Keating Elementary

June 2024

 National Indigenous Peoples Week at Keating Elementary

January 2024

Salish Weave Collection Visits Keating Elementary

Keating Students are getting an initial connection with the Salish Weave collection which is currently on display in our Learning Commons. We hope to have classes work more closely with pieces from the collection, learning the stories, and creating related/inspired art and writing.

Ms. Rashleigh's class participating in Literary Character Day 

January 2023

Keating Students participating in an Indigenous Carving Workshop 

A few of the classes made little miniature paddles as a necklace. They used cedar and tiny little carving knife and the results were amazing.  

Keating Kindergarten Information Session 

Keating principal Steve MacGregor , Kindergarten Teacher Nayda and  IEA Tina went to TSAWOUT for an information session for families about Keating elementary.

June 2022

Keating Grade 5 Students Farewell 


Hayden will be going to Bayside next year and is going to miss the Grade 4’s in his class now. He is super excited about the fact he won’t have to go to K.O.S.C. anymore though! Hayden is one funny guy and I know you’ll do great at Bayside. Best of luck next year!


Rayah is such a sweetheart, always with a friendly smile on her face. Rayah enjoys gymnastics and hanging out with her friends. She is an eager student and is looking forward to taking part in the SENĆOŦEN program at Bayside next year. (maybe) 

January 2022

Saanich Moon Bulletin Board 

Bulletin boards help to highlight W̱SÁNEĆ culture in our schools. Featuring information about the current W̱SÁNEĆ moon, including traditional cultural activities, what plants and animals are harvested, and what the weather is like in that moon cycle. The board also has a land acknowledgement and lists W̱SÁNEĆ values.

Thank you Keira, for creating this!  

June  2021

Keating Grade 5 Students Farewell 


About me:  I am from Victoria and have family in Williams Lake.

Favorite subject:  Silent reading and English 

Favorite memory of Keating elementary school:  having the field again. 

Proudest moment: when it was basketball season, and I did an awesome layup on one of the best players at Keating.

Favorite saying: “Beans” 

What are you excited about middle school? the big field 


About us: Beatrice and Violet We are identical twins! We were born in Victoria.  Our dad is half Inuit and our dad’s mom, our grandma, is Inuit. 

Favorite subject:  Science 

favorite memory of Keating elementary school: pulling icicles off the house by the school and scaring people with my mask. 

Proudest moment:  finished all 8 or 9 Christmas drawings and it took me from the start of Christmas break until Christmas eve to complete it.  It took a lot of energy. 

What are you excited about middle school? Beatrice and Violet: things that we get to make at Middle school. 


About me:  I was born in Victoria, BC. I live with my dad and sister.  I am 11 years old. 

Favorite subject: Art class 

Favorite memory of Keating elementary school: Grade 2 when we got to the pumpkin patch and pick our own pumpkins. 

Proudest moment: I started soccer at the age of 8 and scored my first goal too! 

Favorite saying: “No one wins afraid of losing.” 

“Thank you, Keating,” Talia. 


About us: Beatrice and Violet We are identical twins! We were born in Victoria.  Our dad is half Inuit and our dad’s mom, our grandma, is Inuit.

Favorite subject:  French, Grammar and Math 

Favorite memory of Keating elementary school: joking with friends. 

Proudest moment: finished drawings that took me about 5-6 hours. 

What are you excited about middle school? Beatrice and Violet: things that we get to make at Middle school. 

June 2020

Congratulations Grade 5 Students!

Devan P.

Devan has just finished off his grade five year and is ready to handle the big school life of Middle School. He has been at Keating Elementary for six years. Devan has made amazing progress in all areas of life in those six years. He has transformed into a hard-working, focused student with strong skills in all subject areas, especially Math. Devan is an enthusiastic student who is keen to take an active role in all class and school activities. He has been a member of every sports team at Keating and has excelled at Basketball and Track & Field. He is also extremely fit and exceptionally strong for his age and demonstrates amazing skills at climbing anything!! Devan has many friends and is a personable, honest and sincere companion to his classmates. Devan's teachers have loved working with him, especially Mrs. Lee, who taught Devan for both Grade 4 and Grade 5. Devan has been one of her favourite students as he has an excellent work ethic and shows determination in completing his work to high standards but also has a wonderful personality and brings life to the classroom! Devan has so much to offer his new middle school and Keating will miss him as he moves on to Bayside! 

Brianne F.

Brianne is very respectful and has a wonderful personality. She always arrives at school each day with a smile, ready to learn. Brianne tackles new challenges eagerly and with positive attitude. She always has a wealth of ideas and experience to show. Every day Brianne approaches learning with determination and perseverance which is admirable. She is very creative and involving an imagination and original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic , science, social studies and writing works and projects. Brianne is a very good reader enjoying English and French books. Brianne’s charm, creativity and kindness make her a wonderful addition to our classroom environment. Good luck in Middle School Brianne! We'll miss you.

June 2018

Alister Love came to Mme. Jorgensen’s and Mme. Lord’s classes to teach them about traditional Coast Salish Art. 

Keating’s Indigenous EA Chesa came to teach Mme. Lister’s and Mme. Cuthill’s classes about rose hips and how to make rose hip jam. 

May Sam introduced students to Fiber Arts

Congratulations to our Grade 5 students transitioning to middle school!

Sienna C.

Sophie C.

Kiera M.

Hannah U.

January 2018

Doug & Kathy LaFortune Art Lesson

In October Doug and Kathy LaFortune came to Keating to do an art lesson with the teaching staff. In January Mme Jorgensen and Mme Lord invited Doug and Kathy to come back and do an art lesson with their two Grade 2 classes. During the session the students heard stories, learned about the significance of different animals in Coast Salish designs, and followed along as Doug taught them how to draw an orca, thunderbird, bear, and salmon. The students thoroughly enjoyed their time with Doug and Kathy and were so grateful for everything they learned.

Cover Pages Mme Cuthill’s Class

Mme Cuthill's class has spent time learning about traditions of oral storytelling through First Nations stories. The students also created their own stories with beautiful Coast Salish inspired cover pages, utilizing what Mme Cuthill had learned in an art lesson with Doug LaFortune.


Saanich Moons

In November the Grade 4 & 5 classes at Keating had the opportunity to learn about the Saanich moons from SENĆOŦEN teacher Josephine Henry. Josephine’s presentation focused on the unique things that take place during each of the moons. 

Saanich Moon Display and Info - Created by Keira Nolting