Prospect Lake Elementary

June 2024

Prospect Lake - Bone Game in Grade 4 Class

January 2024

Prospect Lake Elementary Fall/Winter 

Our January PAW Claw Assembly “Honouring this Place” was a great introduction to the school community and culture for Mrs P. I was able to introduce myself to the whole student body and share some beautiful photos and information about how we honour and acknowledge the W̱SÁNEĆ territory. Students learned about how a variety of Coast Salish animals (bear, wolf, octopus, seal, raven) are represented and valued by the W̱SÁNEĆ peoples for their unique qualities and characteristics. In our school family groupings, we each selected a local animal that we identified with and shared with our group and added it to our PAW Claw bulletin board because learning recognizes the role of Indigenous knowledge and learning requires the exploration of one's identity. 

HÍSW̱ḴE to teachers Melissa Bourdon and Alisa Russell for supporting this opportunity at Prospect Lake 

June 2023

Salish Weave Collection Visits Prospect Lake School 

Spirit Bear finds a new home!

June 2022

What have we been up to at Prospect Lake Elementary?


The Indigenous Education Assistant, Emily, has been busy travelling around Prospect Lake Elementary giving presentations to our classes! This year the school learned about Métis history and the students practiced their Métis jig! We also talked about land-based learning and plant medicine, mainly focusing on the wonderful gifts the Cedar Tree brings us. Another topic we learned about was the importance of land acknowledgments and how to properly give one. Lastly, the students learned about Inuit culture and tried their hand at some traditional Inuit games.

Moosehide Campaign Day: 

Prospect Lake Elementary participated in the Moosehide Campaign on May 12th this year. Teachers shared videos and education on what the campaign represents and how we can show support by participating in the Moosehide Campaign. Each student was given a Moosehide pin!

Emily introduced this topic in my class and I also spoke about it on the announcements.

W̱SÁNEĆ Moons:

Teachers at Prospect Lake Elementary showcased the W̱SÁNEĆ moons throughout their classrooms. They discussed the meanings of the moons and learnt how to properly pronounce them in SENĆOŦEN. 

June 2021


To all indigenous students and grads in the district.  We are wishing you and Prospect Lake students a wonderful summer! 

January 2021

June 2020

Grade 5 Grad!

My name: Brady H

About me: My Mom Rules!

Favorite Subject: Math/Science

Favorite memory of this year?: Making Bird Feeders with Mrs. Evans

Proudest moment: Grade 4 Science Program with Mr. Stewart science fair, Pennies.

Best book: Harry Potter

Favourite after school activity: Playing with Benno

Favourite saying: IKR “I know right” and OMG

Movie of the year: Artemis Fowl

Song of the year: Toss a coin to your Witcher

One memory I will never forget about Elementary is:  My friend Eating Crayon in grade 2 and the never ending supply of hugs and bandaids from Mrs. Blackwell.

Looking back on your elementary years, what is some helpful advice you would like the younger students to know? Listen to your teacher and obey the rules!

What are you excited about for Middle School? Band Class

January 2020

Orange Shirt Day

June 2019

Indigenous Peoples of Canada Giant Floor Map

John M Canoeing

February 2019

June 2018

Prospect Lake students learning about the importance of the Tod Creek Watershed through the lens of the elders 

" Stand tall. Be proud of who you are" - a message from Mr. Henry in our outdoor classroom. Students working with yellow cedar carvings. 

January 2018

Over the past couple of months Indigenous education assistant Chesa Abma has been going from class to class sharing about the W̱SÁNEĆ (people and territory) through use of the flood story, territory maps, and the Saanich Year.  She has also been reading stories by Snuneymuxw author Celestine Aleck, and doing activities that familiarize students with indigenous plants such as rosehips.