Individual Learning Centre (ILC)

June 2024

ILC Graduating Students 2024

Braelyn - I did it! I got through high-school. Even though I felt I couldn't achieve graduation here I am. I of course didn't complete this on my own but I managed with the consistent extra support and help from Jen and Bishop. I cannot thank you both enough, not only for helping me but for dealing with my sassiness. Jen I especially appreciate you for always nagging me when I'm not at school (even if it was annoying). However, I'm not done school just yet, the reason being that after I leave ILC I will be following my dream to work with Animals. Yay!!

A big special thanks to my family because no matter how much I struggled, they knew I could do this and I could not be more grateful. My family is one of the biggest supports I have in my life. I will say, I wont miss the learning part of ILC but I will miss the staff. Time to move on to the next chapter of my life. 

Bye ILC!

Conner - So, I made it! I wish to give a big thank you to Judy and all the staff at ILC that contributed to helping me get to school, I couldn't have done it without all your guys help these last few years. I wish to also thank my mom, dad, and my siblings for making me believe that I will make something out of myself.

I would like to thank all my friends that stayed true to their word and were there for me when I needed them.

I want to give a huge thank you to my partner, Rose for helping me get through my hardest times and teaching me to be the person I am and quite frankly just being amazing.

Always remember to have faith in yourself and in the end of the day remember "you" are the only one you can truly rely on in life, not in the way of rejecting every helping hand that reaches out but taking help when its needed and also remembering not to take hand-outs either. forget about being cool and your image just focus on improving yourself as a quality human being in ways you can, be the person you want to be!

For anyone who knows him, it will likely come as no surprise that, when hearing this was being written, Conner immediately wanted to make sure that I started it off by telling his friends and family how much he loves and appreciates them and how thankful he is to them for supporting him through his hardest times. This kind of heart and character is the Conner we have seen in the classroom as well. Since joining ILC as a student in 2019, Conner has been an awesome example of consistent growth. Persevering through any obstacle, he is friendly and kind, and has developed strong leadership qualities. While working hard academically, Conner has also maintained a busy work schedule at Big Wheel Burger as well - that work ethic will undoubtedly mean that he will have success as he pursues a career in Carpentry after graduation. Conner, good luck in everything you set off to do - whether it’s in Alberta or wherever life takes you- we are so very proud of you. Congratulations!

Dom - I'm thankful for the time I spent learning at ILC and thankful for everyone that helped me graduate. I am excited to pursue a career in the electrical field in the near future.

Dom came to us at ILC after he completed the TASK program, a program he truly excelled in, and he has put the same amount of hard work into completing his graduation requirements. Dom has brought a calmly confident presence to both the TASK program as well as to the classroom, and his persistence and consistency have allowed him to showcase his work-ethic and skills. He tends to show up, put his head down and complete his work to a high quality - but if you’re lucky enough to catch him at the right time, he will take the time to talk a little about his pride and appreciation for his family and all their support, as well as his pride in being a part of the Tsartlip First Nation. After graduation, Dominick is planning on taking the steps to becoming an electrician, another goal we have no doubt he will accomplish with excellence! 

Way to go, Dom, congratulations!


Ella-Rose - ILC has taught me how important time management is and that is a skill I will be using for all the years to come. I am so thankful for the support Morgan and Lidia have given me these past couple of months and made it possible

Jennea - Behind you, all of your memories. Before you, all of your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need. Class of 2024.

I'm so grateful for my parents for pushing me through school and always believing in me. They always say the right thing at the right time.. I'm super thankful for the teachers here at ILC for always being supportive and encouraging always brightening the classroom with smiles. I'm Thankful to Del for giving me rides to and from school. No words can explain how thankful I am to everyone who had a part in my school journey. I'm grateful for my siblings for reminding me everyday to strive and try my best. This is an amazing chapter I am proud to have accomplished and couldn't have done it without you all. I pray and wish nothing but good blessings for the upcoming paths that all of us graduate's are about to part take. School wasn't easy but I am sure nothing great in life comes easy without hard work and consistency which we all proved, we're more than capable of doing so if we really wanted to.

The milestones don't stop here, keep reaching for your goals and never give up no matter what anyone tells you. Brush off the negatively and bad vibes, sometimes focusing on yourself is a good option that we often forget to choose. ILC helped me see that. Here's to the next chapter..

HISKWE- Thank You

GRAD 2024!!! WOOO

Jordon - thank you to friends and family for helping me get here and for supporting me.

JT has been part of the Take-a-Hike program for the last 2 years, where he has been a kind, calm, well-liked member of that circle. A member of the Pauquachin First Nation, Jordan has participated in the Indigenous Student Voices meetings, as well as the Indigenous Leadership lunches, and was one of the crew who attended the Tri-District Camp Thunderbird Day for Indigenous grads this year. The biggest thing that stands out to me when I think about JT is his smile and how quick he is to laugh. I knew how he helped brighten my day many times, I’m sure without even realizing it, but when I spoke to some of his friends and the Take-a-hike staff, I realized the amazing impact he has had on so many people. Across the board, Jordan was described as someone who “cares so much”, as “a good listener and a loyal friend” who would give you his last sandwich if you were starving - even if he was also starving. I heard a story about how, when a friend of his was injured recently, JT refused to leave his buddy’s side until he knew everything was fine. Jordan, your heart and your character are inspiring. You have worked so hard to get to this moment - we really hope you enjoy it! You have made it to graduation - congratulations and way to go!

Luther : Thank you to my friends and family for believing in me when I didn’t. Thank you to my teachers for being amazing. I’m not a writer. “It’s cause I’m brown, isn’t it.” TAH was ight. Houdini-Eminem 2:14

The hardest part about writing this to celebrate Luther - or should I say, the hardest thing about writing this for the future Chief- was figuring out how to narrow down all the stories and ways to describe him - and I mean that in all the best ways! Out of all the conversations I had though, shy was never a word I ever heard anyone use to describe Luther, and honestly, we put his outgoingness to great use, as he quickly became someone we could count on to bring people together- in part because of Luther, we went from having just 1 student attend the Tri-District Camp Thunderbird grad day last year, to needing a school bus to transport everyone this year! Though he has been a student in the Take-a-Hike Program, where he worked hard to complete his grad requirements, his mischievous charm that meant that myself - and I’m sure some other staff - would happily “sneak” Bubblies or snacks to him whenever we’d see his head poking through the doorway on the ILC side of the school! I have been privileged enough to see first-hand how Luther’s pride in his culture as a member of Tsawout First Nation, and his willingness to speak up for what he believes in, have encouraged others to embrace their own Indigenous ancestry as well. It will definitely be a quieter school next year, Luther, and, though we are all sad to see you go, we are also so proud of you at the same time! Congratulations!

Matias - Thank you!! I would like to say thank you to everyone at ILC. Thank you to Shelley for a warm welcome and a smile everyday.

Thank you to Morgan, Peter, Gwen, David, Lidia, Colleen, Steve, Colleen, and Lara for your daily support!

Thank you Mum and Dad for pushing me everyday to be better! I couldn’t have done it without any of you!

From not showing up for a weeks at a time to showing up everyday of the week, ILC has been an up and down journey. Through all of my time at ILC I’ve learned three important lessons -

#1 Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You never know how much help you might need.

#2 Never give up. I dropped out of school for about a year in grade 10. I decided to give it another go at ILC and now I’m graduating!

#3 Discipline. Hard work makes easy work.

Patti-Ann - I can’t believe I finished high school! And I couldn’t do it without my parents, they’ve pushed me to finish and grad ever since I started high school. For after school I just plan on working and going with the flow. I would like to thank Del she has helped with rides to school, my school work and with anything else she was willing to help me. I would also like to thank all the staff at ILC, they’re so kind and always checking in on me and other students.

Patti-Ann joined us at ILC by way of Stelly’s, after first taking part in the Take-a-Hike Program. We have seen Patti-Ann consistently grow in confidence, and she has used her voice to help provide input for the School District in the Indigenous Student Voices meetings, as well as becoming a strong role model, in and out of the classroom, as part of the Indigenous Leadership group. Patti-Ann has shared a lot about her love for her culture as a member of the Tsartlip First Nation, and for her family who have provided her with unconditional love and guidance. Today, especially, she wants to honor her late beloved grandma, Madeline. After graduation, Patti-Ann would like to work with children; we know, Patti-Ann, that your compassion, your kindness, and your work ethic will help you achieve anything you put your mind to, & we can’t wait to hear about your adventures! Seeing you put in the amount of effort and perseverance that you did in getting to graduation was an honor for us all at ILC. Congratulations! You did it!

Reuben - Reuben came to us at ILC from Stelly’s in January of 2023. Though quiet in the classroom, Reuben has earned the respect of his peers and the staff alike, due to the calming presence he brings, as well as the high caliber of work that he puts into every assignment. 

He is not someone who is ok with just “good enough” but rather, he is precise, purposeful, and has an incredible work ethic; and if you ask his English teacher, Bishop, Reuben only ever presented his very best work. Though a person of few words - at least at school- Reuben did want me to say “thank you” to his parents. 

Reuben is planning on pursuing Computer Sciences and Fine Arts at UVIC, by way of Camosun College and has remarkably managed to complete his high school academics while also taking a college course at the same time. We all have no doubt that we will be hearing about all the incredible accomplishments he will have as he embarks on this next chapter. Thank you for inspiring us all with your dedication in achieving your goals, Reuben. 

Way to go!

January 2024

ILC -  Orange Shirt Day Sept 2023

The students and staff cut out Orange Feathers,  participated in a discussion about Truth and Reconciliation. They also shared stories of what the day meant to them. Everyone wrote something on an Orange Feather and the feathers became wings.  

TASK Program Recognition Ceremony

The TASK (Trade Awareness Skills and Knowledge) recognition ceremony was held on January 11, 2024. 

This District Career Program is run in partnership with SD63 and Camosun College and is hosted at Saanichton Learning Centre. Students join the TASK program from across the Saanich district and learned welding, electrical, plumbing, drywall, carpentry, painting and more! 

We are so proud of these students and their promising career pathways in the trades!

ILC Basketball Team

ILC's First ever ILC basketball team! Isaiah and Luther are strong forces on the court!

June  2023

ILC Graduating Students


Emma is an incredibly authentic, intelligent and resourceful person who can always be counted on to stand up for what she believes in. A deeply loving & loyal friend and family member, Emma’s greatest love is for her beloved son. An amazing cook, Emma cooks a lot for her family, and also attends all after school cooking events. She also has been a valued member of our Indigenous Leadership group. After graduation, Emma plans on attending Camosun College in one of their trades programs. We wish you all the very best as you embark on your next adventures Emma! Way to go! 


Jaiden is someone who lives her life with an open and loving heart, especially when it comes to her sister, Elina. A strong, forward thinker, she works hard when she has goals she wants to achieve. Jaiden is a gifted writer, and especially shows her heart and wisdom through her poetry. Always up for both hard work, and laughter, Jaiden will happily challenge anyone to a tomato-eating contest! We can’t wait to hear about all your future adventures & accomplishments and are so proud of you, Jaiden! 


Marshall is an awesome example of “quiet strength”, and has proven himself to be a young man of character and determination. We have seen him grow personally and academically, and his perseverance has brought him to this great accomplishment! After graduation, Marshall is planning on finding employment and spending time with his family while he awaits whatever adventures life takes him on.

Congratulations, Marshall and all the best!


Nakeeya is friendly and kind, and has shown true determination and commitment in getting to this moment and completing her highschool career. Nakeeya continuously displays courage, and a will to grow and succeed and has been a valuable part of our Indigenous Leadership group. Nakeeya wants to thank everyone who supported her and believed in her when she didn’t always believe in herself - most especially her family, who have been with her every step of the way; as well as the staff at ILC. Congratulations, Nakeeya… we are so proud of you! 


Paige’s journey to graduation has seen her triumph over any obstacle in her path, and she is a great inspiration in the way she continues to grow in ability, confidence and maturity. Paige is an animal-lover and has 5 dogs at home that she takes care of everyday. She has many amazing aspirations for her life after graduation - including becoming a rare female-carver, opening a restaurant, & maybe even becoming chief one day - but all her dreams include the most important and loved people in her life - her family. Paige’s heart, humour and perseverance have made her well-liked and respected by her classmates and staff alike. We’re so proud of you Paige, good luck! 


Rose has a truly lovely heart, and it shines through to everyone lucky enough to spend time with her. She has shown strength and determination throughout her time at ILC but especially this final grade 12 year. Rose is proud to be a member of the Tsartlip community . She wants to make sure that she says a big thank you to her parents, Ivy & Joe Seward & her brother Joe Jr for all the love and support they give her; she also wants to honour her grandparents, Ivan & Medeline Morris who she loves and misses everyday. Rose, you have worked so hard to get here & we couldn’t be more proud of you - Congratulations, you did it! 

Nation Indigenous Peoples Day at ILC

We celebrated National Indigenous Peoples Day early at ILC, while there were still students in the building. As part of our celebrations, we had an art station, where students learned about traditional Coast Salish shapes and were able to create their own pieces of artwork. We also had a crepe truck visit for the day, to provide free meals for everyone and to celebrate Metis culture.To honour Inuit culture, we had an expert on staff who provided information and showed a short video about Inuit tattoo revitalization. A fun day was had by all!

Walk to End Violence 

The Moosehead Campaign’s Walk to End Violence was a moving event. Nearly 100 students and staff from SD63 travelled downtown on two school buses to participate on May 11th. Speakers and presenters from across the continent attended, and the presentations were live-streamed to hundreds of thousands of viewers world-wide.

Tri District Indigenous Grad Celebration at Camp Thunderbird 

The first ever Tri-District Indigenous Grade 12 Celebration at Camp Thunderbird was a beautiful day in nature for Grade 12 students from SD61 (Victoria), 62 (Sooke), and 63 (Saanich). Paige James attended from SD63, enjoying her day of canoeing, beading, archery, listening to drumming, and meeting new people. We look forward to having more students attend next year’s celebration day! 

Indigenous Leadership Lunch Activities 

ILC’s Indigenous Leadership group has continued to cook meals together every Thursday, with a highlight being the fry-bread tacos, which was led by Patti-Ann Aleck in the spring. We also had two amazing beading workshops, led by Shai Prevost, and Ana Charlton. Thank you to all ILL students who participated in the lunches, as well as in the district’s “Student Voice” meetings–we really appreciate your feedback! We are all excited to visit the Russell Island sea gardens with you for our final field trip on June 19th! 

Sea Garden Field Trip with Parks Canada 

Indigenous Leadership students from ILC travelled by boat to visit the Russell Island sea gardens in W̱SÁNEĆ Territory, where we learned about traditional mariculture practices and sea life from local Knowledge Keepers.We also learned about important local plant species and helped Parks Canada staff to remove invasive plants in the meadow. What an amazing experience and a spectacular way to end the year. HÍSW̱ḴE to all who made the trip possible!

Red Dress Day at ILC 

The ILC Indigenous Ed team made presentations to each Zone about Jaime Black’s Red Dress Project and MMIWG. We viewed a short film and had meaningful conversations about raising the voices of Indigenous women, including the importance of joining marches such as the Stolen Sisters March and the Walk to End Violence. Small red felt dresses were handed out to staff and students so they could pin them to their clothes/backpacks to continue the important conversations in their communities. 

Take a Hike Program

The Saanich (SD63) Take a Hike Program continues to head out on the land each week, with a highlight of the year being a 3-day sailing trip with the Cowichan (SD79) Take a Hike Program!

The Skills Training Apprenticeship Carpentry Program (STAC)

The 2023 STAC students have been immersed in their "Level One" Carpentry curriculum, where they learn the basics of constructing a wood frame structure from the bare ground to the roof top. They have learned both theoretical knowledge and the practical application of skills and concepts related to the trade. Congratulations STAC grads!

The VIU Hairstylist, Education Assistant & Community Support (EACS) Programs

The VIU Hairstylist program’s 2023 cohort are halfway through their curriculum and will be starting their 7-week summer work-based training soon. The EACS program participants will be working through the summer to finish their program in August as fully-qualified Education Assistants!

January 2023

Orange Shirt Day

This year at ILC on Orange Shirt Day, staff members shared reflections with each zone, as well as with students in the Take-a-Hike program. Following the presentation, students spent time painting messages-from-the-heart on stones that they placed around the community.  

Camosun Tri-District Indigenous Learners Day

The first ever Tri-District Indigenous Learners Day at Camosun was a big hit with our students! We toured Camosun’s Centre for Trades Education & Innovation, as well as their Centre for Health and Wellness, doing various trades, technology, and health activities along the way. We also visited Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen – the Centre for Indigenous Education & Community Connections, who are there to help students along their post-secondary journey. Our learners had a great day and left the campus excited to learn more!

Take a Hike Program

The Take a Hike program is halfway through their first full year at ILC and the students have been enjoying weekly field trips, outdoor activities, a Snotty Nose Rez Kids concert, and a multi-day trip on the Juan de Fuca Trail! A recent visit from Sheralyn MacRae and the Territorial Map was a powerful experience for all. 

Trade Awareness Skills and Knowledge Program

Our 5-month TASK program has just wrapped up, with students building and plumbing their own bathrooms! This hard-working group of students tried their hand at welding, carpentry, plumbing, sheet metal, tile-setting, joinery, electrical, drywall, painting, document- and plan-reading, auto-service tech and more. Thanks to the support of Coast Salish Employment and Training Society (CSETS), our students also receive industry certification in Fall Protection, Construction Safety, Forklift, Skid Steer, and Confined Space, among others. 

Well done, graduates, and all the best on your future endeavours!

Hairstylist Program

We just celebrated the graduation of our 2022 VIU/SD63 Hairstylist Cohort. Students graduated from this 10-month program with their Foundations Level 1 certificate, which is the first step towards attaining their Red Seals. Our students have now returned to their local high schools to complete their academic graduation requirements, or are exploring job placements in the community. Please look for our students at your next salon visit! 

Indigenous Leadership Group 

ILC’s Indigenous Leadership group has been busy this fall and winter, organizing lunches every Monday in the Saanich Learning Centre, cooking meals together, leading beading workshops, teaching staff the SENĆOTEN alphabet, learning about post-secondary opportunities, expressing their perspectives at district “Student Voice” meetings, and going on field trips out in the community together. The group has also made some exciting plans for the spring that we are all looking forward to! 

Introduction of New Staff Member


My name is Cedar and I am ILC’s Indigenous Education Teacher for 2022-2023. I have been a visitor to this territory since 2011, having lived in S'olh Temexw (Stó:lō territory) and northern Norway before that (my ancestry is Scandinavian). I love to learn and am passionate about W̱SÁNEĆ culture, language, and traditional practices. This year, I am working with my team to facilitate many cultural learning opportunities for ILC’s students and teachers. In the past, I have been very fortunate to participate in the Clam Garden Restoration Project, and this spring, our team at ILC is planning a trip for our students to volunteer at a local sea garden! If you know of any other opportunities for our students, please email me at


June  2022

ILC Graduating Students

We are incredibly proud of this year’s graduating students. They have shared their lives with us over the years and have made our school a better place to be. Many of you have overcome incredible challenges during your schooling and learned many important life lessons. You all have persisted towards your educational and career goals and we are so thrilled to see you achieve great things. We wish you a life of purpose, wellness, community engagement, and continued learning. Be proud of who you are and may your heart lead you to happiness and fulfilment!


A hard working and diligent student that has a quiet grace about her, Asheya is someone that has proven that she is not afraid to challenge herself in her courses. She is well respected by her peers and staff. Asheya has grown in confidence and shows all the skills of a confident leader. She has helped our Indigenous Leadership group grow, and we will be sad to see her go. Good luck Asheya!!! 


Breanna is a lovely young lady who may seem quiet, but has a fun personality and a huge heart. Volunteering at Parkland, she is going above and beyond in pursuing her dreams and goals within education. She has shown courage and determination to complete her grade 12 year and this work ethic will push her beyond to be successful in her future endeavors. A beautiful smile that lights up the room. Wish you all the best Breanna, good luck!


Jamie is a kind, friendly, thoughtful  person, who has shown great perseverance and determination in pushing through challenges that have come his way, resulting in, both, academic and personal accomplishments and growth. He participated in both the TASK and STAC programs, and is planning on enrolling in the Foundation Program at Camosun College after graduation. Jamie wants to acknowledge how important his family are to him, as well as his Cowichan and Ahousaht heritages. He also wishes to thank Brandon Heyer, Del Horrill, and Kat Hiebert for their support at ILC.

Congratulations Jamie! We are excited to hear about all your future adventures!


Jayden is a friendly, easy-going student who has been a great addition to ILC. He is an intelligent and deep-thinker with great insight into society and its systems. Jayden is a passionate and dedicated artist and would like to pursue a career as a tattoo artist after graduation. While cross-enrolled, Jayden completed a table mural at Stelly’s, which was highly regarded as a true work of art. Congratulations on your achievements, Jayden; we wish you all the best!


Johnny is a friendly, well-liked student, who is respected by both the staff and his peers alike. A proud member of the Tsawout First Nations, Johnny is involved in various activities, such as playing soccer and baseball on his Community teams. He participated enthusiastically in the TASK program, inspiring him to look at opportunities for employment that will allow him to work with his hands in the future. Johnny would like to thank all those who have supported him throughout the years in achieving this great accomplishment, including Carmine Sparanese, Deb Nikkel, Sue Paltiel, and Delpheen Horrill.

We wish you all the very best, Johnny - Congratulations!


Kelsey is a friendly, dedicated student, who displays a natural quiet but confident leadership ability. Her perseverance and willingness to tackle challenges and try new things are inspiring to so many. Kelsey combines a strong work ethic with a passion for working with children, and that has taken her into the EACS Program this school year. She plans on moving forward with this career path after graduation. Way to go, Kelsey! We look forward to hearing about your new adventures.


Stephen is from the ‘Namgis First Nation in Alert Bay and resides in Tsawout. Stephen has been a student of ILC, Stelly’s, and participated in the TASK Program. Talented athlete, He has shown himself to be equally dedicated to his studies. He has worked hard this year to get admitted into the EACS Program, which he will be wrapping up this summer and plans to take the first steps in this career next school year. Congratulations and all the best in this next step, Stephen!

ILC Events - Spring 2022

Moose Hide Campaign 2022

We had students write down why they wore their pins in support and posted it in the classroom. 

Pink Shirt Day

ILC students wrote ways of showing kindness on the paper pink shirts

Field Trip to UVIC First People’s House 

Delpheen - with students Johnny, Nate, Elina, Jaiden 

January 2022

Introduction of New Staff Member 

Introducing our new Indigenous Education Assistant at ILC

Delpheen is the Indigenous EA at ILC Saanichton. We are lucky to have had her on our staff since Sept 2021. She has fit in with the students and staff from day 1. She is a proud Cree woman from the Beauval region of Saskatchewan, though lived most of her life in the West Kootenays before settling on the Island 5 years ago with her husband Darryl. 

ILC Indigenous Education Field Trip - Fall 2021 

The Upside Teen Activity Center at the Commonwealth Place is a great place to hang out. Eric and Delpheen, took a handful of our students to hang at Upside (with Maddie Parks). We played pool, beaded, painted a drum, and had pizza. Though it was a smaller group, everyone had a great time, and we are excited to have more field trips like this in the future. 

June 2021

 ILC Grads 2021

ILC is thrilled to recognize 10 Indigenous Graduates this school year.

Bri P

Bri has ancestry from Campbell River and Tsartlip First Nation, and has been cross-enrolled between Stelly’s and ILC for the last three years. Bri has a creative and inquisitive mind, and a deep passion for the arts - including performing in several musical theatre performances throughout high school. Bri plans to attend Camosun next school year with future plans to transfer to UVic’s performing Arts program. All the best in this next step Bri!

Chakotay W 

Chakotay is from the Xeni Gwet’in First Nation and has attended Parkland and ILC. Chakotay excelled in the TASK and STAC trades and carpentry programs. In those programs Chakotay demonstrated strong skills and developed his leadership abilities. We wish him all the best applying those skills in his future career path. Congratulations Chakotay!

Danielle P

Danielle is from Tsartlip First Nation. She completed the VIU hair program last year and finished with exceptional marks. In the classroom at ILC she proved to be a kind and hard-working student who was focused on her goals from day one. Danielle has applied for the Health Care Assistant program for September. Congratulations, and all the best in your next steps Danielle!

Ivy J

Ivy is from Pauquachin First Nation and has been an ILC student for the past four years. Ivy has made tremendous leaps as a learner at ILC, and we are so proud of her growth. Ivy has athletic strengths and loves nature. She hopes to work with animals in the future and is currently exploring opportunities in that field. Congratulations Ivy and all the best for the future!

Kai R

Kai has Metis ancestry, and is ILC’s valedictorian this school year. He has shown himself to be a tremendously focused learner, and has excelled equally in both the trades workshops of the TASK and STAC programs as well as the traditional academic classroom. Kai is currently working and exploring apprenticeship options in carpentry, and hoping to pursue red seal certification in the future. Congratulations Kai!

Malachi H

Malachi has Cree ancestry and has been attending ILC for the last four years. During his high school journey, Malachi has impressed us all by consistently demonstrating a willingness to step out of his comfort zone and try new and different challenges. Malachi is creative and academically strong, and those strengths will serve him well in his plans to attend post-secondary next school year. Congratulations Malachi!

Patrick E

Patrick is from the Tsartlip First Nation. In the classroom, Patrick is a kind and hard-working student, and has demonstrated his athletic strength throughout his high school journey, playing on school and community soccer teams. Patrick has plans to enter into the language revitalization program at UVic in the near future, and we wish him all the best on that path!

Riley D

Riley has Cree ancestry and is a kind and considerate soul with a creative nature. In her years at ILC, we have been struck by her determination and her willingness to step out of her comfort zone and try new things. Riley engaged with the VIU Hairstylist program and has plans to pursue training in the automotive industry. Best of luck in your next steps Riley!

Roman C

Roman is from the Klahoose First Nation, and has been a Stelly’s and ILC student. Recently, Roman has excelled in the STAC carpentry program. Over these past few months Roman has shown great dedication and enthusiasm for learning and growing his skills in carpentry. We have no doubt these skills and growth mindset will serve Roman well in the future, congratulations Roman!

The “Yetsa Project” Student Group

Yetsa Olsen was the Indigenous Education Assistant at ILC from October to May this school year. Yetsa recognized the benefit of creating opportunities for cultural connection and leadership development for Indigenous students at ILC, and created a six-week group tailored to those key goals. Yetsa’s idea was to involve a number of positive mentors from each of the four nations of the peninsula, and to expose the group members to a variety of ideas and activities that would be inspirational, foster connection with culture, and support their own wellness. Activities included a brushing off ceremony, a leadership seminar, sports activities, carving exploration, a historical walk to SṈIDȻEȽ(Tod Inlet), and a music workshop. Each of the community guests and co-facilitators shared their own perspective on cultural connection and demonstrated positive role-modelling in their interactions with the students involved. Seven students benefited from the project, and we acknowledge the hard work that all of them put into engaging in this important series in addition to attending their classes. We were able to secure a grant through the BC Alternate Education Association to fund the project, and we hope to offer something similar next school year.    

Students involved in a music workshop with Jon Etzel Jr. 

Students learning the history of SṈIDȻEȽ from Earl Claxton Jr. 

Students enjoying the sunshine at SṈIDȻEȽ with Earl Claxton Jr. 

Students and staff discussing leadership and community service with Joni Olsen. 

Hummingbird Library- SŦOŦȽE 

The intent of the Hummingbird Project is to foster reconciliation by creating a space and offering a collection that invites the Indigenous and non-Indigenous students of our school to learn about each other and the traditional territory they live on; to share their stories; and to strengthen their confidence as learners.  This project is in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action which have tasked schools and educators with fostering reconciliation, a process that requires individual strength to embrace the hope and healing possible within relationships that cross cultural boundaries.  The Hummingbird  project was made possible by achieving the CFUW Canadian Library Award.  This library project features a Hummingbird carving by our previous ILC grad Tyrone James who was the recipient of the Aspiring Artist Award in 2019. The students have named this area as SŦOŦȽE in sencoten meaning sprout as it is an area designated for growth and development.

Hummingbird Library- SŦOŦȽE 

Emma B successful TASK program participant working on the construction of the Hummingbird Library shelf unit.  We look forward to following Emma’s career path within the Trades industry.  

During this Hummingbird library opening, district post secondary Indigenous liaison and author Shane Hartman read from his book Isla’s New Drum with the Beacon Community Pre-School students.  A joyous moment of sharing and celebration! 



ILC celebrated the opening of their Rain Garden HIQEṈ SJSEṈENEȻ this spring.  

This project began in the spring of 2018 by lead teacher Megan Robinson and was ignited by the Pacific Rim College Award.  This project features native indigenous plants that produce berries, and fruit that are natural to this area.  This garden is a collaboration of community support.  We would like to acknowledge  Dominique Sampson, and Myrna Elliot for their support with plant selection and cultural knowledge.  SD 63 district  STAC and TASK trades program supported this project with building shed, fences and other manual labour support.

ILC Careers Student Highlights 

Jamie C demonstrated outstanding participation  and achievement in the TASK (Trades And Skills Knowledge) this fall and the STAC  program this spring.  Jamie is well on his way to working toward a rewarding career in the carpentry industry.  Roman C & Jamie C  STAC Program 2021 

Asheya U is a student in the SD 63 Vancouver Island University Hair program who is presently half way through the program.  Asheya is launching her career pathway with passionate success. 

January 2021

Post-Secondary and Transition Planning at ILC

Indigenous students from both campuses of ILC had an opportunity in November to meet with Shane Hartman for group and individual discussions about post-secondary possibilities. Shane is the Saanich School District’s Indigenous Post-Secondary Liaison. He shared examples from his own journey and his time as a university recruiter to convey to students that the possible opportunities are near limitless, and discussed funding and support options available to students along the way. Shane described how he can be helpful to students as they prepare for post-secondary, either by helping them to explore possible options, support course and prerequisite planning, or discover and support applications for relevant funding sources.

Indigenous Leadership Group at ILC

Lunchtimes at ILC look and sound a little different this school year. Pop in on a Tuesday and you’re likely to see a small group of young Indigenous leaders hard at work planning new directions for the ILC school community. With food, laughter, and brilliant brainstorming, this group is working to strengthen ILC’s goal of being a school that is welcoming to all learners and community members, and reflective of the worldviews and culture of the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose territories the school is situated. The group was organized by humanities teacher Debbie Nikkel, and supported by Beacon Community Services counsellor Kat Hiebert. Nikkel and Hiebert provide the space and the food, but the directions of the group have been left up to the students and their goals for themselves and their school. So far, students have advocated for the importance of incorporating SENĆOŦEN language into the school landscape, and are already hard at work designing SENĆOŦEN signs that can mark areas around the school. The group will also play a leading role in selecting literature by Indigenous authors, and authentic Indigenous resources for the upcoming Hummingbird Library, another project of Nikkel’s. 

New EA and Transport Support for ILC

Attendance this school year has been strong despite the challenges that a pandemic presents. A big part of that strong attendance for some of our students has been the new Indigenous Education Assistant Yetsa Olsen, and the transport she has provided with the school district van. Yetsa started as an IEA at ILC Saanichton this fall, and we could not be more thrilled with the work she is doing so far! She has been an amazing support for our students in the classroom, as well as on the road to school - routinely picking up students from each of the four nations of the peninsula and offering them a direct route to our Saanichton campus with some friendly conversation along the way. 

Indigenous Trades Awareness Skills & Knowledge Program (TASK)

The District Trade sampler program TASK is wrapping up this January.  Students completing this trade training program sample the following areas:  Electrical, Plumbing, Sheet metal, Joinery, Carpentry, Automotive, and Welding.  In addition, the students complete Fork Lift Operator, Flag Person, skid Steer, Confined spaces, Fall Arrest, WHMIS, and CSTS industry certifications. Each student leaves TASK with a clearly articulated path to their chosen trade training area.  We are proud to be celebrating this trade training program in partnership with Coast Salish Training Society, and congratulate Johnny Sylvester, Jamie Charlie, Emma Bartleman, Dylan Thomas, JJ Love, Tyrell Jones, and Jeighton James for completing this intensive program!

SD63/VIU Hairstylist Program

The SD63 Hairstylist program is wrapping up in January. In this program, which is a partnership with Vancouver Island University, students have mastered the technical knowledge requirements and had many hours of hands-on experience with clients within the Studio 63 Salon, as well as during work experiences in the community. Breanna Cooper is one of the graduating students who will be graduating and moving on to bright career prospects in January. Congratulations to Breanna and the rest of the hair cohort!

June 2020

Maggie-Rae JS

Maggie-Rae brought the brightest smile to ILC! This young woman is clever and thoughtful. Maggie- Rae worked hard to reach graduation, and is now the proud mother of a beautiful young baby named Matthew. Maggie-Rae was recognized for her powerful and detailed artwork. As she balances her busy home life with a baby, Maggie-Rae will continue as an artist and study Indigenous art making to honor her culture and community. We look forward to seeing Maggie’s creative work! 

Wyatt R

Wyatt came to ILC in the last half of his grade 10 year, in the last few months Wyatt has persevered in the face of immense adversity and personal loss. Wyatt is a kind, intelligent and humorous student that loves to make people laugh and as a result of his charm and charisma, he has many close friends. I will never forget Wyatt confidently rocking his “Covid hair” during our frequent Facetime meetings leading up to grad. Wyatt is interested in pursuing a career in business, and we believe that over the past few years he has worked hard to put himself in a position to be successful in this competitive field. Congratulations Wyatt and all the best in your future endeavours. 

JoJo S

JoJo’s willingness to persevere when lessons got tough, and openness to trying new approaches to learning have helped him get here today. Jojo,we will miss your smiling face and pleasant nature in our classrooms, and I will especially miss chatting with you about Manga! We wish you all the best for the future! 

Eric B

Eric is a very kind hearted young man with a fun sense of humour. We were lucky to have him here at ILC. Eric enjoys working in construction and is hoping to further his work experience through the carpentry trade program offered at Camosun College. All the best Eric! 

Grace G

Grace has been an ILC student since she was in grade 10. Despite facing significant health issues, she has continued to engage with her education and we commend her for her determination and grit. Grace is a baker, and has generously supplied the staff and students at ILC with her goodies, just out of the blue, many a time over the last few years. She is also a top-notch student and has displayed her abilities across a variety of subjects as she worked toward graduation. She is investigating a possible career in Architecture and sees herself attending Camosun college in the future. Congratulations Grace.

Jaden H

Jaden's ILC journey has not always been easy, but he has impressed us all with his resilience to come back from setbacks, and determination to continue doing the hard work of showing up day in and day out to get it done. We were especially proud of Jaden's efforts in the fall to complete his last grad requirement in time for the new year! Jaden, we will miss your humorous ways around the classroom, and we wish you the very best in your next steps! 

Devin P

Devin, Devin, you have blessed our ILC classroom with your sense of humour, your style and that mischievous twinkle in your eye. No matter what you put your mind to, we know you will do wonderfully. Thank you for imparting on us your love of classic music and your herbal tea passion with all of us at ILC. Congratulations buddy! We are so proud of you. 

January 2020

We are off to a good start, with an all time record number of students returning ready to take launch their new school year.  We welcomed Vance Reid to our ILC team as our Indigenous Educational Assistant. Vance is a graduate from the Saanich district.  Vance attended ILC in the young parent with his partner Shawnee while supporting their son Sebastion. Vance was a member of the pilot TASK program where he was awarded the top student and progressed into employment within the carpentry area.  Fortunately, our previous Indigenous Educational Assistant Kat Heibert is now the Beacon Community Counsellor at the Saanichton ILC campus. Vance has been settling students in and sharing his educational passion with the ILC team!

Orange Shirt Day

Author Lucky Budd presents to our students.  Fabulous! 

Joseph S working toward his grad plan!

Congratulations to Elliot Charles Edward for winning the Youth Apprenticeship Award!

Junior Cohort  - Grade 9 Cohort Saanichton ILC 

Tyler E - Junior Grade 9 Cohort attend the UVIC Climate Symposium

Bashful Elsie May with Vance 

Indigenous Trades Awareness Skills & Knowledge Program (TASK)

The District Trade sampler program TASK is wrapping up this January. Students completing this trade training program sample the following areas:  Electrical, Plumbing, Sheet metal, Joinery, Carpentry, and Welding. In addition, the students complete Fork Lift Operator, Flag Person, skid Steer, Confined spaces, Fall Arrest, WHMIS, and CSTS industry certifications.  We are delighted with the addition of Auto sampler! Each student leaves TASK with a clearly articulated path to their chosen trade training area. We are proud to be celebrating this trade training program in partnership with Coast Salish Training Society.  

TASK 2019-2020

Stephen P, Brody M, Kai R, Riley S, Chakotay W, Jasper M

Danielle P.

Elizabeth S.

SD 63 Vancouver Island University District Hair Program GRADS!

Danielle and Elizabeth celebrate the completion of  the SD63 Vancouver Island University Hair program with 42 grad credits, logging approximately 1,000 hours toward their Youth apprentice employment training !  Wow - well done. 

June 2019

What a year it has been for our students at the Individual Learning Centre! Our students have been busy with career focused programs such as Trades Awareness Skills & Knowledge (TASK), Vancouver Island University SD63 Hairstylist program, and the new Skills Training Apprenticeship Carpentry program (STAC).  

STAC, an exciting new program being offered at ILC, teaches students a “Level One” carpentry curriculum!  Here is the Tiny Home the students have been building! 


Danielle P. and Elizabeth S. and Riley D. are well under way in the Studio 63 Hair program! The three of them have been busy bees in the salon immersing themselves in learning new hair styling techniques and theory. These three Indigenous young ladies have been fantastic role models to their class as well as the communities they are from. Way to go ladies and keep up the great work!




Johnny-Ray W. wrapped up his graduation requirements early this year and has been incredibly successful at Camosun College in the Automotive Service Technician Foundation program!  We wish him all the best on his journey! 

In terms of scholarships and awards this year, ILC is very excited to announce that we had two female Indigenous students win BC Alternate Education Student Bursaries! These $1000 bursaries are intended for graduating students who plan on attending a post-secondary institution or education/training program, and who are or who have been enrolled in an alternate education program. There were 5 bursaries given out this year in BC, and our students, Mercedes W. and Jewelia W. received two of the bursaries! We are so very proud of these strong young women, who also happen to be Moms! 

ILC would also like to congratulate Grace G., as she received a $200 BC Alternate Education Association Student Achievement award! Way to go!  

ILC would also like to highlight that one of our graduates, Tyrone J., has won a prestigious award from the Vancouver International Airport Art Foundation. It is a $500 bursary to help support his carving endeavours. Well done!  

Jewelia W

Chenoa I

Johnny-Ray W

Mercedes W

Nick D

Tyrone J

Leo M

Jaden E

Julia M

Sene U

Henry W

February 2019

Happy 2019 Everyone! 

It has been a busy fall and winter start for the Individual Learning Centre (ILC) school! 

ILC staff were excited to welcome back students from the previous school year, as well as welcome all our new students and get them organized with their course materials. 

On Orange Shirt Day, ILC decided to focus on what the word ‘Reconciliation’ means and how we as a school can contribute to this process. The day was full of enriching conversations for students and staff.  The big take-away for many of our students was learning what the word ‘Reconciliation’ means and how important respectful reciprocal relationships are.  

We have seen our district TASK students flourish in their program under the guidance of teacher Brandon Heyer and the Indigenous Education Assistant Brandon Dryer. This program year we have seen a growth in the number of female Indigenous students who joined, which is brilliant!    

The TASK group worked tirelessly to complete their group projects.  

The students held a showcase where they invited local employers to come and view their work.    

Completely functional washroom built by our TASK students! 

Potential employers and TASK students connecting at the showcase! 

As the VIU SD63 Hair Stylist Program has come to a close this year, ILC is very proud of all the students who completed this rigours training program. This cohort brought the highest number of Indigenous students and we are so proud of them. To highlight a couple students from ILC, Marcus was voted this years Valedictorian for the hair program graduation; Marcus’ teachers have been very impressed with all of his work and commitment to the program and feel he is truly a role model. Sene U. has also been a superstar within the program, bringing in the most amount of clients. Sene’s teachers have said that she has grown immensely during this program and also feel that she is a true role model to her peers and community members.

Well done everyone!!  

Marcus R.L.

Sene U.

This January ILC graduate and young father Elliott C.E. started the Cooks Foundation Program at Camosun College, where he hopes to be a professional chef and someone his son can look up to! We wish you all the best on your college journey, Elliott! 

June 2018

ILC was very excited to welcome local W̱SÁNEĆ carver, Curtis Henry from Pauquachin First Nation, as he presents our school with a female Welcome Figure. Curtis has been able to come to our Saanichton and Broadmead campus' to show the students and staff the figure in the early stages of being carved. Curtis has also shared traditional knowledge around what the significance of a Welcome Figure is, why it is important that our school has one, and the process he goes through from the falling of the cedar tree to the finishing touches. It has been a fantastic learning opportunity for our students and staff! On June 6th ILC hosted the unveiling ceremony of our Welcome Figure with a yummy BBQ to celebrate afterwards!

ILC’s Preparation for Employment Skills (PES) training program has been very busy this year! Teacher Gustav Guzek and Indigenous Education Assistant Brandon Dreyer had a fabulous bunch of students this year! The students who were selected for the PES program have had the opportunity to participate in many hands on activities such as: traditional drum making, cedar weaving, bird house building and archery! Students in the program have also participated in Food Safe and First Aid courses in order to obtain certificates that are applicable for summer jobs. 

PES students participating in Archery lessons!

VIU SD63 Hair Stylist Program has been busy busy with clients coming in to get their hair done from our talented stylists! ILC wants to acknowledge all the hard work Marcus and Sene have been putting in to the program!

ILC also would like to congratulate former TASK student William H on being accepted to the Camoson College South Island Partnership program for Carpentry Foundation!! We are so proud of you William and we wish you the best of luck!

Congratulations to our Indigenous Graduates 2018!

Cameron M

Jessie C

Monique T

Sadie B

Steven P

Elliott C

Meagan J

Adelaide G

Leilani S

Grace W

January 2018

Our year was off to a good and quick start, with an all time record number of students returning ready to take on the new year. Our new students are feeling welcome and are excelling in the ILC environment, and our amazing Indigenous Educational Assistant, Kat Heibert, has been settling students in and bringing her energy and passion to the ILC team. 

Katherine Heibert

Ramone P.

Julieann S.

Cameron M

ILC celebrated Orange shirt day with playing an introductory pair game to the Blanket Activity and completing the reflection orange hand activity. Overall a great day of creating awareness!

Indigenous Trades Awareness Skills and Knowledge Program (TASK) 

Celebrating 5 years of Indigenous TASK program in SD 63. Ten Indigenous TASK students are wrapping up their trade sampler program this January. Students completing this trades training program sample the following trade areas: Electrical, Plumbing, Sheet Metal, Joinery, carpentry, and Welding. In addition, the students complete Fork Lift operator, Flag Person, Skid Steer, Confined Spaces, Fall Arrest, WHMIS, and CSTS industry certifications. Each student leaves TASK with a clearly articulated path to their chosen trade training area. We are proud to be celebrating six years of partnership with Coast Salish Employment and Training society. 

ILC Welcome Pole Celebration

This spring ILC will be hosting Curtis Henry and Mark Henry in the carving of a Welcome pole for our Saanichton campus entrance. ILC will share this journey with Beacon community programs, TEAM and Preschool, through a series of mini on campus sessions, culminating in a grand community potluck and unveiling ceremony planned for in May. Stay tuned. 

ILC Student Highlights

Congratulations to Jericho Voyageur. From TASK program in 2015 to completing his high school graduation and most recently his Camosun Level One carpentry program! Bravo

Congratulations to John Bordeaux for completing his high school graduation and Camosun College Professional Cooks program! Bravo