SD63 Indigenous Education Gazette

June  2024 

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

As we wrap up another busy school year we are excited to share some highlights from Indigenous Education. As always the June newsletter will focus on our students in grades 5, 8, and 12 as they transition to their new schools and to their world beyond graduation! 

On June 11 we had the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the Indigenous Graduating class of 2024 at the Charlie White Theatre in Sidney. We were fortunate to also award the Mosaic Forestry Management Scholarship and the University of Victoria Indigenous student awards to two graduating students. Congratulations graduates we look forward to hearing about your future achievements in the years to come! 

Congratulations to our students for finishing another successful school year. Wishing all of our grade 5 students moving to Middle School and our grade 8 students moving to Secondary a smooth and successful transition!

The school year has been busy for staff and students and are so grateful for the opportunity to come together and celebrate in person this spring. On June 21 Lochside unveiled a Welcome Pole carved by Bear Horne that will sit at the front entrance to welcome students and families. We look forward to the unveiling of another pole carved by Bear Horne at Claremont in the fall of 2024! 

On behalf of the Indigenous Education Team, I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you in September!

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education   

January 2024 

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

The 2023/24 school year has been a busy term for Indigenous Education. In September we hosted an Indigenous focused Professional Development Day where we explored Indigenous student data and worked with Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair. Dr. Sinclair went more in depth into the Climbing the Mountain curriculum he shared last fall to explore truth and reconciliation in schooling. The day was very well received and has led to Truth and Reconciliation action plans in schools. I would like to thank the planning committee for all of their efforts in putting together a powerful and engaging day of learning. 

You will find highlights from all of our schools with a focus on celebrations of learning from the fall.I hope that you enjoy this edition of the Indigenous Education Gazette that has been compiled by Sherry Burton. Thank you to Sherry for all of the time and care put into the gazette.

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I would like to wish you well and we look forward to our continued work together. 

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education   

June 2023 

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

ÍY, SȻÁĆEL HÁLE. Good day everyone! June arrived quickly again this year and students and schools are all busy with year-end activities. Since our last newsletter in January many exciting things have been happening in Indigenous Education in the school district. We recently celebrated our grade 12 graduates at the Indigenous Education Recognition ceremony and we celebrated Indigenous culture throughout the year and engaged in a variety of National Indigenous Peoples Day activities. 

Congratulations to our students for finishing another successful school year. Wishing all of our grade 5 students moving to Middle School and our grade 8 students moving to Secondary a smooth and successful transition! Congratulations to the class of 2023! We wish you all the best in the next phase of your journey.

As we head into the next school year, we will be saying goodbye to several of our staff who are attending post-secondary, changing positions, or off to new adventures. I would like to thank you for your time and support of Indigenous students and families during your time in Saanich. We wish you well and we will miss you.  

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I wish you a relaxing summer and thank you for your ongoing support of Indigenous Education in Saanich Schools.

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education      

January 2023 

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

The 2022/23 School year has been off to a great start, filled with back to school activities, fall sports, celebrations of learning and so much more. 

In September we hosted an Indigenous focused Professional Development Day with Keynotes Niigaan Sinclair and Jo Chrona. Climbing the Mountain Keynote with Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, "Indigenous Curriculum isn't Curriculum: Truth and Reconciliation in Schooling," was an impactful session that challenged teachers and support staff to engage in meaningful dialogue about Truth and Reconciliation in schools and learning spaces. We look forward to more learning with Dr. Sinclair in fall when he comes to Saanich to work with staff and students. Our afternoon Keynote led by Jo Chrona was Wayi Wah! Building a Stronger Education System: Intersections Between Indigenous Education and Anti-Racism and was an excellent step towards the important work of anti-racism as Jo empowered participants to engage in meaningful and purposeful dialogue and decisions regarding Truth and Reconciliation in schools and ways to shift the education system to be anti-racist and an equitable system for all. 

You will find highlights from all of our schools with a focus on celebrations of learning from the fall. I hope that you enjoy this edition of the Indigenous Education Gazette that has been compiled by Sherry Burton. Thank you to Sherry for all of the time and care put into the gazette. 

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I would like to thank you for your support of Indigenous Education and we look forward to our continued work together. 

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education      

June 2022

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

As we wrap up another busy school year we are excited to share some highlights from Indigenous Education. As always the June newsletter will focus on our students in grades 5, 8, and 12 as they transition to their new schools and to their world beyond graduation! 

We had a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our Indigenous graduates at the Indigenous Recognition ceremony on June 8. Thank you to the planning committee for putting together a wonderful celebration.  Congratulations to the Class of 2022! 

Congratulations to our students for finishing another successful school year. Wishing all of our grade 5 students moving to Middle School and our grade 8 students moving to Secondary a smooth and successful transition!

The school year has been busy for staff and students and are so grateful for the opportunity to come together and celebrate in person this spring. On June 21 we unveiled a Welcome House Post carved by Chazz Elliott and his brother Matt Parlby at the School Board Office. The House Post is an incredible carving that is absolutely stunning and we are so fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Charles and Chazz over the course of the project. 

On behalf of the Indigenous Education Team, I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you in September!

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education      

January 2022

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

Happy New Year from Indigenous Education! As we send off 2021 we look forward to 2022. While 2022 starts with continued challenges and the need for flexibility we reflect on the resilience of our students, staff, families and community partners and express our gratitude for these relationships and important partnerships. 

You will find highlights from all of our schools with a focus on celebrations of learning from the fall. We started the school year off with an impactful day of professional learning with an Indigenous Education focused Professional Development Day. Darcey McNee put together an excellent video compilation of teacher voice and sharing with the help of teachers from around the district who are weaving Indigenous Education into their curriculum. We were very fortunate to have Kevin Lamoureux join as a keynote speaker where he shared Healing the Wound with the Weapon: Reimagining Schools as Places of Healing. Kevin’s words were impactful and led to many powerful shifts among many educators who are looking at the TRC Calls to Action in a different light. There is much more work to be done but we are grateful for Kevin and his calls to action to reimagine schools as places of healing. 

I hope that you enjoy this edition of the Indigenous Education Gazette that has been compiled by Sherry Burton. Thank you to Sherry for all of the time and care put into the gazette. On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and we look forward to our continued work together. 

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education      

June 2021

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

Welcome to the end of the school year and what a year it has been! We are so excited to be wrapping up an unprecedented and dynamic school year and heading into a well-deserved summer. I would like to thank all the staff and students for a great year especially given all the challenges and commend your flexibility and perseverance.   

As we head in the next school year, we will be saying goodbye to several of our staff who are attending post-secondary, changing positions, or off to new adventures. I would like to thank you for your time and support of Indigenous students and families during your time in Saanich. We wish you well and we will miss you.  

To the graduating Class of 2021. On behalf of the Indigenous Education team in Saanich we offer our congratulations. Your Kindergarten to grade 12 journey is coming to a close at an unprecedented time in history given the pandemic and we commend you for your tenacity, flexibility, and your hard work. You should be proud of your accomplishments, and we look forward to hearing about the next part of your journey as you head off to post-secondary or the world of work. Congratulations and we wish you all the best.  

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education                                                                                                                                                    

January 2021

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

Happy New Year from Indigenous Education! As we wrapped up the first half of the school year we are excited to share some highlights from schools across the district. This edition of the gazette focuses on celebrations of learning from the fall. 

Once again teachers and support staff engaged in an Indigenous focused professional development day in September. The Key People, Administrators and Indigenous Education staff facilitated Continuing Our Learning Journey: Indigenous Education in B.C. School teams engaged in the modules that explored authentic Indigenous knowledge, perspective and continent in the B.C. Curriculum. We continue to offer a learning series for staff to explore a variety of professional development opportunities throughout the school year. 

Sheralyn MacRae the Indigenous Education coordinator has developed an Indigenous Cultural Competency training for all Saanich staff to engage in and she has been busy facilitating sessions with schools and employee groups throughout the district. 

Sara Benson has transitioned to a new position in the School District and we would like to thank her for all of her work and commitment to the Indigenous Education program and students. We wish Sara well in her new position! 

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and we look forward to our continued work together.

Sheilia Austin - District Principal (interim) - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education                                                                                                                                                    

June 2020

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

June has arrived and we are nearing the close of a very different school year. While this school year has been extraordinary we have once again come together as a district and community to support one another and move forward collectively towards our new normal. 

Throughout the Gazette you will see highlights from each of our schools with a focus on students in grade 5, 8 and 12 as they transition from elementary and middle or to post secondary or the world of work. 

Congratulations to our students for finishing another successful school year. Wishing all of our grade 5 students moving to Middle School and our grade 8 students moving to Secondary a smooth and successful transition!

To our graduates -- congratulations on your achievements. While we are not able to celebrate your accomplishments in person this year at the Indigenous Recognition Ceremony we hope that you will be able to watch and share the virtual Indigenous Recognition Ceremony with your family and celebrate the culmination of your K-12 journey. We wish you all the best in future and we hope you keep and touch and let us know what you are up to after graduation!

We would like to thank families and community members for their tremendous support and contributions to our school district and programs through your work as guest speakers in our classrooms. Your gift of knowledge and sharing is so important and we are very grateful for your time. 

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I wish you a relaxing summer and thank you for your ongoing support of Indigenous Education in Saanich Schools.

Sheilia Austin - District Principal (interim) - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education                                                                                                                                                    

We welcome schools, the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board and parents/guardians to submit articles or student acknowledgements to our office. 

We can be reached at 250-652-7321 or

January 2020

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

Happy New Year from Indigenous Education! The new school year has brought many new opportunities throughout the district and within Indigenous Education that we are excited to share with you. You will find highlights from all of our schools with a focus on celebrations of learning from the fall. 

We started the school year off with an amazing day of professional learning with an Indigenous Education focused Professional Development Day. Our friend and colleague Brad Baker, District Principal from North Vancouver and the Squamish Nation was our morning keynote and set the tone for the day by inspiring educators in Saanich to “go forward with courage.” Teachers and support staff participated in a variety of Indigenous Education workshops with educators from within our district and around the province. Monique Gray Smith wrapped up our day of learning as the afternoon keynote by weaving love and joy into the journey of truth and reconciliation. We were so fortunate to have such an incredible day of learning that focused on Indigenous Education to kick off the school year. 

I hope that you enjoy this edition of the Indigenous Education Gazette that has been compiled by Sara Benson. Thank you to Sara for all of the time and care put into the gazette. On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and we look forward to our continued work together. 

Melissa Austin - District Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education                                                                                                                                                    

We welcome schools, the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board and parents/guardians to submit articles or student acknowledgements to our office. 

We can be reached at 250-652-7321 or

June 2019

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.              The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial. 

June has arrived and our schools are busy with year end activities and celebrations of learning.

Throughout the Gazette you will see highlights from each of our schools with a focus on students in grade 5, 8 and 12 as they transition from schools or into the world beyond graduation.

Congratulations to our students for finishing another successful school year. Wishing all of our grade 5 students moving to Middle School and our grade 8 students moving to Secondary a smooth and successful transition!

To our graduates -- congratulations on your achievements. We wish you all the best in the next phase of your journey. We hope you keep and touch and let us know what you are up to after graduation!

We would like to thank families and community members for their tremendous support and contributions to our school district and programs through your work as resource people and guests in our classrooms. Your gift of knowledge and sharing is so important and we are so grateful.

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I wish you a relaxing summer and thank you for your ongoing support of Indigenous Education in Saanich Schools.

Melissa Austin - Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education                                                                                                                                                    

February 2019

Happy New Year! We have had a busy start to the school year and have lots of exciting highlights to share with everyone. 

This Winter edition of the Gazette will highlight events, stories and work from students in Kindergarten to grade 4, grades 6-7, and grades 9-11. We will highlight our senior students at each level in June as they transition to new schools and pathways after graduation. 

The School District is currently engaged in the Equity in Action Project with the Ministry of Education. We are participating in the Equity Scan with 15 other school districts from around the province.  “The Equity Scan defines a collective and collaborative decision-making process for school districts to enter into a genuine and meaningful self-assessment dialogue about the experience of education for Aboriginal learners and to respond in strategic ways to create conditions for success.” Equity in Action Film  Saanich is actively engaged in this process and is working towards building an Equity Action Plan. 

In November WE Schools hosted our third Sacred Circle Youth Leadership training in Saanich for our Indigenous leadership students from Claremont, ILC, Parkland and Stelly’s. Many of the participants also attended WE Day in Vancouver at the end of November and had a great time. We are grateful to WE for this valuable leadership and learning opportunity. 

I hope you enjoy this issue of the Indigenous Education Gazette and thank you to Sara Benson for putting it all together! On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I wish you a happy and healthy New Year and thank you for your ongoing support of Indigenous Education in Saanich Schools.

Melissa Austin - Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education                                                                                                                                                                                                     

June 2018

ÍY, SȻÁĆEL HÁLE. Good day everyone! June arrived quickly again this year and students and schools are all busy with year-end activities. Since our last newsletter in January many exciting things have been happening in Indigenous Education in the school district. We recently signed our third W̱SÁNEĆ, other First Nations, Métis and Inuit Enhancement Agreement, we celebrated our grade 12 graduates at the Indigenous Education Recognition ceremony and we celebrated Indigenous culture throughout the year and engaged in a variety of National Indigenous Peoples Day activities. 

The signing of a third W̱SÁNEĆ, other First Nations, Métis and Inuit Enhancement Agreement is an exciting milestone for our school district that signifies the Saanich School District’s ongoing commitment to Indigenous Education and the success and support of Indigenous learners. I would like to thank all of the community partners, parents, school district staff, the Indigenous Education team, and the Enhancement Agreement Renewal committee for all of their contributions and participation in the renewal process. I am excited about our new vision and goals and I look forward to meeting with the implementation teams from each school early in the fall to continue this important work together. 

Congratulations to our students for finishing another successful school year. Wishing all of our grade 5 students moving to Middle School and our grade 8 students moving to Secondary a smooth and successful transition! Congratulations to the class of 2018! We wish you all the best in the next phase of your journey.

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I wish you a relaxing summer and thank you for your ongoing support of Indigenous Education in Saanich Schools.

Melissa Austin - Vice Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education                                                                                                                                                                                                     

January 2018

Happy New Year! We have had a busy fall and start to winter in our district with lots of activities, celebrations, and learning taking place in schools. We are always excited to publish this Gazette, as it is a wonderful opportunity to share highlights from across the district. We are sharing stories and work from students in Kindergarten to grade 4, grades 6-7, and grades 9-11 in this edition and will highlight our senior students at each level in June as they transition to new schools and pathways after graduation.

Saanich is very fortunate to be working with WE Schools this year to provide our Secondary students with an opportunity to participate in the Sacred Circle Youth Leadership through the WE organization. Indigenous Youth from Claremont, the Individual Learning Centre, Parkland, Stelly’s and the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Secondary School will be taking part in this Indigenous Leadership training and opportunity that will be hosted at Tsawout this year. Watch the June newsletter for highlights from the Sacred Circle.

On behalf of the Indigenous Education team I wish you a happy and healthy New Year and thank you for your ongoing support of Indigenous Education in Saanich Schools.

Melissa Austin - Vice Principal - School District 63 (Saanich) Indigenous Education