Bayside Middle School

June  2024

Bayside Grade 8 - Farewells


My favourite subject in school this year was TRAILS. We go on a field trip every Wednesday. We went to the Stelly’s climbing gym.

My favourite memory at Bayside was rock climbing at Stellys. I want to join rock climbing when I am in high school.

What I will miss most about Bayside is the Shark Cup. 

My advice for the new grade 6’s coming to Bayside is join the canoe club.


My favourite subject in school was p.e. My favourite memory at Bayside was Fun Day last Year. I bought a bunch of freezies and we went down the waterslide. My brother and I and our friends recreated something John did in grade 6 by the tech ed door. My advice for the new grade 6’s is just do your work and don’t get into trouble. I learned that the hard way. What I am looking forward to most about Stelly’s next year is the art class.


My favourite subject in school is math. The reason why is because it is really easy for me. My favourite memory of my time at Bayside is when I met Mr. Sampson and Landon. What I’ll miss most about Bayside is the memories I made here with quite a lot of people. My advice to the grade 6’s next year would be to not have your phones out too much. Try to be good friends with Mr, Sampson. Try to be on his good side all the time. I am looking forward to everything about Stelly’s.


My subject in school is PE because I am a very active person and I love running and basketball.

My favourite memory is when I was in grade 6 and Mr. Sampson broke the projector with his own face.

What I'll miss most about Bayside is my favourite teacher Mr. Sampson.

My Advice for grade 6’s is stay focused on work and not on people as much.


My favourite subject is science because I like biology. I like learning about creatures and animals, and how the body functions. My favourite memory at Bayside is when I went to the Victoria Native Friendship Center Pride Convention. There were a lot of really cool and fun people I met, and became friends with. There were also really good quality workshops and shirts. What I will miss most about Bayside is the snazzy land in which the school is on. Especially the swamp that has a big population of deer. My advice for the new grade 6’s is to cause positive mayhem, and talk to as many people as you can, even if they are in a higher grade than you. What I am looking forward to most about attending Stelly’s next year is the climbing program and the ability to pick your courses. I am excited for more advanced subjects.


My favourite subject in school is drama because I like acting. My favorite memory at Bayside was being in the art club last year. I got to draw with my friends. What I’ll miss most about Bayside is having no homework. My advice for the new grade 6’s coming in is make friends. FInd people who appreciate you for you. What I am excited for next year at Stelly’s is that it only takes five minutes to walk there. I am looking forward to taking Spanish. There will be a real teacher instead of my apps.


My favourite subject is social studies because I get to learn about history. YOu can learn about something new that you have not known before. My favourite memories at Bayside were going to the Native Friendship Center and meeting Lucas. Another memory I enjoyed was singing at the school talent show. What I will miss most about Bayside is a lot of the teachers. A lot of the teachers have either inspired or changed my life. My advice to any students who are Indigenous, but not full, you should understand that you can be fully engaged in being an Indigenous person. Next year, I am looking forward to learning SENCOTEN and teaching others how to make a ribbon skirt.


My favourite subject at Bayside was Tech Ed. because it was fun to make a board, pen and paddle. My favourite memory at Bayside was getting to go to Camp Imadene. Something funny that happened when Jessica and I were paddle boarding was we kept going in circles. I managed to paddle back to the dock, but Jess had to get boated back. What I’ll miss about Bayside is being in class with my friends. My advice for the new grade 6’s is don’t let your friends influence you to under age stuff, and don’t skip class. Next year at Stelly’s, I am most excited for more freedom.


My favourite subject in school is science and p.e. What I like about science is when we get to do labs. I like to learn physically. What I’ll remember about Bayside is going to Camp Imadene. I got to paddleboard with Ada, Mateo, Jack, Lance and Adam. What I’ll miss about Bayside is getting lots of help. My advice to the new grade 6’s is to listen very well. You never know what will be on the test. Next year, I’ll be going to Stelly’s. I’m looking forward to new classes and the lunch program.

My favorite subject in school is P.E. because I can fool around with 

Annie, and it's the easiest subject in school. My favourite memory at Bayside is when I first met Annie. We met in the classroom and we started talking. We became close friends as the year went on. My advice for the grade 6’s next year is to have fun, but don’t get in trouble. Stay in class and don’t walk away from teachers when they are talking to you. I am excited to attend Stelly’s next year because I get to see my cousin Tyler.


My favourite subject is P.E. because I like being active and energized. I enjoy playing handball. My all time favorite memory at Bayside is when we play full school manhunt. What I’ll miss most about Bayside is being with my friends in class. My advice for the new grade 6’s is to mature and start listening to your teachers. What I am looking forward to next year at Stelly’s is seeing my friends and learning new subjects.


My favourite subject in school is P.E. because it’s fun when I play handball with my friends.

My favourite memory at Bayside Fun day last year. I went down the waterslide and had cotton candy.

My advice for the grade 6’s coming in is just do your work.

What I am looking forward to most about Stelly’s is the engineering class.


My favourite subject in school is FAAS because you don’t really have to do anything academic. Home ec was my favourite subject because cooking is really fun. My favourite memories at Bayside were meeting new friends. What I’ll miss most about Bayside is being in the same class with my friends. My advice to the new grade 6’s is to do your assignments on time. Next year at Stelly’s, I am excited for less rules and more freedom.


My favourite subject in school is tech.Ed. or home ec. because I like cooking and I want to learn to make more food. My all time favourite memory in middle school was getting to know everyone and having good friends. What I’ll miss most about Bayside is the land and where the school is. My advice to the new grade 6’s is to stay true to yourself and don’t listen to what people say about you. If your friends hurt you, it’s better to make new friends. 


My favourite subject in school is tech ed and gym. What I enjoyed about tech ed is building a longboard, pen, and airplane all by myself. My favourite memory at Bayside is spending time with friends. What I will miss about Bayside is the teachers and my friends. My advice for the grade 6’s coming in next year is to don’t be scared to ask for help. What I am looking forward to the most about going to Stelly’s next year is all the new things to try.


My favourite subject in school is p.e because I enjoy playing four corner soccer and badminton. My favourite memory at Bayside is playing manhunt at recess with Mr. Sampson and all my friends. What I will miss most about Bayside is seeing Ms. Timmins, Ms. Beaulac, Ambrose, and Mr. Sampson. My advice for the new grade 6’s is don’t get on Ms. Dennet’s grumpy side. What I am looking forward to next year at high school is the opportunity to meet new friends and learn new subjects.


My favourite subject in school is P.E. because Mr. Davidson is a fun teacher. My favourite memory of Bayside is when Katrina and I helped organize an Easter egg hunt for our class.

What I will miss most about Bayside is my friends who are still in grade 7.

My advice for the grade 6’s coming in is to try and do all of your work because it will only get harder.


My favourite subject in P.E. because I could play volleyball. A memory I will never forget is playing volleyball with Mr. Sampson and learning that I am a natural athlete. What I will miss most about Bayside is getting to know everyone here. My advice is to try and find something you enjoy because that will ignite the flame with the right material for success. What I am most excited about for high school is getting to know new people and expanding my circle of friends.


My favourite subject this year was P.E because we had Mr. Davidson. In his class, we play lots of fun games.

My favourite memory at Bayside was travelling to other schools for bone game.

What I will miss most about Bayside is being in class with my friends. I will also miss the teachers.My advice to the grade 6’s is to pay more attention in class because you get a lot more work in middle school compared to elementary.


My favourite subject in school are the FAAS classes. I enjoy playing drama games and building things in tech ed. My favourite memory is hanging out with my friends. What I’ll miss most about Bayside is how nice the teachers are. My advice for the grade 6’s next year is to not get into trouble. Don’t fight as much as you feel. Try to calm down with people who help you. 


My favourite subject in school is P.E. because it’s fun to mess around with Emery. My favourite memory of Bayside was Fun Day last year. I hung out with my cousins Nick and Urijah.

My advice for the new grade 6’s is do your work because you’ll get better grades.

I am excited to see Urijah, Nick and Porkchop again at Stelly’s next year.


My favourite subject in school is Art because it’s fun to draw. My favourite memory at Bayside is making new friends. What I will miss most about Bayside is hanging out with friends. My advice to the new grade 6’s coming in is to do your homework and don’t do stupid stuff like skipping class. What I am excited about for attending ILC next year is the Stack Program.


My favourite subject in school was social studies because I got to learn about the ancient empires. A memory I will always remember from my time at bayside is playing in the school Shark Cup, and winning. What I know I will miss is spending class time with my friends because I might not have that going into highschool. My advice to the new grade 6s is not to procrastinate on doing your homework, and don’t hand things in late. What I am looking forward to the most about Stelly’s next year is how much free time students get to go off campus.


My favourite subject in school is P.E. because it is fun to mess around with my friends. My favourite game to play was manhunt. My favourite memory at Bayside was playing manhunt in grade 6 with Kai, Ben, John, Alex, Linden, Marshall, and Mr. Sampson. What I’ll miss most about middle school is the community of friends and teachers. My advice to the grade 5’s coming in is to listen to your teachers as much as you can, so you can learn as much as possible. What I am looking forward to next year at Stelly’s is the rugby program.


Olivia has produced an amazing short story this year in English. She generates unique ideas that stem from real experience. Olivia is a student who connected well with her friends, and they have always been excited to see her. As a friend, Olivia is really good at making her friends laugh and making them feel included. Olivia is a prominent leader when it comes to engaging in her culture, in and out of school. Olivia’s teachers wish for her to shine her positive light with confidence in high school. Her light is bright and she has a lot to give. 


My favourite subject to learn in school is P.E. because I like playing sports and running activities. A memory I have at Bayside that I’ll always remember is playing manhunt and going to WildPlay with Donovan and Colton. My advice for the grade 6’s next year is to try and make friends and do not be afraid to speak. Work hard. What I am looking forward to the most next year at Stelly’s is P.E.


My favourite subject in school is math. I enjoy how immersive and challenging it has been for me at Bayside. My favorite memory was when I returned to school after summer break. I finally got to catch up with my friends Kal, Jack, and Johnny. Kal used to go to KELSET, so it was nice to be back together. What I’ll miss most about Bayside is having so many friends here. I know some will go to different schools, so I will miss the community. My advice for the new grade 6s is to not try and fit in with a certain group of people because they want you to. Try and fit in where people like you for who you are. What I am most excited for next year when I attend Claremont is the lacrosse program and seeing familiar faces from lacrosse that I have not gone to school with yet.


Next year, Serenity Sampson is excited to begin her high school career at Stellys Secondary School. What Serenity is most excited for is reconnecting with her sister Neveah and her cousins. We wish her all the best in her new chapter. 


My favourite subject is English because I really like interesting novel studies. One of my favourite memories at Bayside was last year my class took a city bus downtown and we had one hour to explore in a group of friends. I remember we were passing a building and it had a sign that said Foleppi, and that word became an inside joke in my friend group. What I will miss most about Bayside is the people and the activities we got to do. I really liked the field trips and Shark Attack. My advice to the new grade 6’s is to not focus too much on the social aspect and focus more on school work, even p.e. What I am looking forward to most about high school is the amount of freedom, making new friends, and the elective courses.


My favourite subject at Bayside was everything except for history because I enjoy learning most things. Learning is pretty cool. My favourite memory at Bayside is going into the forest before school starts because it’s quieter and sometimes you run into a deer that is just staring at you. What I will miss most about Bayside is no longer having access to the forest and trees. My advice for the new grad 6’s next year is to join band and make friends with the teachers because they play favourites. What I am looking forward to most about next year is the advanced subjects and the numerous options of courses to choose from

January 2024

Bayside Orange Shirt Day 

Remembrance Day Assembly 

Bayside enjoyed the songs  Benjamin G from TSAWOUT  & Scott S from TSARTLIP during the Remembrance Day Assembly

Grade 8 Goldstream Field Trip 

The Grade 8's at Goldstream Park, saw lots of fish but were not successful in catching any.

 Later, Billy caught some fish and donated a dozen to the school. He demonstrated how to cut the fish and marinate them to be smoked.

Bayside Stickgames 

All the classes took turns coming into the Library to learn about Stick Games.

As seen you can see some of the SENĆOŦEN students outside the SENĆOŦEN class picking berries off the Arbutus Tree. 

Bayside Art Starts Assembly 

Rapper D.O. performed at the assembly. His theme was centered around Black Canadian History, 

June  2023

Bayside Grade 8 - Farewells


Alex is getting ready to take on his new education chapter as a Stelly’s Secondary student in the upcoming year. Physical education has been Alex’s favourite subject, and he particularly enjoys playing soccer. Working hard has been something Alex finds himself proud of when he looks back on his grade 8 year. Way to go Alex! For highschool, Alex is excited to participate in the computer science, swimming, and woodshop programs. His advice for future grade 6s is to “go to sleep early” the day before school.


Next year, Austin will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. During his time at Bayside, Austin loved going to Art where he was proud of finishing sculptures of both an elephant and a t-rex. Austin loved joking with teachers any chance he got. In the future, Austin plans on finding a nice place to work. His advice to future Grade 6’s is “don’t be a royal pain!”.


Next year, Avrey will be at Stelly’s Secondary. Her favourite subject at Bayside was PE, and she loved going to the Stelly’s rock climbing walls with her TRAILS group, where she climbed with her friends, Piper and Ainsley! Avrey is the most proud of coming to school early, and plans to get into a good college after high school. Her advice for future Grade 6’s is to be on time, and to never be scared to ask questions.


Ayvah is looking forward to attending Stelly’s next year. At Bayside, her favourite subject was PE. She enjoyed a variety of units with her friends: volleyball, hockey, running, and ultimate frisbee. She wants to shoutout Mr. Stoehr as an amazing teacher. Ayvah’s proudest moment in grade 8 was when her volleyball team placed first in a huge tournament. Go Sharks! At high school, Ayvah is excited to continue her volleyball career and take part in the hockey program. Advice from Ayvah to future students is “If you’re thinking about it, just do it.”


Brienne will be attending Stelly’s next year. Her favourite subject in school is english because she enjoys writing stories, reading books, and conducting book reports. Brienne enjoyed her Outsiders unit the most. Her proudest moment this year was feeling wonderful about her growth in math and making the school rec volleyball team. For next year, Brienne is excited to engage with the art programs. Brienne’s advice for future Sharks is “don’t hesitate to take risks.”


Next year, Danaya will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. Danaya loved a range of subjects at Bayside, including Humanities, Home Ec, PE, and Science. She was always proud of herself when she finished her assignments before their due date, and loved spending her free time with her friends. In the future, Danaya wants to be a marine biologist. Her advice to future Grade 6’s is to make sure you always focus on your work, and to not play around in Grade 8.


Devan will be attending Stelly’s next year.

His favourite subject was science. He enjoyed lots of projects, the jello lab in particular. A favourite memory of his was when he and his class went bowling together.

He is proud to have enjoyed going to school in the beautiful Brentwood area. He has enjoyed his time with the nearby Seawall.

Devan is excited for the climbing academy, and to see his uncle Dave Glasgow at school. His advice for grade 6s is don't talk back to the teachers, and don’t do anything stupid.


Next year, Diamond will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. They have loved making important, lasting relationships with teachers at Bayside this year. Diamond’s favorite subject has been English, and they really enjoyed going to Play Land with their fellow Grade 8’s! In the future, Diamond wants to become a counsellor. Diamond’s advice to future Grade 6’s is to not lose the class soccer ball – if you don’t see it for 4 months, odds are it’s on the roof!


Dom will be attending Claremont next year.

Dom’s favorite subject is science He believes it’s the most hands-on and interesting class His favorite lab is when they dissected a flower.

A favorite memory this year was when he went skating. Dom’s proudest moment was when he was accepted into the Claremont lacrosse program.

For high school, Dom says he is most excited about the lacrosse program and going on the year end trip with his team.

“My advice for future bayside students is find the right crowd because you don't want to get into trouble, and friends help you focus on what's important.”


Next year, Franky will be at Stelly’s Secondary. His favourite subject at Bayside is PE, and he has loved hanging out with Johnny. He is proud of how well he did on a Tech Ed project! In the future, Frankie is excited to play games every day. His advice to future Grade 6’s is to remember to try hard!


Next year, Helen will be attending Stelly's Secondary. During her time at Bayside, she loved having fun with friends, and her favourite subject was Math. She is super proud of the times she talked in front of the class! In the future, Helen wants to become a teacher. Her advice to future Grade 6’s is to always listen to teachers, don’t skip class, and remember to do your work!


After summer, Holly is excited to start her new chapter at Stelly’s Secondary School.

Her favourite subject is English because she enjoys being able to express herself in her writing.

Her favourite memory was the school’s bartering fair, getting to see peoples items, and making some cool trades.

Holly is proud of her achievements in math this year, as she achieved a fantastic grade of proficiency.

Her plans for high school are to try out all the extra curricular activities so she can discover new exciting interests.

Holly’s advice for future Baysiders is to be yourself and try everything, because you never know what you might enjoy.


Next year, Jackson will be at Stelly’s Secondary. During his time at Bayside, Jackson loved PE, and is so proud of how many tries he scored during the rugby season! He also loved opportunities to play football on the field. In the future, Jackson is looking forward to joining the Stelly’s rugby team, and wants to do a hockey academy as well. His advice to future Grade 6’s is to try your best in PE!


Joaquin is excited to start his next chapter of his education journey at Stelly’s Secondary School in the upcoming fall. At bayside, his favourite subject, because of all the fun games, was drama. Joaquin states that what made a positive difference in his middle school experience was making new friends. Joaquin’s highlight of Bayside was the grade 8 final trip to enjoy Playland in Vancouver. Joaquin’s advice to future bayside students is to always pay attention in class.


Next year, Johnny will be attending Parkland Secondary. At Bayside, Johnny loved being in TRAILS for his last FAAS rotation, and had a lot of fun at Camp Pringle in Grade 7! His proudest moment in school is how good he’s gotten at Math. In the future, Johnny wants to play in the National Lacrosse League. His advice to future Grade 6’s is to do good in school and try hard! 


Next year, Jolene will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. At Bayside, Jolene loved Social Studies, and really enjoyed going to Stelly’s to see their students put on their Spring musical. Jolene is proud of herself for graduating middle school. In the future, she wants to become a mechanic! Her advice to future Grade 6’s is to remember to have fun and work hard.


Next year, Jorja will be at Stelly’s Secondary. At Bayside, her favorite subjects were all of her FAAS classes. She loved hanging out with her friends in her spare time, and was so proud of when she spoke in front of the entire school and when she made the volleyball team! In the future, Jorja plans on continuing to work on her volleyball and soccer skills. Jorja’s advice for future Grade 6’s is to not worry about high school – wait until Grade 8 to worry!


Next year, Joseph will be at Stelly’s Secondary. He has had a great time in PE at Bayside, and has loved doing Math with Jace! Joseph is the most proud of getting the opportunity to speak with the [the person in charge of the school district]. In the future, Joseph wants to become a physiotherapist. Joseph’s advice to future Grade 6’s is to not care what others think of you!


Karis is on her way to high school at Stelly’s next year. A personal favourite subject to engage with is drama,

because she can be silly, and also express herself in a fun way.

A highlight moment was when she went to the Board Game Cafe with her friends.

Karis’ proudest moment this year was when she went to Vernon to compete in the marksmanship provincials. Way to go!

For next year, Karis is most excited for the SENCOTEN program and climbing academy.

Karis’ advice for future grade 6s is to focus on your classes and always be yourself.


Lillian is going to be attending Stelly’s next year. Her favourite subject is math and science.

Lillian’s highlight during her grade 8 experience was getting to watch the students take on the Shark Attack at Panorama Arena. Go sharks!

Her proudest Bayside moment was finding her stride in math this year, and working hard to achieve her best test score ever. Lillian is super excited to take part in stagecraft next year.

Her advice for 6s is to make as many friends as possible so that you can enjoy your time here.


Madison is excited to start her new journey at  Stelly’s next year. Madison is proud to have learned a lot in her years at Bayside, and is particularly excited about her growth in math. Her proudest moment is when she scored an 8/8 on her French exam. Way to go! The most exciting opportunity in high school that Madison is looking forward to is drama. She is ready to take on some fun and serious acting roles! Madison’s favorite Memory was attending Playland with her friends. Advice for future Bayside students: “Try your best in class and study hard so things don’t get harder as you get older.”


Next year, Mateeya will be at Stelly’s Secondary. During her time at Bayside, her favourite subjects were Math and Social Studies. One of her fondest memories was getting a Proficient on her Math test! Mateeya’s proudest moment at Bayside was when her little brother decided to come to Bayside as well. In the future, Mateeya plans on becoming a pastry chef and professional volleyball and soccer player. Mateeya’s advice to future Grade 6’s is to not care what others think of you and to always be yourself!


Mia is coming off a fantastic grade eight year, and is heading off to Stelly’s after her summer break. Her favorite subject is math, because solving complicated problems is as satisfying as solving a puzzle. Mia’s highlight this year was playing volleyball. She appreciated the opportunity to devote herself to a new skill, meeting new people with similar interests, and having fun. Her proudest feeling was meeting new people she felt a genuine connection to. Next year at Stelly’s, what has Mia excited is the visual arts program and the climbing academy. Mia’s advice for future Bayside students is to make friends that you can carry with you into high school, and don’t stress too much about schoolwork because your mental health is important. Put yourself first.


Next year, Nick will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. During his time at Bayside, he loved going to PE and playing field lacrosse

whenever he could. His proudest moment was watching his friend dominate in field lacrosse. In the future, Nick wants to play for the National Lacrosse League. His advice to future Grade 6’s is to not to vape!


Next year, Olivia will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. She has loved playing softball in PE at Bayside, and her favourite memory was attending PlayLand with her friends. She is super proud of graduating middle school, and wants to get her hair dressing and tattooing licences in the future in order to start her own business. Her advice to future Grade 6’s is to be yourself – don’t change yourself to “fit in”, and to focus on school instead of popularity.


Piper plans to attend Stellys Secondary next year. Science and Math are Pipers favourite subjects because they are her most proficient.

Piper has achieved a lot of success this year, and her proudest achievement is her grade she received on her time-line project on why Christopher Columbus was a “really bad guy”.

As for advice for the future grade 5’s entering Bayside next year Piper suggests that students strive to be themselves.


Next year, Tala will be at Stelly’s Secondary. Her favourite subject at Bayside was Math, and she always loved having fun with friends! Tala’s proudest moment was powwow dancing in front of the entire school. In the future, Tala wants to open a bakery. Her advice to future Grade 6’s is to never skip class, and to not be hanging out in the bathrooms and the halls!


Tanna is ready to take on high school at Stellys in the upcoming fall. Tanna’s favourite subject in school is Math because it is easy and fun for her. A proud moment for Tanna as a student was when she scored an incredible mark on her French exam. What has Tanna most excited about next year is the volleyball program.. Tanna’s advice for future grade 6’s is: “listen during your lessons so you can do your best, but don’t forget to balance in some fun.”


Next year, Theresa will be at Stelly’s Secondary. Her proudest moments at Bayside were when she spoke in front of her entire class, and when she made the volleyball team she wanted. Her favourite subject was Math, and her best memory was going to PlayLand with her fellow Grade 8’s.

Theresa plans to move to Hawaii in the future. Her advice for future Grade 6’s is to make lots of friends!


Next year, Urijah will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. He has loved PE at Bayside, and his proudest moment was dominating in field lacrosse. Urijah loved when he scored his first hockey goal, and wants to play professional hockey when he’s older. His advice to future Grade 6’s is to avoid the bathroom for as long as you can.


Next year, Ashleigh will be attending Parklands Secondary. At Bayside, Ashleigh loved hanging out with Jolene, and one of her proudest moments was when she first met Maddi. Ashleigh loves Math, and thinks it’s fun when she knows how to do it. In the future, Ashleigh is excited to make more friends, get a nice job, and build her own house when she’s older. Her advice to future Grade 6’s is to remember that middle school is not easy, but it is fun – you have to try really hard and get good grades!


Next year, Kaylee will be at Parkland Secondary. Her favourite subject at Bayside has been

Math, and her favourite memory was spending time with old friends. Her proudest moment at

Bayside was how hard she has worked on her school work! Her plans for the future are to

graduate high school. Kaylee’s advice to future Grade 6’s is to get your work done!


Next year, Teaya will be attending Stelly’s Secondary. During her time at Bayside, Teaya’s favourite subject was Math and she loved going to PlayLand with her peers. She is super proud of how much great work she has gotten done! In the future, Teaya wants to travel the world. Her advice to future Grade 6’s is to make new friends!

January 2023

June 2022

Bayside Grade 8 - Farewells


My name is Cam  and I'll be attending Claremont High School next year. I am looking forward to playing lacrosse and meeting new people and having fun playing lacrosse and making new friends at Claremont. One of my favourite memories at Bayside Middle School is going on field trips and learning about my culture. My advice to the grade 5 students is to have fun and work hard for what you want.


My name is Caressa and I will be attending Stelly's High School next year. I am looking forward to joining the climbing academy. I am excited to go on the trips and learn how to climb with the program. I am also looking forward to the freedom of an open campus. My favourite memory from Bayside is going to Grouse Mountain with the TRAILS program. I learned many new things, and got to go snowshoeing. I would tell the future grade sixes to have fun, meet new people, and good luck.


My name is Damien and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to going there to meet new teachers and make different relationships with others. One of my favourite memories of Bayside Middle School is going to Grouse Mountain with Trails. To the future students of Bayside, always remember to be kind and try your best in everything you do.


My name is Gabe  and I'll be attending Stelly’s Secondary School. I'm looking forward to joining Performance basketball, meeting a new community, and joining climbing academy for grade 10. One of my favourite memories from Bayside is taking opportunities in activities with all the grade 8 programs, one specifically is being able to go on a trip with TRAILS to Grouse Mountain. I think it's great and fun meeting new people, especially entering a new school. To the future grade 6’s, I hope you have a great time in middle school. I myself just moved here, and this is my first year being in middle school. I hope you can trust my word that you could probably also have fun here :)


Hello my name is Havan and I am 13 years old. I have been at Bayside for two years. I enjoy riding my bike, going to the LC to get books and playing the piano In the East Pod. I am looking forward to attending Stelly’s in the fall.


My name is Howard and I will be attending Stelly’s High school next year. I am looking forward to going to Stelly's and being with some of my cousins. My favourite memory at Bayside would be being able to go to some really nice places such as Grouse Mountain, ILC, Langford Lanes bowling, and Rock climbing at Stelly’s. To the future students, Landon is awesome.


My name is Joseph. I will be attending Stelly's high school next year. I am looking forward to seeing my older cousins and being in a bigger school. My favourite memory is going to the Harbour Cats baseball game. To future grade 6 students, have fun. 


My name is Jovan and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I will be looking forward to going there to meet new teachers and friends and making different relationships with others. One of my favourite memories of Bayside Middle School was making tons of new friends and relationships. To the future students of Bayside always remember to be kind and try your hardest with everything you do.


My name is Kaeda and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to taking part in the climbing academy, along with meeting new people who have the same interests as myself. One of my favourite memories from Bayside is getting to be a part of Mme. Levesque’s class, it’s such a fun and interesting environment. To the future students of Bayside let yourself be heard, don’t stand for something you don’t agree with, things don’t just disappear if you ignore them.


My name is Kalika and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to seeing my friends and cousins. One of my favourite memories of Bayside Middle School was a shark attack in grade 6 and going to Grouse Mountain with the TRAILS program. To the future students of Bayside, have fun and take your time in middle school and don’t rush it.


My name is Kiera, and l will be attending Stelly’s Secondary School next year. I am looking forward to trying new classes, as well as meeting new people. One of my favourite memories of Bayside is doing all the different science experiments. To the future students of Bayside, remember to try new things and just be yourself.


My name is Maddy and I will be attending Stelly's High School next year. I am excited for Japanese classes, meeting new people, and exploring new possibilities. One of my favourite memories of Bayside middle school is meeting some of my best friends, favourite teachers, being in Mr. Kovacs class and the wellness group. My message to the future grade six’s is have fun, be yourself, and don't be scared. Have fun!


Hello:) My name is Madison and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am super stoked for the art class and the rock climbing wall, and all the other amazing opportunities that will be provided for me at that school! Some of my favourite memories from Bayside are meeting new friends and always having fun at lunch or recess. You also make very special connections with teachers that care a lot about you and will help you in a second if you need it. Please always remember to be kind to others, as everyone struggles with something. Sixth grade is gonna be full of laughter and core memories! Have an amazing day XOXO


My name is Sheldon and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to meeting new teachers and learning new things. Some of my favourite memories from Bayside Middle School were going to Camp Pringle in grade seven, and Grouse Mountain in grade eight with the TRAILS program. To the future students of Bayside, play cards with Landon.


My name is Travis and I will be attending Claremont High school next year. I am looking forward to playing in the lacrosse program. I can't wait to be travelling with the lacrosse team, meeting new people, and teachers. My favourite memory of Bayside was Grouse Mountain with TRAILS. To the future grade 6’s, join the basketball team and canoe club.


My name is Tyler, and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to being able to go to school with my sister, and my cousins. I am also looking forward to meeting new people and teachers. My favourite memory is going on the tour to look at Stelly’s, I can't wait to be in high school. To the future grade 6 students entering Bayside, welcome to the best middle school.


My name is Will. I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to being with my older cousins, walking around the school whenever I want, and I want to play on the Stelly’s rugby team with my cousins. My favourite memory is playing on the school rugby team. To the future grade 6 students, make sure you enjoy middle school while you can before high school.

Missing Photos 


My name is Misia and I will be attending Stelly's High School next year. I am looking forward to meeting new people. One of my favourite memories from Bayside is spending time with my friends. To the future students reading this don't be afraid to try new things and express yourself, remember to be brave and respect yourself.


My name is Wesley, and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to meeting new people. One of my favourite memories is helping others, and teachers. To the future students reading this, respect yourself and others, remember to help others, not only for you, but for anyone. Don’t be scared or worried when you are being called out, for the good of yourself and others around you.

June 21 National Indigenous Peoples Day at Bayside

Canoe Club 

Bayside Middle School has been making positive waves with the new and exciting Canoe Club this spring! After school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, alternating on TSARTLIP and TSAWOUT waters, you will find a culturally diverse group of Bayside students engaging in the traditional practices of canoe pulling. Led by local indigenous community members Len Morris and Iggy Pelky, along with a supportive presence from the Bayside staff, 50 club members are learning about the traditional history and practices of the sacred connection to the Coast Salish water. You can catch these pullers coasting the local waters in style donning their beautifully designed logo created by Chaz Elliott.

Moosehide Campaign May 12, 2022 

January 2022

Bayside Indigenous Gazette (Jan. 2022)

IYES XEUES SȻÁĆEL.ŦELAXIYE ŦE NE SNÁ. ĆSE LÁ,E SEN EṮ W̱JOȽEȽP. IYES SEN TŦE TOTELNEW̱ TŦE SṮELITKEȽ EṮ Bayside I Brentwood SCULÁUTW̱. Happy New Year. My name is Gail Sam. I am from Tsartlip. I am happy to be teaching children at Bayside and Brentwood School.

June 2021

Bayside Grade 8 - Farewells


My name is Aiden and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to the metal and wood shop classes that are offered there, as well as going to the same school as my older brother. One of my favorite memories from Bayside Middle School was going spearfishing up at Goldstream with my entire SENĆOŦEN class. To the future students of Bayside you will really enjoy the shop classes here and the teachers are all amazing.


My name is Amelia and I will be attending Reynolds High School next year. I am really looking forward to seeing all my old friends because that is where I grew up. My favorite memory of Bayside Middle School was becoming friends with so many different people. To the future students of Bayside, try all the clubs that you can. 


My name is Antwon and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to the art program there and getting to explore different art mediums as well as enhance my skills in painting. My favorite memory from Bayside Middle school was the grade 6 science world field trip because I have never been there before. To the future students of Bayside, be kind, work hard, and most importantly be yourself. 


My name is Asher and I will be attending ILC next year. I am looking forward to that school because I will not have to socialize with other people, I can just put my head down and get work done. My favourite memory from Bayside Middle School was being able to hangout with all my friends in grade 6. To the future students of Bayside don’t miss school and try to keep your grades up. 


My name is Blake and I am going to Parklands High School next year. I am looking  forward to being in the high school atmosphere. My favorite memory from Bayside Middle school is when I got to go to Science World in grade 6. To the future students of Bayside always remember to be yourself. 


My name is Chase and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am really looking forward to meeting new friends and getting used to the new school environment. I am also really excited to be going to school with my older brother as he will be in grade 12 when I am a freshman. One of my favorite memories from Bayside Middle School was in grade 6 when my whole SENĆOŦEN class got to go on a field trip to Goldstream for salmon fishing. To the future students of Bayside, have no fear about ever getting bullied here because this school is full of kindness, as well maps are everywhere so you never have to be worried about getting lost.


My name is Colton and I am still undecided if I will be attending Stelly’s and Belmont High School next year. In both these schools I am looking forward to the hockey program that is offered. My favorite memory at Bayside Middle School was helping to build the disc golf course outside with Mr. Cook. To the future students of Bayside, do not be scared and have a great time. 


My name is Ethan and I am going to Stelly’s High School next year. I am really looking forward to going to a new school. My favorite memory from Bayside Middle school is the SENCOTEN class. To the future students of Bayside, choose to do woodwork in grade 8 because it’s a lot of FUN! 


My name is Hannah and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to the climbing program and to the musical theatre club. One of my favorite memories from Bayside Middle School was getting to watch all the people perform on stage through drama because unfortunately we never got the chance to do it due to COVID. To the future students of Bayside just because the grade 8’s look scary does not mean there are at all. Never judge a book by its cover and get to know everyone


My name is I’I and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to going there to meet new teachers and friends and make different relationships with others. One of my favorite memories of Bayside Middle School was going to Science World in grade 6 because we got to go with many different classes that all my friends were in. To the future students of Bayside always remember to be kind and to try your best in everything you do.


My name is Jordin and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am really looking forward to meeting new people and making more friends. My favorite memory at Bayside Middle School is when we play dodgeball. To the future students of Bayside, be kind to the people around you and remember to get all your work done. 


My name is Jude and I will be attending Stelly’s Secondary School next year. I am looking forward to the Basketball team and just the high school environment in general. My favorite memory from Bayside Middle School is playing on the basketball team with all of my friends. To the future students of Bayside, always try to make as many friends as you can. 


My name is Kiera and I will be attending Stelly’s Secondary School next year. I am looking forward to all the different activities and classes that are offered at the school. One of my favorite memories from Bayside Middle School is being a part of the main different sports teams but my favorite one was soccer. To the future students of Bayside, get involved in as many different things as you can. 


My name is Kean and I am going to Stelly’s High School next year. I am really looking forward to the climbing wall that is offered there. To the future students of Bayside Middle School, make sure to have Mr. Kovacs as a teacher because he is the BEST and to never give up on anything your heart desires.


My name is Lacie and I am going to Stelly’s High School next year. I am really looking forward to the metal shop classes that are offered so I can make rings and I am excited to be graduating in 4 years - the final stretch. My favorite memory from Bayside Middle School was in grade 6 when we went on a field trip to Science World because of the mirror maze. To the future students of Bayside, be nice and kind. 


My name is Lamar and I will be attending Stelly’s Secondary School next year. I am looking forward to all the different activities and classes the school has to offer. One of my favorite memories from Bayside Middle School was my grade 7 class because I was with all of my friends. To the future students of Bayside, work hard and just get through it. The best is yet to come. 


My name is Lakeisha and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to the bow and arrow club and to meet a bunch of new friends. My favorite memory from Bayside Middle School were the Physical Education classes because they allowed us to play sports and games with each other. To the future students of Bayside, do what you want because your time here is special and to always remember you will not be a kid forever - so enjoy. 


My name is Martina and I will be attending Stelly's Secondary School. I am really excited to be able to pick my own classes next year and to go to an open campus school. My favorite memory at Bayside Middle school was when I was in grade 6 and we went to Science World because my friend group and I got to walk around by ourselves. One of my favorite teachers is Mr. Kovacs because he is fun and outgoing. To the future students of Bayside, school is very fun, you can buy things from the shark shop, and on some Thursdays you will be able to buy pizza . 


My name is Raymond and I will be going to Stelly’s and ILC High Schools next year. I am most looking forward to attending in person. Two of my favorite memories of Bayside Middle School were getting to go on a field trip to Science World in grade 6 and going to Goldstream for salmon fishing with my SENĆOŦEN class. To the future students of Bayside, pay attention, don’t fool around in class, and always remember to stay focused on your goals in life 


My name is Silas and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to the climbing academy, meeting new people, and taking a Japanese language class. One of my favorite memories of Bayside Middle School was when we got to go to Science World in grade 6 because it was the only field trip that we went off the island for. To the future students of Bayside, get your work done, hand it in on time, and make sure to try all the different opportunities that are offered to you.


My name is Tanisha and I will be attending Stelly’s High School next year. I am looking forward to the Physical Education classes that are offered there and to meet new people. My favorite memory from Bayside Middle School was all of grade 6 because that is when I met a bunch of new friends. To the future students of Bayside, be yourself and make as many friends as you can.

January 2021

Indigenous Education Teacher

Gail Sam




I can just imagine the things we are doing to succeed with our education. Remote learning, hybrid learning, and in class learning..All of this I have to raise my hands up to the teachers, and families that are moving forward with what we can.But as we carry on, we are with respect and responsibility for others in our bubbles. Welcome back to 2021 and I wish you all the best for you and your families. You can contact us at Bayside 250-652-1135 ext. 230 or by email if you have any questions

Indigenous Education Assistant

Hello Bayside Families! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a safe holiday. I am Charity Morris, the new Indigenous Education Assistant. I am from Ahousaht First Nation (Nuuchahnulth) and I am married into the Tsartlip First nation. I’ve previously worked at Brentwood Elementary for several years. I was nervous but excited for the change in the work environment. I enjoy being a part of the Bayside middle school community. I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with some of the students I worked with in their elementary years. I’m also happy to have met new students and families. I’ve enjoyed doing what I can to support your child(ren) this far; whether they’re full-time in school, or doing remote learning. I’ve enjoyed supporting the students’ either in class or via video call. I’ve had the chance to assist students with various math, language arts, social studies, and science assignments. I look forward to continuing to build relationships with the students and assisting them with their education. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 

Indigenous EA Mentee

We’ve had the opportunity to have Jessica Underwood join our team as a part of an Indigenous Education Assistant (EA) mentorship program. She has been very supportive of all the students. She’s built relationships with students and families. We enjoy having Jessica in our school community.

Jessica Underwood 

Happy New year! I am a member of Tsawout First Nation. I am honoured to be a part of the School District's #63 Indigenous Education Assistant as a mentor. Even through the pandemic of COVID-19  I have had the chance to work in Brentwood Elementary and Bayside Middle School. I am a most recent graduate of Claremont Secondary, and I am most grateful for all the support I received as a student, and now have a different appreciation for the energy required to be able to provide the same support for the younger learners. Still eager to learn, meet staff within the District and understand our paths will cross when the time is right… until then, 


Orange Shirt Day

In previous years we would have a guest speaker, residential school survivor come in to speak to the students about their experience. However, due to COVID, we were unable to have this opportunity this year. So, students in SENĆOŦEN class colored in some T-shirts, and/or feathers for our poster board with positive words written on them. Rather than focusing on the dark or negatives of Orange shirt day the students focused on the positives. For instance, the week of Orange shirt day the students focused on “I Love” sentences. The students read the following poem and learned it in SENĆOŦEN

My Grandfather Told Me

My Grandfather told me

Love the bears. Love the moon. 

Love the sun. Love the Loon.

And I said to my Grandfather


I love the bears. I love the trees. 

I love the ravens. I love the bees. 

I love the eagles. I love the sun. 

I love everything and everyone.

Beading Club 

We are utilizing student leadership opportunities at Bayside. We were fortunate to have some grade 7 students willing to teach other students how to bead earrings. These students had the opportunity to learn how to bead the previous year from a member in the community. We had a small group of students come to the Cultural Room during lunch hour to do some beading on Tuesdays and Thursdays until Christmas break. Some students completed one or two pairs of beautiful earrings. Ms. Sam, Ms. Underwood, and Mrs. Morris also had the opportunity to learn how to bead. Students are wanting the program to continue throughout the year. 

Blanket Exercise

In November we did the Blanket Exercise with all the grade 6 students. We had two classes come to the Learning Commons each block. Mrs. MacDonald and Ms. Deeder read through the script to the students. The students followed instructions as to what to do on the blanket and when to sit down. After the script was done, we were able to listen to some feedback from the students. It was very powerful in seeing how engaged the students were, and how this activity made them feel. Listening to the students talk about how they will share the information with their families was very moving. We received booklets from some classes with “Thank you” notes from the students. 

Christmas Crafts & Art Projects

During the last few weeks of school, some students did numerous different christmas crafts. For instance, paper stars and snowflakes, stars made from popsicle sticks, mini-hats made from wool, decorated mini-christmas trees, and more. We are fortunate to have very talented, and creative students here at Bayside. Along with Christmas crafts students shared their artistic abilities. Whether it was painting, a sketch drawing, or clay model. 

Skateboard Program

At Bayside grade 8 students had the opportunity to join in the Skateboard program every Wednesday during fourth block. We had some of our students join the program. Thank you to Rod Taylor and Sophia Pettrigrew for organizing this for our students.      One of our students Kean shared his experience with the Skateboard program:

“I liked Rod, he’s a nice guy. I got to skate with him. He’s funny. I enjoyed the little competitions and games that involved tricks to learn and complete. I remember when I first fell and the falls after that. I fell a bunch of times” 

June 2020

2020, another year has passed. Throwback photos of our wonderful students. A difficult finish but you did it Bayside Grade 8’s! It has been a wonderful year working with all of you. You all have so many talents, and I encourage you to keep on using them. My hope and dreams for all of you is to be happy and safe. The adventures that you will take down the road in high school will be a new journey for you all. In my heart I know you can do it. Take care all, and Happy Summer. Good luck in Grade 9! - Gail Sam

I am going to miss you so much Bayside! It has been so fun getting to know you all and making memories with you all. Although this wasn't the ending that we expected, I am still very grateful for the time we spent together during the school year. Thank you all for such a great experience. Wishing a Farewell to all our grade 8’s, Have fun in highschool! - Penina Va'a

Congratulations Grade 8 Grads!

Shawnnessy S

Shawnnessy was always willing to be our helper in the Cultural room. She loved frying bread, setting up for meetings, luncheons, and beading clubs. Keep finding ways to help out with your teachers, peers and your community. Good luck in Grade 9. 

Priscilla W

You are so sweet to be around! The way you care for others is truly amazing. Thank you for all those times you stayed back to help clean up the Cultural room, your acts of kindness does not go unnoticed. Wishing you the very best in Grade 9! 

Kassidy G

Kassidy has been so fun to work with. Kassidy has been a great student and has great ideas when it is needed to make things better for her and her peers. She is actively involved with Youth in Action and continues to show her leadership. Stay strong with your ways, and always be respectful.  Keep up the good work and good luck in grade 9! 

Luther C

It has been so great to get to know Luther throughout this school year. Luther has great leader attributes, and you can see that in the way he carries himself in the halls and when he is with his peers. Luther is a hard worker and when he is passionate about something he will work hard to achieve it. Good luck in grade 9! 

Dominick S

Your work shows that you care about your education. I like the leadership that you show. You are awesome at creating slideshows for our class. Keep on doing what you love best.  Good luck in Grade 9! 

George W

I love how George always found ways to help me in the classroom. Keep up your helpful ways. I also loved the way you would volunteer to do something when no one else would. Your talents in all that you do will bring you a long way in life. Keep up the good work! Good luck in Grade 9! 

Heather JS

ÍY SȻÁĆEL are the first words you hear before I see her. Then I round the corner and see her beautiful smile. Heather has worked hard in school and  I hope you continue to do so in Grade 9. My wish for you is that you remember to keep doing what you have been and you will do wonders in the years to come. 

Sakora M

The adventure that she takes. Sakora has travelled the world, with her family. Keep those memories close. Remember to keep working hard in all that you do in school and out of school. Your athletic journey will bring you to great places. Good luck in Grade 9! 

Kassidy N

Kassidy’s quietness. We need to hear your voice and I encourage you to use it when you approach Grade 9. Don’t let your quietness be the leader. Bring it out and I wish you all the best. Find those fun, good clubs to join in. Good luck and work hard! 

Marlayna S

Works hard at what she is doing. Keep that up Marlayna as you are heading to Grade 9. Marlayna was always willing to help out in the Cultural room with all the activities that we hosted. HÍSW̱ḴE. Find those kinds of things to keep you busy in Grade 9. Good luck! 

Jack H

Jack, you have been kind and friendly to all of your friends. I hope that you continue to learn from your teachers, peers and your family. I love the way that you and your family are always finding ways to keep busy. Keep doing that and you will go a long way in life. Good luck in grade 9!

Evan S

I love your curiosity. You always ask questions when you don’t understand. Keep doing this and you will strive towards any degree that you want. I also love the way that you helped in the Cultural Room when needed without any complaints. Keep up the good work and stay safe. Good luck in Grade 9! 

Elina Y

It has been a pleasure to get to know you. I love how you look after all things that you do. Especially your pets. Keep taking care of yourself and others. Good luck in Grade 9! 

Savannah L

It has been wonderful working with you at Bayside. Your kindness to all will be remembered. My hope for you is to have a good start at Stelly’s Grade 9 and continue to work hard. I am so happy of all the things you have done in the Cultural room, you were there ready and willing to help. Keep it up and work hard with all that you do! 

Rueben O

Reuben you are a natural leader. I love your ideas and especially the work you do. Your artwork shows talent and I hope that you continue. Good luck in all that you do, with your job, school and community. 

Jordan T

Jordan loves to read more than anything else. Keep on reading Jordan but also do the other work too. Find ways to join in on some clubs at Stelly’s. Your smile will light up the world, keep using it. I love the way your family finds adventures out in our local communities. Good luck in Grade 9. 

Evelyn U

Evelyn, continue to use your leadership in a positive way. You can do this, I have seen it with your friends. I also enjoy watching you as a teacher of beading. Find ways to continue to help your teachers, friends, family, and your community. Good luck in Grade 9! 

Christine J

I like the way that you came into Bayside not knowing too many people. You did awesome finding connections in the school. I love the way that you put a lot of effort into the work that was assigned to you. Keep up the good work and good luck in Grade 9. 

Angelina S

It has been nice to have you in SENĆOŦEN for a short term. I love the way that you challenge yourself to learn different aspects of language. Keep up the good work with peers, teachers, and your community. Good luck in Grade 9.

Justice S

Keep making friends. Your friendship with your peers is awesome. Keep looking after them. I wish you all the best at Stelly’s. My encouraging words for you is to stay caught up, go to school, do the work and you will succeed in anything that you will do in the future. Good luck! 

January 2020

Hello everyone, my name is Penina Va’a, from the Tsartlip First Nation as well as Samoa in the South Pacific. This year I get to work as the Indigenous educational assistant here at Bayside Middle School. Everyday I go to different classes and support our Indigenous students in any way that is helpful. In the past I have worked with younger children from the ages of 0 - 6, now I am excited to work with this age group because I believe it will be very relational. If you have any questions feel free to reach me at



ÍY SȻÁĆEL, ŦELAXIYE ŦE NE SNÁ. ĆSE LÁE SEN EṮ W̱JOȽEȽP. IYES SEN TŦE ĆÁI TŦE EN SṮELITḴEȽ EṮ BAYSIDE. Good day, my name is Gail Sam. I am from Tsartlip. I am happy to be working with your children at Bayside. We are continuing to work with our language and have covered many areas the first part of the school term.

Next term we'll work on body parts, clothing, short sentences, stories and legends, and Dr. Greymorning methodology using pictures to learn words. Our hopes and dreams for our children is to invite parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles to come and share their knowledge of crafts or stories with our children during the lunch hour. Please let us know at Bayside of your availability to volunteer to do this with our children.

Please feel free to contact me at any time. 250-652-1135 or

In friendship,

Gail Sam

Blanket Activity

We are so fortunate to have staff and students that are willing to put some time towards learning about “What happened in history”, to the lands that we live on. Our grade six students come together and listen and learn from staff and an Elder Lila Sam who supported the activity. Thank you Bayside for continuing to walk with reconciliation for our students and families.

Orange Shirt day  

On September 30th 2019, Bayside Middle School celebrated the survivors of Residential Schools and Every Child Matters by wearing Orange Shirts. Both Indigenous and non-indigenous students came together in solidarity to support the movement in bringing awareness of the past Residential Schools. Some of the Indigenous students hosted a gathering and invited a couple of classes to the Cultural room to hear stories and spend time with Lila Sam, an Elder from Tsartlip First Nations. Students worked together to prepare fried bread and chili for the visitors.  

Tsartlip Youth

Thank you to Tsartlip Youth Program and Mua Va’a  for bringing Pizza lunch in and sharing a meal with our students of Bayside.


Bayside Middle School is taking steps toward reconciliation by strengthening connections between Bayside and the students' families. 

In September and December we held the grade 6 and 8 luncheon. This was an opportunity for the students to invite their families for lunch together with some of their teachers and other staff. The grade 6’s and 8’s worked together to decorate the cultural room with different pieces of art that they have created. They also made sandwiches and other snacks for the guest. This was a time to share some food and fellowship with others. Also a great time for staff to make connections with families and parents.

June 2019

The Bayside School year has been full of exciting educational and cultural times of learning with  Indigenous and non Indigenous peers that will make a lifetime of memories. Our Indigenous students have had opportunities together to share their culture and be proud of it.

On January 31 the Indigenous staff traveled with the grade 8’s on a ski trip to Mount Washington. When there was no snow here at home, we were able to experience snow while skiing or tubing down the mountain. 

As part of Indigenous learning a Métis couple from the Métis community came and shared Métis culture, history and stories.  Two classes had fun learning to dance the jig, play with instruments and view many Métis artifacts. 

Bayside Middle School has been making steps toward reconciliation with Indigenous education with curriculum, travel, learning history, listening to W̱SÁNEĆ resources and hands on learning through school activities.  

On March 5th Bayside hosted a Grade seven parent/student luncheon to come to the school.  The students host the event and introduce their teacher. This is one of the best events of the year to share a meal in the cultural room and get to know the Indigenous staff, teachers and other families. 

In April the Grade 8 students travelled to P’klos  It is an important place. The non-Indigenous community know it as “Mount Doug”, but W̱SÁNEĆ people know it as P’klos  where local stories happen from long ago in our history. The name and meaning is “white rock”.   It is known as a meeting place for families where nations met to share news and a place of significance where our First Nations met in 1852 to discuss and sign a treaty with Sir James Douglas. 

We had the honor of listening to Kevin Paul share his knowledge about the open waters, plants, trees and history of this sacred place called P’klos. The students hiked through parts of P’klos and revelled in the knowledge that this special place is theirs as well. 

Our Bayside Grade 8 indigenous students and non-indigenous students participate in a program called the “Trails Program” three times a week. The focus is to support transition into high school and ongoing engagement in school and wellness by: creating a sense of belonging and connectedness as a community, strengthening mental, physical and emotional wellness, creating and strengthening relationships with adults at Stelly’s and ILC, exposure to new opportunities that challenge students and foster healthy risk taking, development of increased awareness of personal strengths, challenges and goals, and creating opportunities for leadership. 

It's a great program where its philosophy is about outdoor education programming to facilitate the learning and support. These pictures are of SENĆOŦEN  teacher Gail Sam sharing Bone Game culture and its protocols to play.

On April 16 twenty students participated in the first Bayside Fried Bread Contest. Seven teams competed for the first ever title of best fried bread which was judged by Stelly’s School students. Teams of two/three on each team were cheered on by friends on the sidelines and others that wanted to eat and taste the best fried bread.  The Indigenous students learned to make fried bread during the school year while in SENĆOŦEN classes and/or while making them for lunch in the Cultural Room.  The Indigenous team here at Bayside really felt kids could learn together the meaning of cooking, safety and sharing food with others. Often kids would make fried bread for events in the school like the grade 7 parent/student lunch event.  Recently Gail taught some non-Indigenous students how to make fried bread because they just wanted to learn about it. 

Bayside hosted the first Bone Game tournament.  This included Indigenous and Non Indigenous students. Students experienced and new to the game shared the fun competition and rules to the game. 

In May, Bayside Middle School has been participating in transitioning incoming students for next year’s Grade 6 and outgoing Grade 8 Indigenous Students. We have been sharing the value and importance of our Bayside Cultural Room, a space to acquire school support, work on a computer and gather for Cultural events. Its a meeting place and a place for Indigenous education.  

Throughout the year Gail Sam, Sara Isbister and Deanna Daniels attend the Key People meetings to discuss Indigenous education, Enhancement Agreement with the School District.  Over the year we have supported parent teacher meetings to communicate about their students education. On a weekly basis our Indigenous team worked together to support students or plan our Indigenous school events throughout the year.  Our Indigenous students were always our team priority and our work was for them to make the best of their grade 6-7-8 school year.

A couple of Indigenous events are coming up in June 2019.  The Indigenous team have invited W̱SÁNEĆ community resource people (Anna Spahan & Earl Claxton), to teach local curriculum.  Earl Claxton will do a walk around the school grounds to share and teach 8 different classes the surrounding plant life, its uses as we know it from our W̱SÁNEĆ perspectives.  Anna Spahan will teach her knowledge about making teas that are medicinal or uses in everyday life. This is very important Indigenous knowledge mobilization from our W̱SÁNEĆ people and could potentially continue as a part of the curriculum and reconciliation activity. 

On June 4, Bayside Middle School hosted our first every Grade Eight Recognition event with Our Indigenous  students, parents, teachers and staff. Families of 14 Indigenous shared a meal and witnessed an honoring ceremony.  The event was amazing and well attended. We felt it was important to congratulate and recognize our students for completing the school year and send them off to grade nine with well wishes.  To involve ceremony, culture, family and food will be a memorable Indigenous event for Bayside Middle School students. We witnessed proud families, respect and honor for the students. 

Our school is very proud of each and every Indigenous student, it is their resilience and leadership that we wish for them to continue in their next journey starting with grade nine.  

On June 21, Indigenous Day a group of W̱SÁNEĆ students will be attending the Sidney Museum for the Chief Dan George exhibit.  The student will be participating and drumming songs that were taught through the year by SENĆOŦEN  teacher, Gail Sam. 

Have a great summer everyone.  Best wishes grade eight students. 

Congratulations to our Grade 8 Students!


Hi my name is Conner. I am in grade 8 at Bayside. My favorite memory is when I went to camp Imadene. I supported Orange Shirt Day because I think it was the right thing to do. I loved the school dances because I was able to go with my friends. I want to thank Mr. Bailey for supporting me with math and transition to ILC. If you are new to Bayside just be prepared, don’t be surprised when something gets hard. My happy moments are when I was with my friends William, Nate, Owen and Julien. I really enjoyed going on our fishing trip to Goldstream because it was fun and relaxing. I participated in Sla-Hal because we all got together and had fun. . I think Stelly’s program for culinary arts and food safe are going to be great.

Hi my name is Nate. I go to Bayside and am in Grade 8. My favorite memory is when I went to camp Imadene. I wore my orange shirt for the survivors of Residential School on September 30. I visited Stelly’s School and I liked the Auto Mechanics shop. I want to recognize my old friends that I knew from Brentwood School and are still are my friends today. My friends are William, Owen, Conner, Andrew, Cameron, Nate W, Julien and many others and hanging out together was so much fun. I liked it when I played Bone Game because I haven’t played in a long time. I really enjoyed the fried bread contest because I won with Patti-Ann and I,ÍYOMIYA. My advice for a new student would be is to pay attention, do your homework and keep up. 

Nate with #1 Fried Bread Winners

William & Percilla

Hi my name is William. I am a grade 8 student at Bayside moving on to Stelly’s next year. My favorite time is meeting my friends and the Trails Camping Trip. I supported the Orange Shirt Day and the Bone Game at Bayside. I want to recognize all of my teachers and friends for supporting me while at Bayside. My advice for grade 6 new students is don’t think badly about the school, your learning for your own good. My happy moments is while I was hanging with Conner. I enjoyed the first annual Bone Game tournament! The most interesting thing I saw at Stelly’s was the climbing wall. I really had fun the past three years, I hope the new students will too!

Hi my name is Amy one of my favorite memories I had at Bayside was learning how to work at the Shark Shop and knowing that for the rest of the year that it was my job. It taught me to be reliable and accountable and prepare me for one day when I get a real job. 

One thing I found really interesting about Stelly’s is how they get the students to help make the lunches they sell at lunch time. 

One person I want to recognize for helping me through all three years at Bayside would be Mrs. Aitchison she helped to encourage me and help me to actually make a half decent sound out of my flute, and to make even some rough days fun. 

I hope all the new grade 6’s coming here next year will have as much fun as I did and that Stelly’s will be just as fun!


Hi my name is Chance. The support I showed at Bayside is when it was Orange Shirt Day. The best thing for me is to finish going to school at Bayside. My interest at Stelly’s was seeing the Media program.

Hi my name is Percilla. My favorite memory at Bayside is when I went to Science World in grade 6. I showed participation when it was Orange Shirt Day because a lot of my family were Residential School Survivors. I would like to thank my teacher Shannon Moore for supporting me this year. My advice for a new Grade 6 student is just to be yourself and express yourself! My happy moments is when I was able to talk to my teachers. The Fried bread contest rocked this year and it was so much fun. Overall it was fun being in a public school for the first time starting in grade 6.  Stelly’s is such a big school and it amazed me and I think it will be okay.

Percilla & Jennea



Hi my name is Tyler. I am in grade 8 at Bayside. The most memorable time for me here at Bayside are the dances. My best memory is when we were able to go fishing at SELE₭TEȽ which is Goldstream. There were a few cultural events at school but the best one for me was the fishing.

Hi my name is Patti-Ann. The best memory for me here at Bayside Middle School is when we went fishing at Goldstream and catching a salmon. My memories are all good because of my friends. Bayside gave me opportunities to help with set up for the grade 6&7 luncheons and to be a guide for the grade 5 students that were visiting Bayside for the first time. The most interesting things for me is when I stayed at school overnight to smoke the fish,Tod Inlet to do paddling in Grade 7 with Geronimo Canoe Club and we made cedar roses in Grade 6 & 7. My most favourite was the Stick games Competition Slahal, our team came in second place. We had a contest and my team came first in the fry bread competition because we’re awesome. Some of the things I’ll miss at Bayside are all of the teachers because they were all so nice. I’ll miss the Indigenous group activities and hanging out in the cultural room. I want to thank and recognize Madame Levesque because she helped me with some of my work and Ms. Daniels for helping me with my work and Ms. Isbister for helping me read. My advice for a new student of Bayside is don’t be scared of Bayside because the teachers are really nice and they help you a lot. I will be going to Stelly's for grade 9 and I was happy to see Ms. Lampard at Stelly’s and I’m excited about doing science in the science lab. I think I want to play soccer on the team and climb on the climbing wall and get my belay certificate. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the exams at Stelly's High School.



Hi my name is Jaidyn. I am in grade 8 at Bayside Middle School. The most favorite thing I did at Bayside was to go fishing at Goldstream.  I found out that there is a basketball team at Stelly's and that sounds fun 

Hi my name is Trevor. I am in grade 8 at Bayside Middle School. My best memory of Bayside is when we got to go fishing. This was the highlight for me. Fishing was the most interesting and would love to go again. My advice to a new student coming to Bayside is to just have fun. I think Stelly's High School will be fun because of the basketball teams and the fieldtrips. I don't look forward to the exams!

Trevor & his cousin Sakora

Hi my name is Elsie. The best memory of Bayside is when I went to Science World in grade 6. The ferry ride was awesome and so was the buffett. When at Bayside I liked to help with Pizza Days, and the dance set up and take down. I would like to thank Madame Levesque for the support she has given me this year. My advice for a new student is to try your best, ignore and not care what others think, and if they drag you down just get back up. I enjoyed being a part of the first Sla-Hal tournament held at school and won the tournament with my team of five.  It was so much fun!

Hi, my name is Danelle.  I have made many new memories and many new friends.  So far Gr. 8 has been my favourite year and have had such a good experience.  Since 7th grade I have decided  to join student council and it has been so much fun.  Since I have decided to join it has opened me to so many opportunities, and I get to help with school events such as school dances orange shirt day etc. I am most excited for all the opportunities that will open up for me and for all of the new experiences.  I also am excited for all the new classes that are available and the new courses I can take.  I would like to recognize Mme Levesque, Mrs.Rozon, Mme.Lobb, Mrs. Maxwell and Mr. Bailey who have all helped me through hard times and have taught me so much.  For all of the new students coming soon my advice to them that it is not scary at all.  Once you get here everyone is so supportive and helpful and very welcoming.  My FAAS class this term isTrails and they have included many cultural activities and one of my favourite activities was playing the Bone Game which was so much fun connecting with everyone.  In my three years here has been overall an amazing experience and can’t wait for more to come.  Everyone has helped in many situations and circumstances and i have made new memories that I will never forget. 

Hello my name is Angelina. I am finishing grade 8 at Bayside. My favorite memory is when I was in grade 6 and Mr. T would always play his guitar. My favorite time is when Mr. Kovacs taught me Science. My best memory of grade 8 is when we went to hike at Mt. Doug which is our territory of PKOLS. The way I liked to help my school was to make sure that the door was held open for the kids at recess and lunch. I would like to thank all of my teachers that helped me. My advice to a new student is not to judge people on their looks! Most of all don’t be scared to ask for help or don’t be scared of the teachers. At Stelly’s I think that I am going to enjoy seeing my Uncle Phil.

Rhiannon with Ms. Moore

My name is Rhiannon. Bayside is a fun school and full of great memories. My favourite memory from Bayside is meeting all of my friends, and also going to the Spring dance this year. All of my memories are with my friends, they are always there when I need them. I want to thank and give a recognition to my friends, Ms. Daniels, Ms. Moore, and Ms. Sam for helping me throughout the year and being there for me when I need help and also teaching me. I volunteered to help out at Shark Shop this year and that was so much fun, that’s just one example. I was most interested in the science lab (biology) at Stelly’s. Advice I would give to a new grade 6 student would to be on top of your homework and stay focused in class and get all of your work done. I will always remember laughing with all of my friends and having fun and hanging out with them. I think my favourite cultural event was stick games because I got to hang out with my friends all day and hang out with them. Bayside is a nice friendly and fun school to go to and I can guarantee you that you will have good time and have good memories at Bayside. 


Brandon with SESINI

Hi my name is SESENI. My best memory is when I went camping with all the grade 7 classes. I supported orange shirt day because my family members were survivors of Residential School.  I found most interesting at Stelly's School their soccer team. I think I will join this team. I want to say thank you to all my teachers and Mrs. Percy for supporting me while at Bayside. My advice to a new grade 6 student is to try your hardest and never give up. I remember when I was with my best friends at a dance just hanging out having fun is one of my best memories. The best culturalevent was the Stick games because I play it all the time with my family and friends in the summer. Good luck to all of my friends moving to Grade 9 next year!

February 2019

Hello my name is Xway’Waat (Deanna Daniels), I am from Pauquachin First Nation. I started as the Indigenous Education Support person this September 2018. I am very proud and happy to be working at Bayside with our W̱SÁNEĆ and other Indigenous students. We have more than 70 kids in school. Since day one we have been very busy with student support, school activities, events that really made the fall session go very quickly. Elder Lila Sam, Tsartlip Elder, shared with the students her life and residential school experience. The kids responded with compassion, love and thank her with hugs and kind words for her courage to share her story. I was able to facilitate with a team in this process.

I witnessed students display leadership by participating in the Remembrance Day ceremony. Rhiannon H. did the welcome in SENĆOŦEN, Toby Joseph, Tsawout Nation came in as a resource to share a W̱SÁNEĆ song. Percilla S. honored the day in ceremony along with her classmate. I shared with the assembly the contributions that Indigenous people made to the war and showed a video of brothers Danny and Lyle H., Pauquachin sharing what their father (late Herman Henry-Veteran) told them about war and fighting for Canada.  

Rhiannon H 

Toby Joseph

Percilla S 

A day of recognition and celebration was given for Métis History for Louis Riel Day, our Métis students Elina Y. & Alexa O. made a school announcement (Nov 16) over the PA and a display poster demonstrating Métis history about Louis Riel’s contributions.

The Grade 8 Indigenous students attended Youth Mental Health Anti-stigma Summit for a day of learning. Youth heard stories of hope and recovery from Indigenous speakers with lived experiences, activities and help to design action plans to help break down the stigma surrounding mental health in schools and their communities. Our students demonstrated leadership by participating, using their voices and involving themselves in discussions for the day. I was proud to witness this.

Indigenous Support - I had the opportunity along with the team of Indigenous Education teacher and other staff for professional development by attending the FNESC 24th Annual Education Conference, in Vancouver BC. It was an awesome opportunity to attend to listen and learn from leaders, authors, teachers, school districts, writers, healers, language programs and about United Native Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. I appreciated that FNESC leaders and staff bring us together to learn and offer resources so that educators can advance our work for our students. In the Indigenous Cultural room it's a gathering place for our students to eat, play cards, listen to music, do homework, cook fried bread, Many other events included Orange Shirt Day, Halloween, Christmas parties. Happy Education New Year everyone 2019. Deanna

SENĆOŦEN Program: Gail Sam

ÍY SȻÁĆEL HALE. JÁN U ÍY XEUES SĆELÁNEN. IYES SEN TŦE ĆÁI EŦ Bayside SCUL. Good day everyone. It's a new year and I am happy to be working at Bayside School. Our first term we have been working on our SENĆOŦEN SXÁLEȽ (Alphabet),  ÍY,OLESENEḴ (Colors), Dr. Greymorning methodology of learning language through pictures and repetition. Our 56 students also learned some stories from our ancestors like The Thunderbird Story, Why Octopus has 8 legs, told by late Agnes Smith, ȽÁU,WEL,ṈEW̱ story by Earl Claxton Sr. and John Elliott, 

Earl Claxton, Elder - Teacher 

Deanna D and Lila S tasting dried fish. Yummy!

We have also learned how to DIWIEȽ (pray),  and drum our sacred song that acknowledges our mountain, river, ocean, fish, and our homeland. This was very important to learn as we took 50 students to SELE₭TEȽ(Goldstream) for on the land experience of learning how to catch salmon. Before we went fishing, Earl Claxton Jr. came to share with the students prior to our trip the W̱SÁNEĆ ways of knowing, history, stories, preparing self, land protocols that was needed to fish on the land. Franklyn Sampson and Brandon Wilson were very instrumental W̱SÁNEĆ cultural resources while we traveled to our traditional fishing grounds. They shared their teachings of the many generations that they know about the Goldstream village site and how it was used for generational family fishing.

Our students caught 20 dog salmon that were brought back to Bayside School complete the food process by smoking in in our school smokehouse that is on the grounds of Bayside. I am fortunate to have a brother Darrin Sam who spent 4 long days and nights keeping the fire on. A big HÍSW̱ḴE TŦE SEÁĆEN Darrin! After the smoking of the salmon our Indigenous students shared the salmon with the whole school and at our  grade 6 luncheon. Throughout this process our students learned all about working hard and sharing.

This term we will continue to work on our stories from the Saanich People and practice retelling the stories. We will learn some new songs in the future so that we can share and  participate in school ceremonies or assemblies. One of our future field trips is to participate on Aboriginal Day that is going to be hosted by the Sidney Museum to launch the Chief Dan George exhibit on June 21st in Sidney. Stay tuned for an invitation.



Other Indigenous Programming

Grade 6 Blanket Activity: In November, all 185 Grade 6 students and their teachers participated in the Blanket Activity, supported by Gail Sam, Elder Lila Sam, Deanna Daniels, Sarah Isbister, and Wendy MacDonald. The Blanket Activity Exercise is based on participatory popular education methodology and the goal is to build understanding about our shared history as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada by walking through pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization and resistance.” Our Grade 6 students meaningfully engaged with the activity on both an emotional and educational level. This is one of our activities to meet the TRC Calls to Action.

School Wide Assemblies

HÍSWKE to ⁦Melissa Austin⁩ for speaking with our students and sharing her perspectives on the virtue of understanding. 

Huge thanks to MLA Adam Olsen and Councillor Niall Paltiel for coming to our Learning Commons to share about municipal and provincial politics. 

Orange Shirt Day

Nate P, Luther C, Jordan T, Raymond C, Antwon C

Picture of all staff at Bayside as we remember that every child matters. 

Rhiannon H, Patti-Ann A, Percilla S. dancing at our Fine Arts Performance.

2018 Christmas Party

Food, games,!

Goldstream Salmon Fishing & Smoking: Earl Claxton Elder Resource 

Grade 6 Indigenous Family Community Luncheon 

Future Events: UVic Visit Spring 2019, Monique Gray Smith, Author January 22, 2019 for all Grade 8 students & staff meeting, Métis Resource people will come to share Métis history with students and staff January/February,  Fried Bread contest, stay tuned for more.

We personally invite communities, families to come and visit us anytime. We are looking for community resource people to come and share, your stories, songs, crafts, and teachings. Come meet teachers or see our cultural and SENĆOŦEN rooms.

June 2018

Hello Friends and Families!

We have had a great start to the 2018 year! Over the past few months we have had lots of exciting activities and events. Including working with the Grade 8's on the their transition to secondary school! We are excited for our Grade 8's and their new adventure ahead of them.

Some of the fun things we have done over the past few months......

Puppet Play

In March a few of our SENĆOŦEN students created a shadow puppet play based on the LELEŦEN (Eel) story. The students created the shadow puppets and helped recreate the story into their own words. Once the story, puppets, and shadow box were completed the students then performed for the LEN,OṈET Preschool, as well as, for the Japanese student visit. We are so proud of our students for having the courage to share a piece of history and culture with others.

Indigenous Awareness Month 

At Bayside we declared May as Indigenous Awareness month, every week we had activities for classes to take part in. We kick started our month with stories by Toby Joseph, followed by spun bracelets with May Sam, Bone Game with Daniel Norris and Roxanne Sam-Cayou, Drumming with Bub and Clay Qhulshemut, and to finish off the month we had a day in SNIDȻEȽ (Todd Inlet), where 225 students were given an opportunity to go for a ride in a 11 man war canoe with members of the Geronimo Canoe Club, students went on tours with Earl Claxton, where they were able to learn about local history and culture. This month was a huge success, and students loved having new experiences. 


Over the past few months we have had many different trips for our students transitioning to Stelly's Secondary School. Students have had many trips to the school where they've had different opportunities, such as rock climbing.

Indigenous Plant Garden 

On April 25th, 2018 we had the grand opening of our Indigenous plant garden. Students got the opportunity to plant various indigenous plants in the garden, such as Camas and Salal. The students had so much fun digging in the dirt, and helping create these garden beds.

Our Future Leaders - the Bayside Grade 8s 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: My most memorable moment at Bayside is being in Mr. Timmermans class and going to Sidney Spit, and joining the rugby team at Bayside.

Goal for the Future: My goal for the future is to be a part of the ILC Hair program, and become a stylist one day. 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: the first day at Bayside in Gr. 6, meeting my classmates and teacher

Goal for the Future: I'd like to graduate from university with my Masters, and become an Architect 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: was getting the First Nation Achievement Award in June 2017 

Goal for the Future: is to play professional soccer. 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: was getting to go to Goldstream to go spearfishing in Gr. 6 and 7, also getting to stay at the school to smoke the fish.

Goal for the Future: Get better grades


Most memorable moment at Bayside: is getting to go to Playland 

Goal for the Future: is to become a professional athlete


Most memorable moment at Bayside: is the Bayside Dances

Goal for the Future: Become a professional soccer player 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: When my best friend started coming to school and we performed in front of the school.

Goal for the Future: is to get a good education and finish school. 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: going to Science World with Ms. Huck.

Goal for the Future: Get my Arts Degree, and go to the Emily Carr University of Art & Design 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: my most memorable moment at Bayside was getting to do L.B.L. (Land-based Learning)

Goal for the Future: my goal for the future is to graduate college 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: making new friends

Goal for the Future: My goal for the future is to get better grades, and graduate.


Most memorable moment at Bayside:  was going to Science World in Gr.6  with Ms. Huck. 

Goal for the Future: to graduate, and become a professional soccer player!


Most memorable moment at Bayside: was going to Science World in Gr.6  with Ms. Huck.

Goal for the Future: My goal for the future is to make more friends, and graduate. 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: is when I got up on stage and acted in front of my family for drama, it was both nerve wracking but super fun at the same time!

My goals for the future are: I hope I get better grades, become more confident in what I do. I also want to get better at drawing bodies, faces and a lot more. I would like to make enough money to go to places I want to go but never really could go! 


Most memorable moment at Bayside: My most memorable moment at Bayside was Boys Group (LBL) spending time outside and doing stuff. I liked going to Goldstream, and catching fish.

Goal for the Future: My goal for the future is to graduate and do well at Stelly's. 

January 2018

Hello Friends and Families!

We have had a great start to the 2017-2018 school year! Over the past few months we have had lots of exciting activities and events. We look forward to seeing what the remainder of the year holds for us!

Open House

In September we had an unveiling of our outdoor classroom NEPENEKÁUTW̱, as well as a Moon carving done by Charles Elliott. We also had a peace pole made which was unveiled during our ceremony. The pole reads 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' in multiple languages, including SENĆOŦEN. During the unveiling we honoured those who helped us to make the outdoor classroom, carving, and peace pole happen. We were so happy to have so many families come and join us for this very special event!

Orange Shirt Day

In September we also had Orange Shirt day, this day is building momentum and many teachers, students and parents are becoming more aware of the acts suffered by indigenous children and families. This day is a way to honour and remember the children whom were lost, or survived the Residential schools.

Bayside Luncheons

Through the months of October and November we held luncheons for our Grade 6 and 7 families. It's always nice to come together and share a meal and good company. The students love to have their families come in to the school, and are always excited on these special days. 

We are hoping to have a luncheon celebrating our Gr. 8's in the New Year, stay tuned!

SELE₭TEȽ - Goldstream

In November our students had the opportunity to learn how to make spears for fishing, the students enjoyed watching and learning how to do this life skill. The spears we made were then used on our trip to SELE₭TEȽ. The students did such a great job fishing and helping, once we were done we got to enjoy a treat and hot chocolate around the fire before heading back to school. What a fun trip!

Remembrance Day

This year for our Remembrance Day assembly the SENĆOŦEN Drum Group sang a few songs to honour our veterans. We also had William B., Jennea S., and Jaidyn S say a prayer and some words for our school, both in SENĆOŦEN and English.  It takes great courage to go in front of the school and speak or sing. These students are true leaders within our school community, we are so proud of them for being brave and honouring those before us.


This year we did something new, and exciting at Bayside. We had a group of approx. 20 students perform a play created by Mrs. Benetti. The play was based on ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱, The Great Flood Story. The students performed it for the schools Evening of Fine Arts, this evening was a great success and the students did amazing! 

Cooking Class

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ― Virginia Woolf

This year at Bayside, five grade 6 students are getting together once a week, to learn new recipes, bake and create something delicious in our teaching kitchen. Their fare is enjoyed and appreciated by peers and staff. Cooking with children promotes the lifetime skill of healthy cooking. It teaches kids about planning and patience, introduces concepts related to science and math and reinforces important lessons about staying safe. It’s also a great way for friends and families to bond. We started with some basic baking, and hope to create some healthy soups in the New Year. We welcome submissions of traditional foods to try.