memories from Stelly’s would have to be band classes grade 9-12 with Mr. Zeigler, rowing in grade 10, and dance class with Mrs Barlett. I would like to thank all my friends and teachers who made my high-school experience so memorable. This coming fall I will be attending Camosun College in a university transfer program with hopes to transfer to a university later to study biology and medicine. In the future I hope to find a fun and rewarding career for myself. Currently I have an interest in biology and the heart, seeing cardiology as a possible career path for me. 


My name is Dylan and I am from TSAWOUT. My parents are Crystal and Aaron. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was going on hikes with the Indigenous Culinary Arts class. I would like to thank my mom, my grandma, Aimee, Doug, Kyle, Phil, and Alice for being there for me. Next year I will be working and furthering my education. In the future I hope to pursue a career in tying rebar.


IY SȻÁĆEL SIAM, ĆIEMĆES TŦE NE SNÁ my English name is Julius. My parents are PIȾELÁNEW̱OT (Samantha) and YEXPILEM (John Sr.) I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 2 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was playing school soccer and I would like to thank all of my friends and relatives for being there for me on my journey. I will be attending Indigenous College Prep in the fall. I am excited to see all my friends succeed. In the future I hope to play high level soccer. 


My name is Kameryn and I am from TSARTLIP. My parents are Joe and Rose. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 3 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was being in the T.A.S.K program. I would like to thank my mom and dad, and Brandon Heyer for inspiring me and for getting me to get out of my comfort zone and to believe in myself. I will be going to Vancouver Island University to pursue a degree/diploma in Creative Writing and Journalism. I am looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for me. 


My name is SELOXIYE. My English name is Karalyn and I am from Tsartlip First Nation. My parents are Esther and William. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 2 years and my favorite memory at Stelly’s was the grad winter formal. I would like to thank Miss Aimee Lampard and my uncle Phillip Tom for always being there for me during my stressful times, and always making sure I was up to date with my school work. I will be doing the Indigenous College Prep Program next year at Camosun. I am excited about graduation because I am achieving a significant milestone in my life and I am excited to accomplish more. In the future I hope to become a lawyer and become involved in leadership in my community. 


My name is Kyrah  and I am from Pauquachin First Nation. My parents are Derek and Juanita. I have attended Stelly’s for 4 years and my favourite memories at Stelly’s was finding a few of my close friends.I will be attending JCI institute to study fashion business, and design for a few years and I am excited because this is a totally new experience which I am not sure what to expect from it. In the future I hope to become a designer and business owner and create unique clothing. 


My name is Lance and I am from WSANEC and Halalt. My parents are Helena and the late Les. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was singing at the school events. I would like to thank my parents, Phil Tom, Aimee Lampard, Kyle Baerg, Douglas Heinkey, Tua Vaa, Ryan Braun, Shannon Moore, and Annie Vallence for being good support throughout high school. I am hoping to work as an EA next school year in the Saanich School District. 


My name is Lauralee and I am from Tsartlip First Nations. My parents are

Shyanne  and Donald. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My

favourite memory at Stelly’s was always just being in the First Nations room, there’s always good vibes in the room no matter what. I would like to thank Aimee Lampard for being the biggest support through the 4 years I was at Stelly’s. I will be working to take a break from school and then I’ll be be looking to go into ECE (Early Childhood Education) program at Camosun College. I am excited because I love working with kids and it will bring me a lot of experience. In the future I hope to complete the goals I have set for myself and that I will have more stability.


My name is Muriel-Ann and I am from the Tsartlip Nation. My parents are Philip and Jean. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was making new friends and creating new bonds that I will hold dear to my heart. I would like to thank my family for their love and support, for believing in me and pushing me to be the woman I am today. I will be attending post secondary and plan on pursuing a career to be a Licensed Practical Nurse. I am excited because from my experiences within my school and my community it showed me how much I enjoy helping others. I am extremely excited to see what my future holds. 


My name is Niklas and I am from Sidney BC. My parents are Laura and George. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was playing volleyball. I would like to thank my parents for continually supporting me throughout high school. I will be attending UVic next year for engineering. I am excited to find out what jobs I am interested in. In the future I hope to be happy and healthy.


My name is Karen and I am from the Cowichan Tribes, but reside on Tsartlip First Nation. My parents are Susan and Troy and I am the oldest of their four children. I have been attending Stelly’s Secondary school for four years, although I did do some distance learning in Grade 11. My favourite memory at Stelly’s would have to be the Grad Winter Formal, honestly the band and the karaoke were a lot more fun than I anticipated. That said, my first heart dissection in Bio 12 is a solid second. I would like to thank my parents, friends, and Ms. Dildy for helping me get through my school years while also keeping things fun and interesting. In this coming year I will be attending Camosun college to dive deeper into the sciences in order to broaden my knowledge and understanding. Even though I know it will be a long and perilous journey, in the future I hope to become a doctor. 


My name is Tasha and I am from the Pauquachin First Nation. My parents are David and Cynthia. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years now. I don’t think I could pick just one memory as my favorite. I would like to thank my dad for keeping me in school and inspiring me to go to a Professional Cook program. I will be going into a Professional Cook program at Camosun College. I am excited because I am hoping to learn more skills with cooking and maybe baking as well. In the future I hope to get out of my comfort zone and learn to cook and bake more stuff. 


My name is Tyrell and I am from TSAWOUT First Nations. My parents are Krista  and Jesse , I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was traveling to different schools for sporting events. I would like to thank my mom and everyone that has helped me get through the past four years. I will be taking a year off and having fun adventures. I am excited because I feel like there is a whole new chapter of my life that I'm ready to explore. In the future I hope to get into trades or maybe get into photography.



My name is Vicki, and I am from the Songhees Nation. My parents are Toby and Beatrice. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. I would like to thank my parents and Tracey for supporting me through my high school years. I will be continuing my career in the arts. I'm excited because I love doing art and in the future I hope to become a professional artist.


We wanted to bring awareness to the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls as a school at Stelly's. Indigenous Leadership students worked to create beaded and felted red dress pins for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Day. We also had Contemporary Indigenous Studies and Social Leadership classes helping out at lunch time and on their own time. Indigenous students designed the template for the felted dresses, and Indigenous and non-Indigenous students alike learned to bead during the two weeks before our fundraiser. They sold the pins over the course of four days to students, staff, and parents. Staff and students wore their pins on May 5th, MMIWG Day. 

All proceeds from the pins went to the Lil Red Dress Project, a local group that helps raise awareness to the issue of MMIWG Day and supports families in putting up billboards of their missing family members. 

UVIC  Field Trip 

We went on a UVic field trip to learn about post-secondary programs. Students had a great day exploring the campus and doing cultural activities in the First Peoples House, including bone game. They also received gifts from the university and were excited to share what they chose.  

UIVC Rugby Catch Break

UVIC Guests 

UVIC Gifts!

Camosun  Field Trip 

We also went to Camosun on a field trip to explore the campus and learn about their programs. We connected with many adults on campus, including those that support Indigenous students.

Camosun Visit 

Camosun INOVATE Lab 

Stellys Spring Events

Rock Climbing Race 

The photo included is a race between one of the students and Kyle, our EA! I think it was a tie! They had a lot of fun trying bouldering and the large wall with support from the climbing students who belayed them. 

Plant Sale 

Indigenous Leadership students raised money for the school Garden Fund in order to buy more KEXMIN and Camas to plant in the Indigenous Plant Garden. 

January 2022

What a fabulous year we have had at Stellys!  Students have enjoyed being back in classes full time, and we are happy to have them all back at school.  

The Indigenous Leadership class has worked hard to increase the presence of Indigenous knowledge and culture within our school environment. We look forward to continuing this work in the coming months with our contributions to the Moosehide Campaign and National Indigenous Peoples Day. 

Orange Shirt Day Sept 2021 

This year at Stelly’s the Indigenous Leadership class has been busy. They have organized and run an Orange Shirt Day recognition ceremony that involved every student and staff decorating orange hearts which were then used to create a heart garden.  A presentation was broadcast to the entire school featuring Lucia Bartleman as a distinguished guest speaker. Lucia was joined by her son Phil and granddaughter Muriel;  together they described the impacts of residential school over three generations.  Leadership students also shared poems and songs in honour of residential school survivors. 

Rememberance Day Ceremony at Stellys - Nov 2021 

This year the Remembrance day ceremony at Stelly’s focused on the contributions of Indigenous veterans to the Canadian Armed Forces.  Indigenous leadership students worked together to create a wreath out of cedar, and decorated it with cedar roses and beaded poppies.  Lance Norris opened the ceremony with an honour song from his family, and Ozawashko Bird participated in the wreath laying ceremony. Julius Etzel gave an amazing speech on the involvement of Indigenous peoples in the armed forces throughout Canada’s history, and Carmen Schafer played ‘Last Post’ on the trumpet. 

Holiday Fun and Winter Grad 2021 

SENĆOŦEN Class with Jim Elliott

English First Peoples 10/11

This semester, our English First Peoples class had the opportunity to go to the Witness Blanket Traveling Exhibit at the Cedar Hill Rec Center. This was an amazing opportunity for the students and staff who were able to participate and led to rich classroom discussions and some thoughtful written responses.

June 2021

 Stellys Grad Class 2021 

Congratulations to you all!

Braden S 

My name is Braden Spencer and I am from Victoria B.C. My parents are Heather Gilmore and Wayne Spencer and I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was hanging out with my friends and Media with Mr. Hart. I would like to thank Mrs. Glube for always being there for me when I needed her most, she is very dependable and I will miss her. After high school I will be attending the criminal justice program at Camosun College and maybe travelling because I’m interested in the world and want to see Japan. I am excited because in the future I hope to become a police detective, or a therapist.

Breanna C D 

Whether playing Dutch Blitz like a champ, making TikTok videos with her friends, or coming up with the best nicknames in all the land, Breanna Cooper adds joy and hilarity to whatever space she finds herself in. In addition to being tons of fun, Breanna is a critical thinker and strong leader who is curious and interested in learning more about herself and the world around her. She is brave in challenging conversations, and pushes those around her to stand up against injustice. At the same time she is an incredible friend, sister, and daughter who cares deeply about her family and her community. In addition to her time at Stelly’s, Breanna also successfully completed the ILC Hair Program during a pandemic, and will begin full time work at Glo Hair Salon in July. Breanna plans to attend Camosun and UVic in the future to obtain a degree in business and open her own beauty and hair salon. Breanna, we are so incredibly proud of you! Book Club forever! 

Bri P

My name is Bri Paul and I am from Tsartlip and Weiwaikum. My parents are Remi and Zandra Paul. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was performing in The Drowsy Chaperone. I would like to thank everyone in the cultural room and my teachers at ILC for all of their help in getting me to graduate. I will be enrolled in Camosun college’s College prep program next year and hopefully getting a job. I am excited because there are so many options as to what I can major in and in the future I hope to be able to make a business out of refurbishing old games/consoles. 

Cole S 

Cole is a kind and respectful young man who during his time at Stelly’s showed an aptitude for languages as demonstrated by his participation in our French Immersion program, as well as Japanese classes. It was awesome to see Cole back at Stelly’s during the final quarter in his grade 12 year, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours. Congratulations Cole! 

Dani P

Dani has grown so much in her time at Stelly’s. She always shows kindness and patience and is thoughtfully intelligent with remarkable strength as a learner.  Dani is incredibly devoted and a hard worker -- she will not give up.  Her perseverance is something to be marvelled at. Dani is going to be a force to be reckoned with as she continues to grow in her advocacy, resilience and quiet determination.  We couldn’t be prouder of you Dani, and can’t wait to see how you shape the world. 

Emma W P 

Emma is a hard working young lady and strong student.  She puts forth a great effort into her schoolwork as well as her extracurricular activities; which include Social Leadership, coaching and competing in swimming, as well as volunteering and working in the field of Child and Youth Care.  Emma plans on attending Camosun College next year, where she has been accepted into the Early Childhood Education Program.  This is only a stepping stone in Emma’s educational journey, as she also has plans to attend McGill University to study social work. Every day Emma demonstrates her perseverance, positive attitude, and work ethic and most importantly; she is kind and respectful towards everyone she interacts with.  We wish Emma all the best in her future and congratulate her on all she has accomplished.   

Fiona H 

My name is Fiona and I am from the Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Sonya Norris and Nathan Harry. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 3.5 years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was singing for Orange Shirt Day and Remembrance Day videos. I would like to thank Aimee, Doug, Tua, Phil and Kyle for being some of the best Indigenous Education support to me and others around me. Next year I will be getting ready for business school or working to help pay to continue my education. I am excited because education is very important to me and my family. Everyone in my dad’s side of the family is highly educated and are well known anywhere they go so I plan to be the same. In the future I hope to continue carrying my family’s name and respect they hold. I also hope to continue furthering my education and building a business of my own some day. 

Jarrett S

Jarrett is a kind, respectful, intelligent young man.  He is a lacrosse player with the Peninsula Warriors and played with the WSANEC KWASEN soccer club.  Jarrett came to Stelly’s in his grade 11 year from the WSANEC Leadership Secondary School, and has quickly become a key part of our school community. Jarrett enjoys working with his hands and has done well in his woodshop and auto shop classes.  He plans to pursue a career in trades after high school.  Congratulations Jarrett, and best of luck in your future! 

Jasper M

Jasper is a bright and hard working young man who has made a positive impact in his time at Stelly’s.  Jasper is a positive ambassador for his culture and heritage: he has volunteered to lead a boys’ health activity with traditional canoe pulling in his family racing canoe, and he has represented Canada in the under-19 long distance world outrigger championship in Australia. As a student in the TASK trades sampler program Jasper excelled, and he has chosen to pursue further trades education in Camosun’s carpentry program. Congratulations on all of your achievements Jasper, and best of luck in your future endeavours. 

Johnny S 

Johnny is a hard working and friendly young man who has made a great impression on all of his teachers and his peers.  Johnny really enjoyed hands-on classes at Stelly’s and has taken multiple shop classes including: woodshop, metalshop, folk art, and culinary arts.  Johnny excelled in these classes and produced some incredible pieces of functional and decorative art. Johnny loves to share what he finds interesting, whether it be facts about dinosaurs, or clips from scary movies.  Johnny’s goal is to become a blacksmith and practice metalwork.  Great work Johnny, best of luck to you in the future.

Kadyn W 

Kadyn is a smart, kind and hardworking student with a fun sense of humor. I had the pleasure of working with Kadyn during his time here at Stellys, specifically in the Indigenous Leadership class where he was involved in creating community and space for other students to learn some of the beautiful aspects of his culture and teachings. Kadyn has grown to find his voice as a leader and is not afraid to step outside his comfort zone. We are so excited for you and your journey and you will be missed here at Stelly’s. 

Kristen M

Kristen is a bright and determined young woman who balanced work and school in her final year at Stelly’s. She was involved in Indigenous Leadership during her time at Stelly’s and participated in a clam garden restoration project on Russell Island. She is incredibly close to her friends and family and for her Capstone shared about the significance of canoe pulling to her and her family. Kristin plans to attend UVic’s language revitalization program in September 2021. Kristen, we are proud of you and can’t wait to see what you do in the future! Congratulations!

Mackenzie U

Mack has brought a positive presence to the Stelly’s community.  She has taken on a challenging course load in her grade 12 year, taking academic electives including Law Studies and Psychology.  Mackenzie has also participated in the outdoor pursuits program and is an avid softball player.  Congratulations Mackenzie, best of luck in the future. 

Madison O

Madison is a talented young woman. In her time here at Stellys she has been known for her natural musical talents. But more importantly, she is also known for her kindness, loyalty, and willingness to help others who are in need. She has demonstrated strength, compassion and leadership at Stelly’s, and we are confident that she will continue to carry herself this way wherever she goes in life. We wish you all the best Madison! 

Mariah C

Maria is kind, funny, patient, and a resilient learner. Her teachers say that Maria shows a keen interest in learning about the world and is a great advocate for many social justice causes. She has been involved in Indigenous Leadership at Stelly’s and is always willing to help and volunteer her time and share her strong leadership skills. Marie was also a successful student in the Culinary Program and connected this experience to her Capstone project; creating a cookbook of her grandmother’s recipes. Maria, we look forward to hearing about your future adventures and endeavors. All the best! 

Riley S 

My name is Riley Seward and I am from Snuneymuxw First Nation. My parents are Tara Thorne and Ian Seward. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favorite memory at Stelly’s was doing the TASK program with my buddy Jasper.  I would like to thank all the teachers that helped me through my years of high school. I would also like to thank my mom for pushing me through these last couple of months of school. Next year I will be continuing my education at Camosun College in the welding program. I am excited to be doing different things other than school and travelling. In the future I hope to get a good job and make money so I can take care of my family. 

Roman C

Rose A 

Rose came to us for the first half of the school and successfully completed all her graduation requirements in January. She is a dedicated, hardworking student and mom who balanced homework and assignments with taking care of her baby son. Rose connected quickly with staff and students at Stelly’s, and reached out for support when needed. Rose persevered through her Math 11 course, showing grit and determination, and we are grateful to have had her at Stelly’s even for a short time. Rose is currently completing a hospitality course at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre. We wish you all the best in the future Rose! 

January 2021

Stelly’s recognized Orange Shirt Day this year with a video that was created and produced by students from Indigenous Leadership. HÍSW̱ḴE to the students who shared their voices and songs as we acknowledged this very important day. 

Copy of Orange Shirt Day 2020.mp4

This year, the two Leadership classes have been collaborating and spent a half-day doing team building and group planning. We are also working together on the 2021 Moosehide Campaign that will happen on February 11, 2021. 

Stellys Indigenous Staff                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Another Amazing Stinger....

Stelly’s has hosted career and postsecondary information sessions for Indigenous students this year over lunch.  In September we focused on introducing school staff including support teachers, counsellors, and administrators.  Our next series of lunches focused on opportunities in the trades and the programs offered in our district and at Camosun.  Students heard from Careers teacher Heidi Hackman about district programs such as TASK, STAC, hairstyling, and Marine Technology.  They also met Roy WIlliams, Camosun Trades Coordinator, who provided information on all the programs available at Camosun.  In November, students attended the Strengthening Connections Virtual College Fair, where they visited online with representatives from Colleges and Universities from across BC and Canada. 

June 2020

Congratulations Class of 2020!

George B

George came to us towards the end of his grad 11 year. George was quick to find his feet here at Stelly’s and within a couple months it felt like we’d known him for years. George seemed to be quiet but was a strong social leader amongst the friends he made here at Stelly’s. Geroge has expressed interests in going into the trades programs such as carpentry and mechanics. All the best in your future endeavours George!

Edna E

Edna is hard working, conscientious and always ready to help. At Stelly’s, she has been busy with sports, global, outdoor pursuits and Indigenous leadership. Notably, Edna has presented on Indigenous leadership at FNESC and the Moosehide campaign, spoke to Saanich city council to advocate for climate change and volunteers with other youth in Tsawout. Edna’s determination to become a medical doctor with goals of giving back to her community is an unstoppable force. This young woman is ambitious and yet, will always hold up the well-being and best interests of everyone around her.  

Natalie F

Mr. Lockheart writes that “A student like Natalie makes teaching easy. She is a polite,self motivated, team player who shows maturity and kindness while in class. She is a critical thinker and has produced some quality projects. Please continue to create Art as you have a natural talent to express yourself.” Natalie plans to continue working, and is interested in travelling and eventually attending post-secondary. All the best Natalie!

Chloe Misia G

Chloe Misia is a kind and studious young lady who has worked hard in her time at Stelly’s.  She is a music lover, and has been a part of the Stelly’s concert band, vocal jazz, concert choir, and the pit orchestra for the musical theatre program.  After graduation, Chloe plans on working and saving money for travel, and hopes to make a big trip to Japan when she is able. All the best on your future adventures Chloe! 

Danielle J

Danielle Jack is energetic and inspiring!  Through Indigenous leadership, Danielle worked passionately to initiate events and cultural awareness at Stelly’s. Danielle has worked hard to create a better school environment for Indigenous students. Last summer, this young woman spoke with conviction and courage on a Truth and Reconciliation panel to the provincial Ministers of Education. And Danielle has been an active member of WSANEC youth leadership for over two years. Her goal is to be a Kinesiologist, and we know that she will reach her dreams and more! 

Kristene J

Kristene has been a great addition to our Stelly’s family.  She is from Pacheedaht Nation in Port Renfrew, and has come to Stelly’s to complete high school.  Kristene is a kind young lady with a great sense of humour, she is a great support to her classmates and friends at Stelly’s.  Kristene looks forward to returning to her home community to work and be with family after graduation.

Shane J

Shane is from the Tsartlip First Nation Community. 

Shane worked very hard to reach Graduation. Throughout high school, he worked part time, and despite this being very tiring, continued to work hard at school. He has been a supportive friend for his peers and always had a fun greeting for everyone, most days...especially the staff in the Cultural Room. Shane also shared his thoughts for The Moosehide Campaign and was featured in a recording that was played for the Moosehide Campaign event.   Shane plans to apply for the Indigenous Support Program at Camosun College.  We wish you the best in the future Shane. 

Stephanie J

Stephanie came back to us for her grade 12 year, and we are so glad she did. She is a passionate, articulate young woman. Her personal experience and commitment to teaching others about the injustices faced by Indigenous women and girls resulted in brilliant poetry that she was able to share with classes at Stelly’s, as well as with students from across BC at the Moosehide Campaign day this past February.  Stephanie is passionate about learning and working as an archeologist and plans to attend university to study archeology. We wish you the best in your future endeavours Steph!

Jeffrey K

In Jeffery’s time spent here at Stelly’s he is described as being a person who is creative, funny and likeable. His unique personality and sense of humor brought a lot of joy to our Stelly’s staff. Jeffery is also the kind of person that is not afraid to find his voice and speak his opinion during real life conversations. We are excited for you to take this next step into adulthood and wish you all the best 

Jesse-Kaine L

Jesse- Kaine Louie is from the Tsartlip First Nation Community. When he first started at Stelly’s he was a timid young guy, but his confidence developed over the four years at Stelly’s. Jesse  also did a recording for the Moosehide Campaign. He was confident and strong while recording.  He was working during his Grade 12 year and School. Jesse plans to continue working for now. Wish you only the best JKL Jesse. 

Troy M

Troy is a bright young man who has really flourished in his time at Stelly’s.  He has a great sense of humour and works hard to do well in all of his classes.  Troy was a big success in the TASK trades sampler program, as well as his summer work experience in construction.  Troy’s passion is working with children, he has worked as a summer camp counsellor and has volunteered as a classroom helper at the ȽÁU,WELṈEW̱ elementary school.  Next year Troy will begin his studies at Camosun College in the Indigenous Family Support program. 

Mya M

Mya is a kind and caring young lady who has really impressed with her hard work while at Stelly’s.  She has challenged herself with difficult courses including chemistry and biology, and has earned the respect and praise of all her teachers.  After graduation Mya plans to study at Camosun College to become a nurse. 

Aleka N

Aleka Norris is a strong and determined young lady who carries herself in a gentle manner. She has overcome many life challenges.  She silently moves forward in life, treats everyone with respect, and is a supportive friend and family member.  She is considering registering for the Indigenous Family Support Program at Camosun . Congratulations Aleka, we wish you the best in your future endeavours. 

Kendra P

Kendra brought her abundance of passion for culture and community to Stelly’s. In Indigneous Leadership, Kendra had an incredible ability to bring people together, and included everyone’s voice in planning events. Kendra helped create the weeklong celebration of National Indigenous day at Stelly’s.  Last summer, Kendra spoke on a panel for truth and reconciliation to the provincial ministers of education and powerfully brought forward her ideas, and commitment to creating change. Kendra plans to study healthcare in her post secondary studies, and will continue to bring compassion and love to her career, family and community. 

Destinii SR

Destinii is a strong young woman who lightens up the room with her witty sense of humour. Destinii has been an important behind the scenes support of Indigenous leadership at Stelly’s, and like her twin sister Lalita, has always been present at cultural and leadership events. In the fall, Destinii traveled to Vancouver to take part in a leadership conference for young women. This past spring, Destinii conducted interviews for a Shaw film documentary project on the Moosehide campaign. This young woman works hard to reach her goals, dreams of travelling and we hope, will continue to explore her talents with filmmaking.

Lalita SR

Lalita is a caring and sensitive young woman who loves to create art in her spare time. Lalita has been an important behind the scenes support of Indigenous leadership, and like her twin sister Destinii, was always present at cultural and leadership events at Stelly’s. In the fall, Lalita traveled to Vancouver to take part in a leadership conference for young women. Lalita has been passionate about the rights of Indigenous women, and advocated for a mural project at Stelly’s,  to remember Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women. Lalita’s creative spirit and her hard work will open doors to new experiences, and we imagine that she will join her sister Destinii for travel and adventure. 

Dorothy T

Dorothy is a friendly, outgoing young woman who is not afraid of being fully herself, and whose friendly waves and check-in’s in the hallways will be missed at Stelly’s. Dorothy is passionate about Indigenous rights and resurgence, and has contributed important ideas to the Indigenous Leadership class. Dorothy plans to continue working at McDonalds while saving money to travel before returning to school to do Indigenous Family Support at Camosun or attending UVic in their language revitalization programs. 

Ruth U

Ruth is a diligent, hard-working, respectful young woman from the Tsawout First Nation. Her OP teacher, Mr. Braun said that she immersed herself into her OP classes from day one, and her openness with her classmates and teachers was a benefit to those who were a part of her classroom community. Ruth is a member of an organization that advocates for the rights of Indigenous women, Sisters Rising, and has contributed to a mural at Uvic and traveled to give presentations in Montreal. 

Colten W

Colton’s teachers describe him as having a “get'er done attitude and just puts his nose down and works”, particularly in his shop classes at Stelly’s. He also has a great sense of humour and is polite with those he interacts with. Colton is interested in pursuing commercial fishing in the near future and hopes, in the long term, to pursue heavy duty mechanics. All the best Colton!

Kiara W

Kiara is bright, sparkly and full of energy. Like her twin sister Natalya, Kiara took the lead to share cultural activities at Stelly’s, engage in activism and contribute to school wide events. She and Natalya have travelled extensively to contribute to Indigenous resurgence. They spoke as  youth ambassadors at the United Nations in New York City, presented at an international conference in New Zealand and participated in a youth environment and climate change camp in Brazil. Kiara will begin at Uvic this fall, and her determination to become a lawyer will open paths for more Indigenous students to take risks and follow their dreams. 

Natalya W

Natalya is a warm, engaging and compassionate young woman.  Like her twin sister Kiara, Natalya took the lead to share cultural activities at Stelly’s, engage in activism and contribute to school wide events. She and Kiara have travelled extensively to contribute to Indigenous resurgence. They spoke as  youth ambassadors at the United Nations in New York City, presented at an international conference in New Zealand and participated in a youth environment and climate change camp in Brazil. Natalya will begin at Uvic this fall in Indigenous Studies, to further explore her passions and ability to create change. 

January 2020

We have had a lot of fun here in the Cultural Room so far this year. Everyday, students hang out with each other and the Indigenous Education staff during scheduled breaks (for the best part of their day). From staff dressing alike, to staff dressing like students, and a variety of dance routines in between, the amount of fun that happens here is like a bottomless box of fruit roll ups. 

Welcome Kyle : )

Orange Shirt Day was a successful day of recognition at Stelly’s. Throughout the day we had teachers come in to the learning commons  with their students to have a conversation about the significance of Orange Shirt Day. Students also had the privilege to sit and hear from local community elders Doug and Kathy Lafortune. They shared their stories with students and educated all of us (including our international students who have never heard about it before) on the significance of Orange Shirt Day and why it is important for us as a nation to acknowledge our history and push for a better future.  


The Indigenous Culinary Arts class is a new program offering for the 2019-2020 school year. This class is a way for students to learn about the wide variety of Indigenous foods, particularly those found on traditional W̱SÁNEĆ territory. We have had community members come in to talk about the importance of land, plants and traditional foods. 

One of the highlights of the class were two successful field trips to Goldstream for the salmon run. Phil Tom, the Indigenous EA who is helping to support the class described the process:

 All of the students in this class are of W̱SÁNEĆ ancestry and they had the opportunity to go gaffing for fish during the salmon run. The students registered in the class expressed interest to learn the whole process of fishing in Goldstream. The classroom teacher, Eric Schofield, made this a reality by booking the field trip for the students. After catching the serving students had the opportunity to learn how to smoke salmon from Blaine Wilson from the Tsartlip First Nation. Blain shared that he learned from his mom and dad. He shared the importance of making it a family process; gathering the wood, fishing, cleaning and preparing the smoke house, and a few family members to assist with to keep the fires going over the three to four days.    

They also got to see the process of chopping the wood. Blaine explained what types of wood to use for smoking the salmon. Blaine also showed the students how to cut and prepare the salmon, so they wouldn’t fall off of the hanging sticks. A couple of the students had the hands on experiences of cleaning and cutting a salmon and assisted with the next step of rinsing and spreading the ingredients on top of the salmon. Blaine showed the students how to hang the salmon on the sticks and hung them in the smoke house. Blaine watched the fire over 3 days to keep it burning. 

The whole process had given the students a valuable experience, as a student, as a W̱SÁNEĆ community member. 

June 2019

Colby P.

My name is Colby and I am from the WJOŁELP Band. I have attended Stelly's Secondary for four years. My favourite memory at Stelly's was winning the dodgeball tournament this year. I would like to thank my Mom Sharon and my family for helping my through these years, my teachers for supporting me, and also my friends for making it a good time. My future plan is to work for another year, save approximately ten thousand dollars to take a Latitudes Program where I will be teaching Outdoor Education in New Zealand for one year. I am excited for the next step in my life because I get the opportunity explore our world and teach the youth about hiking, climbing, canoeing, kayaking and many more activities that help them understand the environmental importance that we must all preserve.

Laila M.

My name is Laila and I am from Squamish First Nation and Tsartlip First Nation. My parents are Will and Marie. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was making new friends through many different classes and sports teams. I would like to thank Phil Tom, Aimee Lampard, and Tua Va’a for the endless support throughout my four years at Stelly’s. I will be continuing onto post-secondary to receive my ECE and Psychology degree. I am excited to further my education because in the future I would love to work with children.

Makayla M.

My name is Makayla and I am from Tsartlip Band. My parents are Nicollette and Andrew. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was going on a school soccer trip to San Diego in April 2018. I would like to thank my family for supporting me for these 12 years of school. I will be taking a year off to live as an independent woman. I am excited because in the future I hope to attend college and become an Early Childhood Educator. 

Penina V.

My name is Penina and I am from Tsartlip and Samoa. My parents are Marie and Mua. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was making friends. I would like to thank my family, teachers, and staff in the Cultural Room for all the support. I will be working and traveling for the next year. I am excited because I want to explore more of New Zealand. In the future I hope to attend Camosun Athletic and Exercise Therapy Program and then UVIC to eventually become a Physiotherapist. 

Savard C.

My name is Savard and I am from the Tsartlip First Nation.  My parents are Clarence and Theresa. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 2 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was meeting new people and learning about new things. I would like to thank my family for supporting me through school. I will be working full time next year and am excited because I want to save money to potentially go traveling. In the future I hope to enroll in college or university.  

Theoren C.

My name is Theoren and I am from the Tsartlip Nation. My parents are Stacey and Kevin. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for four years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was making so many new friends and exercising. I would like to thank Bob for his friendship. I will be going to school next year for my 12+ year. I am excited because I enjoy school very much. In the future I hope to continue to use my skills and learn new ones. 


My name is Aeka and I was born in Victoria, and I am of Ojibwe descent.  My dad is Allen Souliere (of Ojibwe, German and French descent), and my mom is Charleen Souliere (of Quebecois and English decent).  I have attended Stelly’s Secondary School for the past four years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was the sports teams: they were very inclusive and I got to meet so many amazing people! I would like to thank my family for supporting me throughout my life and being my inspiration.  After graduation, I will be working full time, as well as taking some vacations to Toronto, Mexico, and the Philippines. I am excited because I will finally have the time and money to explore other cultures and communities! In the future I hope to get a Bachelor in Biology and then become a doctor (not sure yet what kind) so that I can help others to live their best lives too.   


My name is Hayley, my parents are Mark and Alix and I have attended Stelly's secondary for my 11th and 12th year of high school, after switching from Parkland Secondary. My favorite memory at Stelly's was going out with my OP class on the Juan De Fuca trail and Sayward lakes and meeting some amazing people along the way. I would like to thank all my friends here at Stelly's for accepting me into this school right away, and my parents for supporting me along the way, getting me involved with Stelly's and allowing me to make that switch from Parkland.

Next year I will be taking a year off and working, as well as saving money to go traveling and climbing with my best friend. Were not sure where we are going yet but it will be a beautiful climbing spot! I am very excited to go on some crazy adventures and push myself while climbing. In the future I hope to either go back to school for whatever I decide to pursue or pursue whatever dream I have. 


My name is Kyra and I am originally from T’sou-ke although I live in the traditional territory of the Saanich people. My parents are Debra and Dion, I’ve gone to Stelly’s for 1.5 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was being able to participate and take the BCFN 12 course. I would like to thank my friends, family, and councilors for helping me get to where I am. After I’m finished high school I plan to continue working and saving until I am able to go back to school. I am excited for all the new adventures that comes after.


My name is Dwayne and I am from the Tsarlip band My parents are David and Joan. I have attended Stelly’s Secondary for 4 years. My favourite memory at Stelly’s was working in the wood shop. I would like to thank Phil for always helping me. I will be studying next year. I am excited because in the future I hope to help my community.








February 2019

Aimee Lampard and Phil Tom - Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day

Welcome Sign

In the fall a new Welcome Sign was unveiled 

Artist - Charles (Chazz) W. Elliott Jr. 

WE Leadership Training - Sacred Circle - students from our Secondary schools had the opportunity to participate in three days of leadership training this fall

Fun Times!

Twinsies! Meet Tua Va'a (Indigenous Education Assistant) and Aimee Lampard (Indigenous Support Teacher)

Stelly's Students at FNESC

June 2018

Leadership at Stelly’s!

The beginning of 2018 brought an exciting new leadership class to Stelly’s called



Future Leaders of W̱SÁNEĆ 

Since the beginning of this school year, students have been active in leadership learning opportunities and activities. Offering a formal course has given students a structure to bring in guest speakers, opportunities to work with community organizations and recognize the good work being done by students at the school and in community. 

The class is vibrant and well attended. When events or learning opportunities are created,  large numbers of students have been showing up. In fact, when guest speaker Adam Olsen came in to speak with students, he said the first part of leadership was just to “show up”. 

The Aboriginal Enhancement agreement meeting was an excellent example of the motivation and energy of these students to create change in their education. The entire class, and a few more Stelly’s students, not only attended the event but made sure that their voices were heard. 

As a teacher, the best part of this class is being able to support students as they strengthen agency and put ideas into action.

Our culminating leadership activity for the semester was a celebration week of Indigenous peoples and culture during the last week of May. Every day for a week, students organized an activity to share with staff and the student body. We had strong support from staff and family members came out to help with activities.  Most activities took place in the learning commons and for two of the events, Lalal games and medicine bag creating, the room was completely packed with participating staff and students! 

Highlights from the last few months...

Canoe Pulling

Canoe Pulling

Stelly's student art at the Greater Victoria Art Gallery

Career Fair

Career Fair

Career Fair

Darrel Underwood speaking to the students about rugby

Doug & Kathy LaFortune 

Doug & Kathy LaFortune 

Bobby H

Cyrus L

Dale P

Damon U

Joey J

John E

Kaylee M

Leilani S

Mitchell B

Savannah S

William B

January 2018

Stelly's student Damon U. welcoming students and staff to the W̱SÁNEĆ territories before the Remembrance Day Ceremony.

Robbie Lewis and Helena Norris leading Stelly's students in bone games on Orange Shirt Day

Robbie Lewis, Helena Norris, and Muriel Morris in the Stelly’s Learning Commons, in front of the orange shirt day wall.  Students, teachers, and parents answered  “what does reconciliation mean to you?” and responses were recorded on the wall.


Local Ethnobotanist Earl Claxton Jr. leading grade 9 science students on a nature walk through Centennial Park.

Parent of three Stelly's students Coreen Child presenting to socials studies classes on north island culture and traditions. 

Philip Tom introducing Stelly's alum Adam Olsen. 

MLA Adam Olsen speaking to students about local government and his experience at Stelly's. 

Stelly's students Edna E. and Danielle J. performing a SENCOTEN welcome to the territories before the Stelly's 40th anniversary celebration.