Brentwood Elementary

June 2024

Brentwood says Farewell to Grade 5 Students

Aaliyah is a kind, funny, and happy kid. She works really hard and loves to do art. Sports are her favourite including Lacrosse and Volleyball. She said she is going to miss her teachers the most when she leaves Brentwood School. She also said that she is most excited to see her friends at Bayside. 

Derickah is a kind, friendly student who always has a smile on her face.  She is incredibly thoughtful and helpful and is happy to work with anyone in the class.  She works extremely hard in all areas in school. You will often find Derickah in the library exchanging books as she loves to read. Derickah says that she will miss the teachers at Brentwood Elementary. She is looking forward to meeting new friends at Bayside next year! 

Ella is a bright star. She is a happy and talented kid who loves to create. She is a true artist and shines when she is allowed to do so. Ella is most excited about the clubs at Bayside and making new friends. 

Eddie is an incredibly kind and caring person whose smile lights up any room he enters. He enjoys spending time with his friends and family, finding joy in their company. Eddie is especially passionate about fishing and loves spending time with his baby brother. At school, he works hard to be successful, completing every task with a smile on his face and to the best of his ability.

Kayleigh is a kind and caring individual who actively contributes to our inclusive classroom community. Her involvement in school activities, such as serving as a lunch monitor and crossing guard, highlights her dedication. Kayleigh always maintains a positive attitude and eagerly participates in class discussions. She cherishes spending time with her friends and family, especially when she gets to help her mom bake. 

Madeline is a kind and enthusiastic student who consistently puts forth her best effort in all endeavors. She is compassionate and well-respected by her peers. Madeline eagerly anticipates extra-curricular activities where she can display her athletic skills. This year, she took part in Soccer, Basketball, Cross-Country, and Track and Field. She is deeply passionate about her friendships and cherishes time spent with her family. 

Myles is a caring and valued member of our classroom. He enjoys collaborating on group projects with his peers. Myles particularly looks forward to our action breaks, as well as recess and lunch, where he can showcase his athletic abilities. He is very passionate about fishing and loves sharing his fishing experiences through his writing. 

Rachel is a happy, friendly and cooperative student who likes to laugh with her friends. She is extremely helpful and kind, especially to the younger students in our school. Rachel likes to draw and doodle and enjoys reading and visiting the school library. She will miss her teachers at Brentwood but is looking forward to having fun at Bayside! 

Shane has a great sense of humour and likes to laugh.  He enjoys reading, playing video games at home, knitting and sewing and listening to music.  He has some really great Thriller dance moves.  He is a hard worker in class who is always up for a game of Chess with his classmates. Shane says that he will miss reading at Brentwood and he is looking forward to sewing at Bayside! 

Tyler is leaving Brentwood happy and excited for Bayside! He has worked really hard during his time at Brentwood making good friends and strong connections. Tyler loves math and colouring but he especially loves playing Prodigy and other computer games. He is most excited for the clubs at Bayside. 

Wyatt is a kind and soft soul. He is always the first one to help, and the is always so inclusive of everyone around him. Wyatt has flourished this year with his drawings. He has worked very hard at drawing people and animals. He is most excited for the clubs at Bayside next year. 

Students learning about the Coast Salish Shapes. Students made their own and  used multiple layering printing to create an abstract piece. 

January 2024

Brentwood Elementary -  Fall and Winter Activities

Brentwood Elementary - Halloween Fun

Brentwood Elementary - Remberance Day Assembly

Brentwood Elementary - Holiday Season

June 2023 

Brentwood says Farewell to Grade 5 Students


Anthony is a sweet, kind, loving, and funny classmate and friend. He always has the biggest smile on his face and great jokes to share. If someone needs a laugh Anthony is there to save the day. The class particularly loved his Patrick Star outfit that he wears to school. Anthony loves learning new things and always tries his best. It has been a true joy to be a part of Anthony’s learning journey and I can’t wait to see what he does in the future. Brentwood will not be the same without you Anthony. 


I have had Jaxon in my class these past two years, and he is one of the brightest, funniest kids I know.  He has a love of lacrosse and sports.  Jaxon consistently shares his insightful ideas and connections during classroom discussions, can be counted on to read aloud and makes thoughtful contributions on topics we are covering in class, from colonialism and Douglas Treaties, to how the room furniture should be arranged.  Jaxon loves to share stories about his pets and visiting cousins on long weekends and holidays.  Jaxon consistently demonstrates leadership and kindness, and often is found chatting with the many friends he has in our classroom. Jaxon is ready for grade 6 at Bayside and he will be missed! 


Justin is a kind and thoughtful person.  He is considerate of others, a wonderful friend and big brother, and a hard-working student. He tries his best at everything he does, from math and writing to new games in PE. Justin has a wonderful sense of humour and loves to spend time chatting and laughing with friends.  Justin’s sense of humour filters into his school work and his Ugly Holiday Sweater assignment (both the illustration and the writing) was creative and hilarious!  Justin, you are ready for Grade 6 and will be missed. I hope you come back once in a while when you pick up your sister to say hello!


Kora is a passionate learner with a great sense of humor. She always does her best with her work and checks in along the way to make sure she’s on the right track. She has so many passions that I would be writing all day. At school I’d say her top passions are reading and anything related to art. She pays attention to every detail and plans it all out first. Kora has amazing ideas and is great at following through with them. She is a great leader and is great at sharing her knowledge with the class. Kora has many paths that she could follow in life and I can’t wait to see which she decides. I hope to catch up with you in the future, Kora!


Luke is a great student to have in your class.  He is friendly, kind and likes to help others. Luke loves to play sports at recess , welcoming others when they want to join. Luke is great at mathematics, he always needs extra challenge work to complete!  Luke gives 100% to every class though he enjoys school.  Like is very ready for grade 5 and the extra responsibility that brings.  He has volunteered at Brentwood as a crossing guard and lunch monitor, I am sure at Bayside he will get involved in all he can too!  Brentwood will miss him. 


Mason has the ability to make you feel special with his great big smile and friendly hellos.  He is an all-star soccer player who loves to spend his spare moments and activity breaks outside on the (soggy) Brentwood fields in rain or shine.  MAson has great connections in our classroom and school, and is often chatting and laughing with peers.  He likes to play pranks and tricks on his teachers and friends. He enjoys choices and has a creative mind.  This year, Mason made a presentation about a famous person and presented it clearly, and with confidence. Mason, it has been wonderful getting to know you and connecting with you this year.  I wish you all the best as you head into middle school! 


Sofia is a deeply kind, charismatic, and outgoing kid. She is the first one to say hi and ask how your day is going. She is also the first one to give you a hug or encouragement if needed. Sofia is a creative writer and an enthusiastic learner. She asks questions and makes great connections. Sofia is also a passionate reader. You can find her most of the day engrossed in a book. Brentwood is going to miss Sofia’s big smile and friendly, happy personality. She truly is one of a kind. 


I have known Tyson for two years now and I have said this from the first time I met him, he is a creative mind and artist.  Tyson prefers to show his ideas in pictures and is an incredible story teller.  He has spent much of this year laughing with friends in our class.  He always tries his best during our school work assignments.  He has a genuine smile and kindness that permeates our room and hallways.  I am going to miss his friendly greetings and big smiles, his detailed artwork and stories about soccer in the Dominican.  Tyson says he can’t wait to get to Portugal. If you go, I need to hear all about it.  I hope you come back and visit at Brentwood! 

Brentwood has Thuxston Dance Group  visiting!

SNIDCEL (Tod Inlet) Field Trip 


Flood Story 

Drum Making

Gr 3 class drum making with Richard Underwood.  Richard gave Sarah Ewart a drum for her retirement. 

January 2023 

June  2022

Brentwood says Farewell to Grade 5 Students


Akaisha has had an outstanding grade 5 school year! She shows a remarkable level of empathy and understanding for the feelings of others. She loves being an older sister to her little brother Max, taking library books home to read and share with him. Akaisha is always looking out for the best interest of her friends! She is passionate about many things, especially her love for cats and Warrior Cat books. She sets an excellent example for others of how to consistently put your best foot forward. 


Amelia is a quiet gem. She is a kind, helpful, and funny student. She is always looking out for her friends and classmates. Amelia is a great big sister and is very patient. She shares her knowledge with her peers and listens to others' opinions respectfully. Amelia is an athletic student who always shows good sportsmanship. She is also an amazing artist and writer. Brentwood will not be the same without her.  


Although Asher is new to Brentwood Elementary this school year, he quickly settled into a new school community making lots of new friends. Asher is a dedicated and inquisitive learner, consistently challenging himself academically. He is passionate about his culture and loves sharing his love for language in our weekly SENCOTEN classes. Asher excels in all athletic endeavors and demonstrates his outstanding athleticism in basketball, soccer, and cross country this school year.


Brenda-Lea has had a fabulous grade 5 year. She is a kind, hardworking, and creative student. Brenda-Lea is always ready to take on a challenge and is the first to offer support to her peers. She is always helpful in class and works very hard in all areas of school. Not only is Brenda-Lea hardworking, but she is a deeply caring person. She is a fantastic friend and an amazing big sister who is always looking out and helping her brother Shane. 


Brooklyn has had an excellent grade 5 school year. She is a fantastic leader in and out of the classroom environment, always leading by example. Brooklyn is a very eager student consistently challenging herself academically. She participated in all extracurricular activities, demonstrating her outstanding athletic ability. Brooklyn is a kind and caring student who loves socializing and spending time with her friends. 


George has had a fantastic grade 5 school year. He enjoys being part of the classroom community and showcasing his learning with his peers. George is a fantastic big brother to his sister Emily. He is very athletic and especially thrived during soccer intramurals, showcasing his soccer skills. George is a kind and caring student and loves helping around the school. 


Jordyn has been an incredible addition to Brentwood Elementary this year. She is thoughtful, funny, and caring. She notices what needs to be done around the classroom and she quietly gets it done. Jordyn is wise beyond her years. She has a vast knowledge of her community and culture and passionately shares this knowledge with her class. Jordyn will always be the first to stand up for someone if they are being wronged. I can’t wait to see what she does in the years to come.


Kingston is a caring and thoughtful person, with a gentle soul. He loves being at the same school as his sister Larina and brother Justin. Kingston enjoys helping around the school and being a role model to his little buddy and lunch monitoring class. He has a good sense of humor and is always ready to share a joke with a friend who's feeling a bit down. He is a respectful and inclusive student always looking out for the best interests of others. 


Trevor is a funny and inquisitive student. He is famous for his “what if...” questions. He is a proud “farm boy” (his words) and loves to share his farming knowledge with everyone. He loves to help out around the school and takes his responsibilities very seriously. Trevor has taken on the roles of crossing guard, lunch monitor, school tour guide for Ready, Set, Learn, and many other volunteer opportunities. Brentwood will miss Trevor’s unique sense of humor and his desire to learn. 


Zander has had an outstanding grade 5 school year! He is eager to learn new things and share his learning with his peers. Zander can always be counted on to help around the school and classroom community. Zander is a kind and inclusive member of our classroom and school. His inquisitive nature and easy-going confidence make him well-liked by all his peers.

June 21 National Indigenous Peoples Day at Brentwood 

Camp Imadene 2022  - Kingston, George, Justin and Nate

Cedar Rose Making for Grade 3 Class

Three Guests came to teach the Annelies Browne Grade 3 class how to collect cedar, and make cedar roses. 

January 2022

Introduction of New Staff Member

Annelies Browne -  I  wanted to take the time to introduce myself as I am new to the Brentwood school community.  My name is Annelies Browne and I am the Indigenous support teacher as well as the ELS teacher at Brentwood Elementary.  I have been teaching for many years throughout Vancouver Island.  Most recently I worked at the Victoria School For Ideal Education (a nature based outdoor education school in Victoria).  I have experience teaching all grades from Kindergarten to High School in the private and public sectors.  For 17 years I worked at the University of Victoria in teacher education.  Prior to this, I taught school in Tasiujaq, a remote Inuit community in Northern Quebec.    I hold a Masters in Education with a specialization in ESL and English Education.  I enjoy bringing nature, play and inquiry based learning into all my lessons.  We have a small flower farm that keeps us very busy in the summer months.  I have a 12 year old son who also keeps me very busy.  I teach ballet at Karen Clark Dance Studio.  During my free time, I enjoy watching my son play soccer, figure skating, and paragliding!  I enjoy working at Brentwood Elementary and look forward to meeting you over the course of this year.  Teaching in this Indigenous community has brought me back into the full circle of learning from the people of the North all the way to the Coast Salish people. I feel a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment that was missing in my life.  

Orange Shirt Day 2021 

Guest Speaker, William Sam from Tsartlip, came to the school to sing a prayer song over the PA for the whole school. Then he went to other classrooms to show his drums and drum sticks to the students. 

Goldstream Field Trips - Fall 2021 

Holiday Fun and Field Trips - Fall and Winter 2021 

Gingerbread House Making, Skating and Climbing Wall Field Trips 

SENĆOŦEN  Classes 2021

Twice a week the students meet with Gail to learn SENĆOŦEN, either in their classroom or in the Cultural Room.  At the end of the class they also learn a song, where the students take turns drumming and dancing while the other student sing the songs.  

June 2021

Brentwood Farewells!


I have really enjoyed my time at Brentwood Elementary. My favorite memory from Brentwood was going to Camp Imadene with my class. I will miss my friends and the teachers that I had at Brentwood. I am looking forward to meeting new people next year.


I have enjoyed my time at Brentwood. My favorite memory is making friends with Blair, William, and Dylan. I will miss my teachers Ms. Amarilli and Mrs. Kaercher. Next year at Bayside, I am looking forward to band, Tech Ed, and gym.


He and his mom would make the most delicious banana bread and it was such a treat to have a slice delivered to my desk! I will always remember Ben because no matter what mischief he might be getting up to he always had a beautiful smile and always found humor in situations. Mrs. Ewart


One of my favorite memories was when we went to Camp Imadene. My favorite activity in camp was the go carts. The go carts were so much fun! Steering them was hard at first but I got used to it. Basically how to drive it is you’re lying down and you need to put your feet on the petals, then you ride it like a bike, but you’re lying down. To turn them you need to lean left or right. We went through a track and then did races. Another favorite memory of Imadene was archery and blaster ball, it was funny because in archery Mrs. Takhar and my friend has a competition. Mrs. Takhar got 3 arrows in the block so then my friend challenged her and got 4 in. In blaster ball I was on the team Old Faithful. We totally destroyed EI Campo! CAMP IMADENE WAS FUN!

My favorite memory was meeting my friends. I wonder what Bayside will be like, I will miss Brentwood.

Kadence J

This is Kadence Joe. Her favorite subjects are P.E and art. She is an incredible artist and athlete. Her favorite sport is soccer. When not in school, she likes to play outside, and she enjoys playing video games. She also likes to play on her trampoline and she enjoys swimming. She would like to be remembered at Brentwood for being kind to everyone and for having a  smile that could light up a room. Her favorite Brentwood memories are Fun Day and going to Camp Imadene. 


I will always remember Lauren because he always dressed so stylishly. He had a wonderful assortment of hats and fancy clothes and we used to chat about him one day being a very famous person. Mrs Ewart


Even though I’ve only been here for 8 months I’m going to tell you my favorite memories. One of them is Camp Imadene. We did archery and some others I will talk about in a second. Archery was my favorite activity because I hit 6 targets and another one was  blaster ball. Blaster ball reminded me of capture the flag and paintball. Oh yeah we were there at 6:45am and got back at 5:30pm. It was so fun!


I have enjoyed my time at Brentwood. My favorite memory from Brentwood is the time I saw a flying pancake in the gym – it was on “Pancake Day”. I will miss ‘Pancake Day” at Brentwood. I am looking forward to the bigger school and field next year.

Sydney M

Sydney is in the Green Eagle family here at Brentwood Elementary. Some special memories she enjoyed include buddy Fridays in Grade 3, clay and art projects, intramural soccer and visiting the Stelly's Climbing Wall. Sydney is always kind and helpful to others and takes pride in completing her work to her best ability. She also enjoyed making friends and participating in Eagle Convocations. Sydney has written some wonderful poetry in her time at Brentwood. 

Camp Imadene 2021! 

Erin R by the water

Erin R in the go cart

Kingston W in the kayak

Kingston W bow and arrow

Erin R bow and arrow

Sawyer C in the go cart 

January 2021

Hello my Name is Muriel (Anna) Morris from Tsartlip First Nation and this year is my first year at Brentwood School and I love it here, getting to know most students and especially with the K students my short time with them. After working in this district for 16 years, it’s really nice to be at one school and working with elementary students from secondary students for many years. Having a great connection with students and the staff at Brentwood. Working with grade ⅘’s I am with the most part of my day and short time with K students at lunch. Thank you Brentwood School for having me here with you. 

June 2020

Y, SȻÁĆEL NEȻILIYE (hello folks),

This school year has been a quite an unusual adventure, that gave our Brentwood Eagle family a chance to strengthen our skills in adaptation. We had some wonderful times together this year, including a great turn out for our December Coffee Club just before Winter Break; a beautifully musical winter performance by our students in January (I still remember my amazement at the dazzling choreographed synchronization of the final song, with all of the students singing with their tea lights); just before Spring Break we had a chance to celebrate the W̱SÁNEĆ New Year, with fried bread shared with the whole school.

Although term 3 was a whole new experience for everyone, I am proud of how our Brentwood Eagle Family managed to stick together and stay connected with each other during this unusually trying time we find ourselves in. While this June does not have the same celebratory end of school year feel as previous years, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our grade 5 students for completing their elementary milestone. We are all proud of you and your perseverance, kindness and optimism this school year. ÍY, EN SĆȺ MEQ SÁN (good work everyone)! You have all handled this past school year’s adventures with relative ease, so I know that you all have it in you to tackle middle school with great determination and flexibility.

Best wishes for a fabulous and safe summer break everyone. I look forward to seeing you all again in September. Take care. QENOṈE SEN SE (until I see you again).

- Mrs. McEvay

Hello Brentwood families,

It has been quite the school year! I am happy to say that it has been great working with the students this year. I love watching them grow each year. I especially enjoy seeing them succeed and progress on their education path. With the “new normal” in the second half of the school year, it seemed very different to adapt to the new ways of education. However, I’m happy that I had the chance to help out some students through video calls. I’m happy for our grade 5 students completing this milestone and moving on to middle school. I’d like to wish you all the best in your bigger school, and learning adventures. I am also very proud of our kindergarten students who had just begun their school experience. I’m sure each of you will continue to grow in great ways. To all the students I’d like to congratulate you on completing another school year. I’m sure you learned many new things. I wish you all a great summer with your families. It has been a great honour working with each of you. Take good care of yourself and be safe! 

Mrs. Morris

Alexander L

Hello my name is Alexander. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 1 year. I am from Tsawout First Nation. My parents are Dore-Leigh LaFortune and Scott Tabbernor. My grandparents are Howard and Tuesday LaFortune. I have 1 brother and no sisters. My favorite memory about Brentwood is making friends. I am happy about middle school because I can meet my old friends. When I grow up I would like to be an artist. 

Diamond P

Hello my name is Diamond. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 6 years. I am from Cowichan First Nation but also like to acknowledge that I have lived in Tsartlip First Nation since I was born. My parents are Lydia Jim, (step-dad) Allan Jim and Johnnie Pierre. My grandparents are Carol Smith and late Bernard Smith. I have 5 brothers and 1 sister. My favorite memory about Brentwood is meeting Mrs. Amarilli.  I feel excited about middle school because I get to do band.  When I grow up I would like to be a service provider 

Helen SS

Hello my name is Helen. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 4 years. I am from Tsawout/ Ahousaht First Nation. My parents are Marlene Sylvester and Jackson Swan. My grandparents are Rona Sylvester and Bob Rice, Holly Millar and Alfred Millar.  I have 1 brother, and 3 sisters. My favorite memory about Brentwood is seeing my friends. I feel scared about middle school because it’s a new bigger school. When I grow up I would like to be a teacher 

Joaquin P

Hello my name is Joaquin. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 6 years. I am from Cowichan First Nation but also like to acknowledge that I have lived in the Tsartlip First Nation community since I was born. My parents are Lydia Jim, Allan Jim and Johnnie Pierre.  My grandparents are Carol Smith and late Bernard Smith. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters. My favorite memory about Brentwood is field trips.  I feel nervous about middle school because there are a lot more older kids. When I grow up I would like to look after animals. 

Cayge B

Hello my name is Cayge. I am in the 5th grade at Brentwood Elementary. My parents are Keri and Chad Brenton. In the future I want to design and flip houses. 

Olivia H

Hello my name is Olivia. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 3 years. I am from Tsartlip First Nation. My parents are Ben Henry and Shannon Campbell. My grandparents are Nancy and Mike Henry. I have two brothers and no sisters. My favorite memory about Brentwood is when we went to Camp Imadene. I feel excited about middle school because I can have my own locker. When I grow up I’d like to be a skateboarder.  

Nicholas M

Hello my name is Nicholas. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 6 years. I am from Tsartlip First Nation and Halalt. My parents are Sandy Morris and Sara Thomas. My grandparents are Sandy and Debbie Morris and Jerry and Jennie Thomas. I have 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. My favorite memory about Brentwood is going to Camp Imadene. I liked the paintball gun shooting. I feel nervous about middle school because I don’t know what to expect. When I grow up I would like to be a construction worker and a youtuber. 

Holly L

Hello my name is Holly. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 3 years. I am from Cree First Nation. My parents are Deanne and Darcy. My grandparents are Dallas and Shirly. I have 2 brothers, and 2 sisters. My favorite memory about Brentwood is Camp Imadene. I feel scared about middle school because it's big. When I grow up I would like to be a Climate Activist.

Mia D

Hello my name is Mia.  I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the fifth grade.  I have attended Brentwood for 3 years.  I am from the Métis and Mi'kmaq and First Nations. My parents are Amy Desaulniers and Ryan Greenfield.  My grandparents are Peter and Mary Desaulniers.  I have one brother and one sister. My favourite memory about Brentwood is from when I was in kindergarten and I decorated a gingerbread house and I used every bit of candy. I feel somewhat confident about middle school because even though I am nervous, I know the stuff I'm worried about is normal for someone transitioning into middle school. When I grow up I want to be a nurse.  

Jolene PS

Hello my name is Jolene. I am in the 5th grade at Brentwood Elementary. I am Coast Salish from Cowichan and Straits Salish from W̱SÁNEĆ. I live on the W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip) reserve. My parents are Victoria Smith and Edward Price. In the future I want to travel and be a doctor. 

Brayden D

Hello my name is Brayden. I am from the Wei Wai Kum First Nation in Campbell River. I am in the 5th Grade at Brentwood Elementary. My parents are Lisa and Jamie Day. I have a younger brother who is completing kindergarten at Brentwood this year. In the future I want to be a media specialist.  

Joseph O

Hello my name is Joseph. I am in the 5th grade at Brentwood Elementary. I am Straits Salish from W̱SÁNEĆ. I live on the W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip) reserve, and I am the youngest son of Joni Olsen and Nick Gilchrist. I have one older brother and one older sister. In the future I want to be a professional badminton player. 

Karis D

Hello my name is Karis. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I have attended Brentwood for 2 years. I am from Nanaimo First Nation. My parents are Brian and Christina. My grandparents are Mo and Sherry, Keith and Nancy. I have 1 brother. My favorite memory about Brentwood is meeting my friends. I feel excited and nervous about middle school because it is new. When I grow up I would like to be an actress.

January 2020

ÍY, SȻÁĆEL (good day)!  IYES XEUES SĆEL,ÁNEṈ (Happy New Year)!

SEX̱SOX̱ELWET ŦE NE SNÁ. ĆSE LÁ,E SEN EṮ W̱SÁNEĆ. IYES SEN ȻNES ÁȽE. My name is SEX̱SOX̱ELWET (Lorelei McEvay). I am W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich) from here on the peninsula and am the Indigenous Support Teacher at Brentwood Elementary. I am thrilled to be back at Brentwood for a second year, working with an amazing group of staff and students. We have had a great start to the 2019-2020 school year, seeing success with our Orange Shirt Day events, as well as our first Coffee Club of the year. Over the next few months we are looking forward to starting a knitting club for our students (lead by one of our Indigenous grade 5 students), a drumming group, as well as celebrating the W̱SÁNEĆ New Year in February, additional Coffee Clubs for our Indigenous families in March and June, and a day long celebration for Indigenous Peoples Day in June. Please feel free to contact either Charity or myself if you have any questions at all. 

QENONE SEN SE (until I see you again)!

Lorelei McEvay

Indigenous Support Teacher

Hello Brentwood Families! Happy New Years to you all!! 

I am Mrs. Morris and I am happy to be back at Brentwood Elementary. It has been a great first half of the year. Watching the students learn daily amazes me. It is great to see our new Kindergarten students starting their education journey. I look forward to another half of  the school year with all the students. If you have any questions please feel free to call, email, or come see me. I look forward to meeting you all.  

Charity Morris 

Indigenous Education Assistant

Terry Fox Run

The Terry Fox Run always has a successful turnout at Brentwood, with the majority of students running together for the afternoon, while many family members cheer them on.

Sydney M & Nick M

Lyric K

Kadence J & Helen S

Kieran D

Erin R & Sydney M

Orange Shirt Day September 30th, 2019

Orange Shirt Day was a wonderful success this year, and saw great participation from staff and students at Brentwood. The day provided thoughtful opportunities for our school to learn about, and expand their knowledge on residential schools in Canada. Pamela Langevin our term 1 Teacher Librarian, read Shi-shi-etko, by Nicola Campbell to our primary (K-3) students. Shi-shi-etko is a story that follows a young First Nations girl over the days leading up to her departure to residential school. The intermediate students (4 & 5’s) were fortunate to have local Tsawout Elder, Bernadine Mawson, at the school to talk about her residential school experience in Mission, BC.

Rock Mural Created by Students

Pamela Langevin reading Shi-Shi-etko

Student Art

Bernadine Mawson - Tsawout Elder

Coffee Club

This event, for our Indigenous department, hopes to make connections with our Indigenous students' families. Giving us the opportunity to get to know you and your child(ren) a bit more. During the Coffee Clubs we are able to share information about events that have happened at our school or events that are coming up. Furthermore, it provides you with the opportunity to come and spend some time at the school with your child creating crafts, or perhaps doing some reading or writing. We know children get excited to have a parent (or adult from their family) at school. We do provide snacks and drinks for you to come sit and visit with your child(ren) and our Indigenous Education staff, as well as providing the opportunity for you to meet other Indigenous families in our school community. 

We had our first Coffee Club event just before the Winter break. We are pleased to say that we had a few parents come into the Cultural Room to share a snack and do some crafts with their child(ren). Some folks made Christmas cards for family members, while others decorated wreath and snowflake ornaments. 

We are planning on having two more Coffee Club events before the end of this school year. The next event will happen just before Spring Break, with the final Coffee Club happening near the end of the school year in June. We would love to meet more of our Indigenous families and continue to build our relationships with each of them, and hope that these events will provide the chance to do so. Invitations with more details on each upcoming Coffee Club will be sent home prior to the planned event.

Annika & Kayleigh P

Annika J, Erin R & Sofia R

Crafting Families

Ben B-K &  Jaxon S

Miley M

W̱SÁNEĆ New Year

W̱SÁNEĆ people followed a 13 month lunar calendar. A new year started with NINENE, (the child moon), which often falls sometime in February. Traditionally W̱SÁNEĆ people did not celebrate the new year in dramatic fashion, however, it is something that the W̱SÁNEĆ people are beginning to acknowledge, and wish to celebrate. We believe it is a great way to create awareness of the W̱SÁNEĆ people and their beautiful culture and traditions, as well as provide those cultural and traditional connections for our W̱SÁNEĆ students, giving them a chance to showcase their pride in where they come from. We will be having a W̱SÁNEĆ new year celebration in February, and are still finalizing the details of what that would look like; however, we will send out additional information on the event once plans are put in place and the date nears.

Our new Facebook Page

We are pleased to announce/remind that the Indigenous Education department at Brentwood Elementary now has a Facebook Page. Simply search for @BrentwoodIED in the Facebook search bar to find us. For information about what is happening at our school, and in our department, please give us a follow.

June 2019

ÍY, SȻÁĆEL! We have had a great second half of the school year. We started off with celebrating the W̱SÁNEĆ New Year at the beginning of February. We had a few students from each intermediate class (grades ⅘) come to help Mrs. Morris with making fried bread for the whole school. Mrs. McEvay cooked some clam chowder. Then, during the student's eating time over lunch, each class came to the Cultural Room for a sample of chowder and fried bread. We did have plans to have local drumming and singing the same day, as part of the celebration; however, unfortunately, due to our big snowfall, we had to reschedule our guests. 

Canoe Carving Project

Our school was thrilled for the opportunity to have W̱ENAM (Curtis Henry) come to our school to help the students carve our very own canoe. W̱ENAM is W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich) from BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin) First Nation, and has helped a number of local schools carve their own canoe. Each class at Brentwood had a chance to participate in different stages of carving the canoe; from the initial stages of chipping out chunks of the canoe, in order to hollow out the middle of the log; to a handful of our grade ⅘ students helping to paint Brentwood Eagles on the paddles that are now placed in the canoe. Once the canoe was completed, we had a small unveiling ceremony at the school, so that the students could view their finished work. The canoe is currently on tour, visiting each of our classrooms, so that the students can get a closer look at their handiwork.

Cardboard Arcade

On February 28th the school hosted a cardboard arcade in the gymnasium. All of the grade ⅘ students worked very hard at creating their own games to be placed in the arcade. The projects happened after the students learned about a boy named, Caine, who had built his own arcade one summer vacation, in his dad’s auto parts garage. These arcade games were the student’s big STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math) projects this year; and gave them a chance to use their learned knowledge about leverage, pulleys, & gravity, etc. to create unique games that they could showcase to our school community.

Indigenous EA Mentee

After spring break we were very fortunate to have Landon Underwood join our Brentwood team as a part of an Indigenous Education Assistant (EA) mentorship program. Landon has been very helpful with supporting our students in all classes. We have also had the opportunity to have Landon as a lacrosse mentor for our students during the lacrosse unit in P.E. at the school. Students have become very fond of Landon, and enjoy having him in our school community.

ÍY, SȻÁĆEL , I’m Landon Underwood, my traditional name is SUL ‘ XWIIM. My parents are Bruce and Lila Underwood, my grandparents are, Alice Sam, Larry Sam, Dorothy Henry, and late Hermen Henry SR. I am from the Tsawout First Nation. I graduated from Claremont Secondary where I attended the lacrosse program. I played lacrosse all 4 years when I attended Claremont. Lacrosse is still something I do everyday, as I was drafted by the Junior A Nanaimo Timbermen four years ago. I am very pleased to be working here at Brentwood. I enjoy working with your children. I try to support them in anyway they need, as I was supported throughout my education from Elementary to Secondary by the First Nation teachers.

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

School District 63 has been fortunate enough to have the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada on loan from the Teacher's Regulation Branch for the past few weeks. After Easter long weekend the Indigenous Peoples Map came to our school. Mrs. McEvay and Mrs. Sheralyn MacRae (SD63 Itinerant Indigenous EA) presented Indigenous focused lessons with each of the Brentwood classes a number of times throughout the week. The map was well received by our students, and it did a great job giving the students a clearer perspective of traditional Indigenous territories and collective history in Canada. We rescheduled our Indigenous dummers/singers, Clayton and Bubba Qwulshemut, to do some drumming and singing for the whole school while the map was at Brentwood. Having W̱SÁNEĆ singers perform during this week, added powerful emphasis to our topics surrounding the map that week.

Indigenous Peoples Day

We are in the process of planning our Indigenous Peoples Day activities, and are pleased to be hosting our event on the morning of June 21st this year. We are happy to have Indigenous author, Monique Gray Smith, coming to share and read her stories to our students. Additionally, Mr. Underwood will host a lacrosse station out on the field, and Inuit games will be set up at another station. We will also have local singers, dancers, storytellers, and a demonstration of the local W̱SÁNEĆ stick game (similar to lacrosse).

QENOṈE SEN SE HÁLE (Until I see you all again)

We are very happy to have had the chance to work with all of our students at Brentwood Elementary this past school year. We hope all of our families have a great summer break. And best wishes for our grade 5 students moving over to Bayside in September!

Indigenous Support Teacher - Lorelei McEvay

Indigenous Education Assistant - Charity Morris

Indigenous Education Assistant Mentee - Landon Underwood

Congratulations Grade 5 Students!

Cohen K

Hello my name is Cohen. My ancestry is Cree. My mom is Rianne and my dad is Justin. I have been at Brentwood since kindergarten. My favorite memory at Brentwood is being in Mrs. Marchand and Ms. Jolivet’s class. I am excited about math in middle school, and nervous about spelling. When I grow up I want to work at Fairway and then become a tile setter with my dad. 

Damien S

Hello my name is Damien. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in grade 5. I have been going to school here since kindergarten. I am from the Tsartlip First Nation. My dad is Ttesalaq. My favorite memory at Brentwood was “Game On” where we do activities on Wednesdays. I feel nervous about middle school because I might forget my locker combination. When I grow up I want to be a chef. 

Elliot G

Hi my name is Elliot. My parents are Amy and Ryan. I don’t know how I feel about going to middle school. I am still thinking about what I would like to be when I grow up. 

Howard M

Hello my name is Howard. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in grade 5. I have been at Brentwood since grade 2. My parents are Tarasina and James. My papa is Howard. My favorite memory at Brentwood was going to  Camp Imadene. I feel nervous about going to middle school because I might forget my lock code. I also feel excited to be doing new activities. When I grow up I want to be a chef. 

Jovan T

Hello my name is Jovan. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in grade 5. I have been here since kindergarten. I am Metis. My parents are Daleen and Jeff. My favorite memory is when we went to Camp Imadene. I feel excited about going to middle school. When I grow up I would like to be an urban planner, to draw what a city or a house would look like.   

Kaeda P

Hi my name is Kaeda. I am currently attending Brentwood and in the 5th grade and I have been here since kindergarten. My parents are Karen and Brendon. My grandparents are Don and Allyn on my mom’s side. On my dad’s side my grandparents are Neila and Don. My favourite memory is joining grade 5 and meeting the new people. I feel confident about Bayside. When I grow up I want to be a Medical Scientist. 

Kiera C

Hello my name is Kiera. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in grade 5, l have been here since kindergarten.  I am from Tsartlip First Nation. My mom is Heather. My grandpa was Fred and I am the great-granddaughter of Art and Doreen. I have one sister. My favorite memory is when we went to Camp Imadene. At camp we went swimming, and I love to swim. I feel excited about going to middle school because it is a new school. When I grow up I would like to be a chef.   

Misia D

Hi my name is Misia. I am currently attending Brentwood and I am in the 5th grade and I have been here since Kindergarten. My parents are Amanda and Peter. My ancestry is Metis. I feel excited about going to middle school because I will be going to a bigger school. When I grow up I want to work with animals. 

Shelby-Lyn W

My name is Shelby-Lyn. I am currently attending Brentwood and am in the 5th grade. I have been here since kindergarten. I have 2 brothers Colten and Chance. My parents are Belinda and Telell. I am part of the Haida Nation. I am excited to go to Camp Imadene because last year I didn’t go. I think middle school is going to be great because I’m going to make new friends. I want to be an engineer when I grow up. 

Sheldon P

Hello my name is Sheldon. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in grade 5 and have been attending here since kindergarten. I am from Tsartlip. My parents are John and Shelley. I am the middle child. My favorite memory at Brentwood was going to Camp Imadene. I am nervous about going to middle school. When I grow up I want to be a carpenter like my dad 

Wesley S

Hello my name is Wesley. I am currently attending Brentwood Elementary and I am in the 5th grade. I moved to Brentwood for the 5th grade from ḰELSET. I am from Tsartlip and Nuchatlaht Nations. My grandma is Annie and my grandpa is Francis. I have one brother, and two sisters. I am excited for Camp Imadene. I am excited to go to school with my older brother in middle school. When I grow up I would like to be a construction worker. 

Joseph P

Hi my name is Joseph P. I am currently attending Brentwood and I am in the 5th grade. My grandparents are Karen and Michael Peck. I feel okay about going to middle school. I have not thought about what I would like to be when I grow up. 

February 2019

Indigenous Support Teacher 

ÍY, SȻÁĆEL I IYES XEUES SĆEL,ÁNEṈ! SEX̱SOX̱ELWET ŦE NE SNÁ. W̱ILṈEW̱ SEN , ĆSE LÁ,E SEN EṮ W̱SÁNEĆ. ĆSE LÁ,E SEN EṮ Elliott, Bartleman, Underwood & Paul ŚW̱,ELO₭E,. IYES SEN ȻNES ÁȽE. Hello and happy new year! My name is SEX̱SOX̱ELWET (Lorelei McEvay), I am Indigenous from here in W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich), and grew up on the W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip) reserve. I come from the Elliott, Bartleman, Underwood and Paul families here on the peninsula. I am the new Indigenous Education and SENĆOŦEN Teacher here at Brentwood Elementary and I am thrilled to be here working with our students. I am getting to know our Indigenous students and look forward to continue working with them for the remainder of the school year. Charity and I are both here to ensure a positive and successful educational experience for each of our students, and I strive to be a beneficial asset to my home community. QENOṈE SEN SE HÁLE (Until I see you all again).

Indigenous Education Assistant 

Hello and Happy New Year. I am Charity Morris (I was Ms. Mack and recently got married) the Indigenous Education Assistant. I am happy to be at Brentwood again to assist all of our students in any way that I can. I have enjoyed watching your children grow this school year and getting to know our new students. I look forward to the remainder of the school year. We have had a few activities in the first half of the school year. We would also like to invite Tsartlip students to attend homework club on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00 at the Tsartlip Band office. We are more than happy to assist your child(ren) with any writing, reading, math, or other extra work.  

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call, email, or come see me or Lorelei.  

Terry Fox Run

Lilly-Anna O.

Nathan J.S. & George E.

Sheldon P.

Orange Shirt Day September 28th

In recognition  of Orange Shirt day this year we had a number of activities available for our students on September 24th, 25th, and 26th. Storytelling was held for the primary students, after which the students were able to color a shirt orange to be displayed in the school. Some of our intermediate students wrote a “Pledge to Remember” to be displayed in the school as well. Also for our intermediate students we had Norman Underwood from the Tsawout reserve come in as a guest speaker, and share his experiences with Residential School. The students were very interested and had lots of questions for him. Furthermore, they were very respectful. Then on Friday, September 28th, 2018 everyone wore their orange shirt to school.  

Goldstream November 20th: Grade 2/3's 

This year all the grade 2/3 classes made a day trip to Goldstream. Along with the teachers we incorporated the way local indigenous people catch and fillet fish. We had a couple local people meet us at the river with their spears. The children were amazed and excited every time a fish was caught. While catching, a group of students also watched Mrs. Morris fillet the fish. Some students had the opportunity to throw spines back into the river. Then Mrs. Morris took some fish home and smoked the salmon. After the fish was done she brought some in for all of the 2/3 classes to have the opportunity to taste. They also were able to taste some salmon jerky. A lot of the students really enjoyed the fish and wanted more.  

Coffee Club December 21st

Our first Coffee Club happened on December 21st, on the last day of school before winter break. Letters were sent home to invite parents/guardians to the event; although, it wasn’t quite as successful as we had hoped for, it was still a great morning for the students to get together make crafts, play games, and share a snack. The last few weeks before the break were very busy for everyone, accompanied by a large number of students and their families being hit by the terrible cold or flu that was circulating before the holidays.The students were thrilled to get a chance to socialize with their friends, siblings and cousins before the break. We will plan another Coffee Club in the near future, as this gives us a chance to get to know families in person. We also like to take these opportunities to keep families updated on what’s happening in our school environment. Please look out for a letter sent home with students, that will detail the event information. 

June 2018


HÍSW̱ḴE to all our parents/guardians and grandparents for your continued support with our students at Brentwood Elementary. We are grateful for the many opportunities that our students have had learning throughout the knowledge of our resource people that enhanced the salmon unit. We would like to thank Sandy Morris Sr and Sandy Morris Jr for coming in to share their knowledge of the salmon and how to prepare and store the food. They shared with the students that preparing food for winter is very important to our families' winter food. Our students also had the opportunity to taste some smoked salmon and salmon jerky. We would also like to thank Lila Sam for coming into the Grade 5 class to talk about her experience at residential school. Our students were touched personally to hear her experience. 

We have Indigenous Day activities coming up on June 19, 20 and 21. We are very happy to bring Indigenous knowledge into our school for all of our students during this week. We are also happy to bring our students into the community for Indigenous Day activities such as canoe building, slahal, fried bread and a traditional speaker. Thank you Tsartlip community for hosting Brentwood Elementary students. 

We would like to wish all of you a safe and happy summer holiday and best wishes to our Grade 5 students that are moving on to middle school!

Gail Sam & Charity Mack

Two World's Meet Inquiry Museum

Congratulations Grade 5 Students!

Blake S.

Tsawout First Nation

My favourite memory about Brentwood is participating in track and field. 

Next year I am not sure which school I will be attending. I am excited about attending middle school because it will be a different school environment. 

When I grow up I would like to be a professional lacrosse player.

Kali C.

Tsartlip First Nation

My favourite memory about Brentwood is cross country and track and field. 

I will be attending Bayside middle school next year. I am excited but nervous at the same time because the work is going to be harder but I think math will be easy because I got 80% on a grade 7 math contest.

When I grow up I would like to be a teacher or go into politics.

Lacie B.

Tsartlip First Nation

My favourite memory about Brentwood was when I went to the Elder’s tea gatherings. 

Next year I will be attending Bayside Middle school. I feel nervous about going because I might get lost. 

When I grow up I want to be a police officer.

Jordon O.

Tsartlip First Nation

My favourite Memory about Brentwood was in grade 3 when we fed the salmon.

Next year I am not sure which school I will be attending. I feel happy about going to middle school because it might be fun.

Neekah C.

Tsartlip First Nation

My favourite memory about Brentwood is going swimming with my class. 

Next year I will be attending Bayside Middle School. I feel excited about going because I might get lost in the big school.

Aidan R.


I would like to thank Mrs. Marchand for teaching and helping me.

I will be going to Bayside Middle School next year. I am excited to go to a new school.

Danisha P.

Tsartlip & Cowichan First Nations

My favourite memory was raising coho salmon in grade three. I would like to thank Ms. Jeanine for helping me a lot. 

I will be going to Bayside and I feel scared. 

I think I want to be a police officer when I grow up.

Lamar U.

Tsartlip & Tsawout First Nations

My favourite memory is my grade three soccer jamboree. I would like to thank Mrs. MacGregor because she made me understand more during her lessons. 

I will be going to Bayside middle school next year. I feel excited and a little worried at the same time about Bayside.

Silas O.

My favourite memory is releasing the salmon in grade 3 and 5 in Mrs. Marchand’s class. I would like to thank all the teachers in Brentwood school for helping me learn. 

Next year I will be going to Bayside Middle School. I don’t feel nervous because I have friends and cousins there.

Peyton K.

Métis & Inuit

My favourite memory is the 2018 basketball jamboree. I would like to thank Mrs. Blackie for showing me and teaching me many things. 

I will be going to school at Comox or Courtney. I am excited for middle school because of rugby, workout in the gym, or football opportunities. 

When I grow up I want to be a professional NFL player.

Wyatt J.

Cowichan & Pauquachin First Nations

I would like to thank Mr. Fry for helping me with math. 

I’m not sure where I will go for grade 6. I feel nervous and excited about going to middle school.

Chase J. 

Tsawout First Nation

I would like to thank all my friends and my teacher Mrs. Brown for helping me in school. 

I will be attending Bayside next year. I am excited about going to middle school because there will be more work. 

I would like to be a mechanic, police officer, or a scientist.

Jude C.


I would like to thank my mom and dad for helping me with school. 

Next year I am attending Bayside middle school. I feel good about going because I have a lot of friends.

When I grow up I want to be a soccer player.


Tsartlip First Nation

I would like to thank Mrs. Brown for helping me with my school work. 

I will be attending Bayside Middle School next year. I feel good about going there because I will get to see my cousins. 

When I grow up I want to be a soccer player.

Jenna S.

Tsartlip First Nation

I would like to thank all of my teachers for helping me with all my school work. 

Next year I will be attending Bayside Middle School. I feel okay about going there. 

When I grow up I want to be a soccer player.

Cash J.

Tsartlip First Nation

I would like to thank Ms. Sam for her help with my school work. 

I will be attending Bayside Middle School next year. I feel fine about it. 

When I grow up I would like to be a game tester.

January 2018

Warmest Wishes to you all! We have had a great start to the school year. Charity Mack and I have been working together to provide opportunities for your child/ren at Brentwood School. 

Our first activities for our students were around Orange Shirt Day. The school participated over a period of three days with Ms.Carmen DiLucca, Ms. Mack and me in group presentations in the library. We had wonderful discussions around “Every Child Matters.”

The staff here at Brentwood has decided to invite parents and guardians in once a month for Coffee Club. This is offered the last Friday of each month. We have been hosting about 8 families and would like to extend our invitation to you all in the New Year. Our objective here is to inform parents and or guardians what is happening in the school on a monthly basis, but most of all the visiting that happens within our community.

Did you know that there are lunch time clubs for literacy and numeracy? We hope that you encourage your child to go. What a better way to learn through games? The Boys and Girls Club offer a lot of extra curricular activities like after school Adventure Club, and weekly literacy and math club games at lunch time on Thursdays. Many thanks go out to these kinds of organizations that do a lot in our community for our children.

We are so fortunate for the continued support of our staff that stay and offer an after school tutoring club. Thank you Charity Mack and Katherine Hiebert for doing this for our children. We offer to help students increase their ability in reading, writing, and math. 

Thanks go out to Sandy Morris Sr and Sandy Jr., for the presentation on salmon. Our grade 2/3 classes enjoyed the smoked salmon that they provided. 

Thank you to all of our grade four and five students that continuously support Playground Pals, Lunch monitors, and crossing guards. Big round of applause for the students that joined our soccer clubs and cross country, and other lunchtime activities.

Gail Sam, Indigenous Support Teacher

Charity Mack, Indigenous Education Assistant

Orange Shirt Day September 28th

In recognition  of Orange Shirt day this year we had a number of activities available for our students on September 24th, 25th, and 26th. Storytelling was held for the primary students, after which the students were able to color a shirt orange to be displayed in the school. Some of our intermediate students wrote a “Pledge to Remember” to be displayed in the school as well. Also for our intermediate students we had Norman Underwood from the Tsawout reserve come in as a guest speaker, and share his experiences with Residential School. The students were very interested and had lots of questions for him. Furthermore, they were very respectful. Then on Friday, September 28th, 2018 everyone wore their orange shirt to school.  

Brentwood says Farewell to Grade 5 Students