Deep Cove Elementary

June 2024

Congrats Grade 5 Students!

Quinn will be attending North Saanich Middle School next year. Quinn is most looking forward to home ec, cooking class so he can follow in his dads footsteps of being a great cook. So far, his proudest moment at school has been winning in a game of benchball. His favourite memory from Deep Cove was being in Miss Van Dusen’s kindergarten class. Quinn’s favourite subject is poetry in Language Arts class. In the future, Quinn wants to be an artist or a chef or an author when he grows up. 

Jack will be attending North Saanich Middle School next year. Jack is most excited for school to start at 9:00am. Jack really enjoyed playing four corner soccer in P.E. and the heritage acre field trips. Jack is most proud of the poser assignment from his grade 5 year and doing the school's morning announcements. When Jack grows up he wants to be a pro lacrosse player.

Colleen is ready to start her middle school journey at North Saanich Middle School; however, will miss how nice everyone has been at Deep Cove. The nice people are Colleen's favourite memory from Deep Cove. Colleen’s favourite subject at school is reading. At middle school, she is most excited for the activities such as the sports teams. Colleen's proudest moment in school so far is the book/cereal project she has been working on in her grade 5 year. When Colleen grows up she wants to be a doctor or a teacher. 

Deep Cove - Painting Fun!

January 2024

Deep Cove Spirit Bear Adventures!

June 2023

Gr. 1 students at Deep Cove did a replica painting of the whale and learned about why it was chosen to symbolize personal and social responsibility - connectedness with self and others. 

June 2022

Congrats Grade 5 Students!

I am so proud of all three and am excited for them to continue the momentum they have achieved through hard work at Deep Cove. 



Coen’s best memory at Deep Cove Elementary is meeting his best friend! His favourite subject is math, and in his free time he likes to go camping and kiteboarding. Coen will be heading to Bayside and is looking forward to playing volleyball and badminton!


Eli’s favourite subject is P.E. His favourite memories at Deep Cove Elementary include swinging at recess and watching Shrek. Eli likes to play 21 with his brother and is really looking forward to basketball and woodwork at North Saanich Middle School. “Bi-son”

Jet J

Jet’s favourite subject is P.E. His favourite memories at Deep Cove Elementary include swinging at recess and watching Shrek. Jet  likes to play basketball in his free time and is really looking forward to track and field at North Saanich Middle School. Bye Deep Cove.


Logan’s favourite memory at school was hanging out with friends and learning science! He loves to go on the computer and play games. Logan will be attending North Saanich Middle School next year and is excited to try basketball and woodworking. He also really wants to learn karate!

January 2021

June 2020

Congrats Grade 5 Students!

Madison D

Madison is a friendly grade 5 student who is always willing to help her friends and around the classroom. I'm happy that I got to watch her confidence grow this year. She joined the beginner soccer club at Deep Cove this year and she really enjoyed it. I wish for her to keep trying new things when she gets to Bayside. She is a good friend and she likes to make people laugh.

Noelle H

Noelle brings a positive attitude, a huge smile, and a flair for creativity to our class. She can often be found sketching incredible creatures in great detail. Noelle loves to read and write, and her enthusiasm for learning is contagious. She proudly shares stories of her family and ancestry. She provides leadership in our classroom and around the school, and is a positive role model to the younger children in our learning community. She has enjoyed her time at Deep Cove and we will all miss her.

January 2020

Orange Shirt Day

Terry Fox Run

June 2019

Congratulations to our Grade 5 students who are moving on to Middle School!

Jack P

Jack will be entering Grade 6 in September after attending Deep Cove for 6 years. He is a warm and caring boy who has made friends in and out of the classroom across the grades. He has attended after school tutoring for 3 years to work on his literacy and numeracy skills. He proudly shares his culture with both peers and adults. In class he enjoys coding and PE and can always be seen smiling in the halls. His gentle way will be missed at Deep Cove. 

Dylan H

Dylan will be entering Grade 6 in September after attending Deep Cove for 6 years. He is a curious and hard working student who has made friends in and out of the classroom across the grades. He has attended after school tutoring for 3 years to work on his literacy and numeracy skills. He proudly shares his culture with both peers and adults. In class he enjoys all subjects and his gentle nature will be missed at Deep Cove.


XA LA TA  will be entering Grade 6 in September after attending Deep Cove for 6 years. He is a kind and funny boy who has made friends in and out of the classroom across the grades. He has attended after school tutoring for 3 years to work on his literacy and numeracy skills. He proudly shares his culture with both peers and adults. In class he enjoys reading and PE and can always be seen laughing with his friends around school. His friendly nature will be missed at Deep Cove. 

February 2019

Orange Shirt Day

The SENĆOŦEN Translation of the Deep Cove Beliefs that were developed with the input of students and staff. 

Students learning from Toby Joseph

June 2018

Deep Cove is nearing completion of the creation of their school Beliefs.  As part of this process, accompanying artwork was created by Coast Salish artist, Sarah Jim.  Sarah is a former Deep Cove student and Tseycum community member.  The Beliefs have been produced in French, English, and Ms. Jim is working with her sister who is a SENĆOŦEN Immersion teacher to produce a version in SENĆOŦEN.

Each class was given money from school funds to invite local elders into their classrooms twice this year.  Staff have advocated for this and the entire community has benefited from the learning opportunities of having elders come to share in our school community.

Deep Cove is working with Parkland to facilitate the visit of Indigenous students from the high school to share projects that they have created and are proud of with 2 of our elementary classes.  Cameron and Bailey will be coming to Deep Cove this month to share projects in cartooning and English Language Arts.

Joe Seward

Field Trip to SṈIDȻEȽ (Tod Inlet) to learn about local plants and W̱SÁNEĆ history  with Earl Claxton Jr.

January 2018

Muriel visits Deep Cove twice a week to provide extra support to Indigenous students in the class room. She also provides additional tutoring support, working with students on reading, school work or anything they need some extra help with.  Muriel really enjoys working with the students at Deep Cove and connecting with them in the community.

Orange Shirt Day

Recreating The Secret Path by Gord Downie & Jeff Lemire

Learning about the local environment on nature walks led to colourful WESELÁNEW moons in the style of John Elliot