Cordova Bay Elementary

June 2024

Cordova Bay Elementary 

Students went on a storytelling field trip to LAU, WELNEW. 

January 2024

Cordova Bay Elementary 

 Meet our Spirit Bear ȾÁLE!

We have been using Spirit Bear to teach about WSANEC knitting traditions during our school assemblies this year.  

June 2023

Cordova Bay June 23 Garden Sign Unveiling Ceremony

The Cedars' Teaching Garden sign was designed and painted by local Wsanec artist Sarah Jim. OUr community gathered around the sign on June 23 while Lance Norris drummed The New Beginning. As a school, the sign will be our reminder that we are stewards of this land where the W̱SÁNEĆ  people have lived and worked since time immemorial and have cared for this land, the oceans and the forests that surround us daily and nurture us. 

Labrador Tea Session

Lois, Indigenous Support Liaison, joined us in our garden next to our beautiful new garden sign to share her knowledge of the medicinal bedzish ts'ediyan (Labraddor Tea). Lois learned from her mother, Maria Williams, that the tea is used for an upset stomach, cough, colds and a general feeling of well being. 2 cups a day and no more:) Gather the leaves from the stem by sliding upwards in a gentle motion and gather only what you need for yourself and for your family.Dry the leaves and then boil one pinch of leaves per cup.

 Hiswke Lois for your time!

January 2023

Metis Elder Jo-Ina's visit to Cordova Bay

It was such a lovely experience.  The art of storytelling was rekindled with Jo-Ina's animated stories and sharing of knowledge.  She had everyone engaged.  We were fortunate for her to bring the artifacts and allow us to participate in a bead craft that was connected to her stories. 

January 2022

13 Moons of the WSANEC People Display 

HÍSW̱ḴE  M.Bains at Cordova Bay for sharing how you are sharing the moon information in your class. 

Indigenous Heroes of the week

Cordova Bay Teachers have been collaborating on Indigenous Heroes of the week. Loved seeing this display in the learning commons. 

The Cedars’ Teaching Garden Sign 

Cordova Bay elementary was excited to have Sarah Jim, Indigenous artist, join us to paint a welcoming sign to our learning garden. Sarah painted the following native plants on the sign (words beautifully crafted by Saanich Teacher Laura Hillman on live cedar plank purchased by PAC for project): snowberry, honeysuckle, trillium, Oregon grape, fawn lily, nettle, trailing blackberry, and salal; all plants found in cedar forests. As we are the Cordova Bay cedars, we are excited to have our sign reflect these beautiful plants. 

June 2021

Traditions and What Brings us together. 


We are grateful to have Mr. Charles Sampson with us today on Indigenous People's Day, June 21. Charles, a band member of the Stz'uminus First Nation, spent the day with us sharing traditions and what brings us together. Charles's traditional language is Hulquminum. The students were fully engaged in drumming, song and language and learning about important Stz'uminus First Nation cultural artifacts. We are so fortunate to have had this time with Charles who has been very connected to our school as a TTOC this year. 

Thank you Charles!

January 2021

June 2020

Congratulations Grade 5 Grad Coleman E!

Coleman E

About me: I am Cree and a member of the Metis Nation of BC and I love animals and nature.

Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Favorite memory of this year?: Going to Heritage Acres 

Proudest moment: Being a big buddy!

Best book: Warriors Series “Book 24 - The Last Hope"

Favourite after school activity: Basketball

Favourite saying: That’s Hilaaarious

Movie of the year: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Song of the year: Change on the Rise (cover) by Avi Kaplan

One memory I will never forget about Elementary is: Meeting my best friend

Looking back on your elementary years, what is some helpful advice you would like the younger students to know? Don’t get mixed up in things you don’t want to get mixed up in!

What are you excited about for Middle School? Playing on the basketball team

January 2019

Orange Shirt Day

SENĆOŦEN and Cultural Teachings

June 2019

February 2019

Orange Shirt Day

Making pom poms with May Sam

June 2018

In May Cordova Bay students visited ȽÁU,WELṈEW to hear the Flood Story told by Lorelei McEvay

In February 2018 Indigenous EA Chesa presented to all classes at Cordova Bay. She shared information about the local territory and focused on the importance of XPȺ (cedar) and its many uses both by the local people and the diverse Indigenous groups on Vancouver Island. 

January 2018

Orange Shirt Day 

At Cordova Bay on Orange Shirt Day, Grade 4/5 students learned about residential schools and the impact the schools had on Indigenous children.  They learned how reconciliation happens through education and knowledge, and made personal connections to their own beliefs, families and cultures. Students chose one word from the day that had significance to them, and recorded the word on a bracelet to help them both remember what they learned on Orange Shirt Day, and help them share their learning with their families.  Each class in the school read books and watched videos about Orange Shirt Day.  Teachers facilitated discussion around Orange Shirt Day, residential schools, and the rights of children