Lochside Elementary

June 2024

Lochside - Grade 5  Farewell's

Keestin’s favourite memory from Lochside are the skating field trips he went on throughout elementary school. He also loves gym class especially when playing handball or badminton. Keestin will be attending Royal Oak Middle School next year. Keestin is most looking forward to the new classes such as the F.A.A.S classes. He is the most proud of how hard he worked in elementary school. When Keestin grows up he wants to be a marine biologist. 

Charlotte will be attending Royal Oak Middle School next year. During Charlotte’s time at Lochside her favourite memories are participating in the cross country races and playing benchball in gym class. Moreover, she feels proud of her leadership role as a lunch monitor in her intermediate years.Charlotte is looking forward to being able to walk to ROMS next year. When Charlotte grows up she wants to be a hockey player. 

Lochside - Welcome Pole

Watch the process of the Welcome Pole being carved on site at Lochside by Bear Horne, local carver. 

Students watched the carving each day and had lots of questions for Bear.


Carved by local carver Curtis Henry. The canoe is in the Strong Start area, for use by the students. 

Bayside Students Visit Lochside 

Bone Game Lessons!

Claremont Students Visit Lochside 

Lacrosse Lessons

January 2024

Lochside Fall/Winter 

Our School Spirit Bear ȾÁLE received new booties! Just in time for the snow. 

June 2023 

Spirit Bear Comes to Lochside!

Lochside - Tribal Vision - Turtle Island

Lochside - Indigenous Peoples Atlas 

Ways to use the Book - Be a Good Ancestor 

There are extra leaves there so that school community can add their leaves to the tree! It's really great! 

Lochside - Student Art Inspired by the Salish Weave Collection 

January 2023 

Lochside Classes Collaboration for Orange Shirt Day 

June  2022

Lochside says Farewell to the Grade 5's! 


Daxon is interesting, athletic, and a great kid to know. He enjoys playing video games like Minecraft and Roblox, and also likes playing crib with his grandparents (he’s won twice!). Daxon is pretty sporty and really good at running. He’ll miss seeing his brother around the halls, but is looking forward to meeting new friends at Royal Oak.


Sammi is a sweet, kind, and friendly young man. He has enjoyed his time at Lochside and is excited to go to Royal Oak next year. He will miss his teacher Mr. O’Connor.

Saanich Moon Bulletin Board  

January 2022

Saanich Moon Bulletin Board 

Bulletin boards help to highlight W̱SÁNEĆ culture in our schools. Featuring information about the current W̱SÁNEĆ moon, including traditional cultural activities, what plants and animals are harvested, and what the weather is like in that moon cycle. The board also has a land acknowledgement and lists W̱SÁNEĆ values.

Thank you Keira, for creating this!  

CBC Canadian Music Class Challenge 

Lochside entered the CBC Canadian Music Class Challenge. Multiple classes sang Ode’min Giizis (Strawberry Moon) this song is in Anishinaabemowin. Lisa connected the song and teachings to the corresponding W̱SÁNEĆ Moon. HÍSW̱ḴE Lisa Alexander for sharing.


Kindergarten Math

HÍSW̱ḴE Mark Niedjalskifor sharing the math work you are doing in your K Class.  

June 2021

Lochside Grade 5 Farewells 

Madae T

Favorite subject?gym

Favourite memory? meeting friends

What do you like to do? play sports

What are you excited about in middle school? I am excited that we don’t have to change our shoes to indoor shoes.

Thank you Lochside” ~ Madae

Nina D

Favorite subject? art

Favorite memory? can’t think of any

What do you like to do? rides horses and to do art

What are you excited about in middle school? To be in the same school as my big brother

“Thank you Lochside for helping me learn” ~Nina

January 2021

June 2020

Congratulations Grade 5 Grad Sheena!


January 2020

Orange Shirt Day

13 Moons

June 2019 - Congratulations Grade 5 Students!



February 2019

June 2018

Hoop Dancer Teddy Anderson 

V’ni Dansi, a traditional Métis jigging dance company, came to Lochside to share their dances, stories and culture. 

Saanich Moons bulletin board

Lochside’s Indigenous EA Chesa Abma came into Mrs. Kovac’s gr. 3 class to create art inspired by Indigenous plants. The class made their own artistic interpretation of a Garry Oak Meadow by painting great camas, western buttercups, and chocolate lilies.   

January 2018

Orange Shirt Day

Lochside honoured Orange Shirt day by wearing orange and expressing why every child matters through their art. 


Mrs. Takhar’s kindergarten class created a video showing what they did on the day. 

W̱SÁNEĆ Moons Presentation  

Four grade 1/2  classes at Lochside had the pleasure of attending an interesting presentation by Lorelei McEvay explaining the W̱SÁNEĆ moons and the changes that correspond with that time of the year.

Rose Hip Jam 

Two kindergarten classes invited Indigenous EA Chesa Abma to do a demonstration on how to make rose hip jam.

W̱SÁNEĆ Presentation 

Nearly every class at the school participated in a lesson with Chesa Abma that provided an overview of the local territory and people. The lesson included The Flood Story and a video of students at the tribal school singing a song about the W̱SÁNEĆ Moons in SENĆOŦEN. 

Lochside - Indigenous Peoples Atlas