Royal Oak Middle School

June 2024

Royal Oak Middle School - Grade 5 Farewells

Madae will be attending Claremont Secondary next year! His favourite memory from ROMS is playing basketball at recess. Madae’s favourite subject at school is P.E. He is looking forward to more independence in high school. When he grows up he wants to become a chef! Madae’s advice to future ROMS students is to always hand in your work!

Next year, Nina will be attending Claremont Secondary. Nina is most looking forward to meeting new people at Claremont and her favourite memory at Royal Oak Middle School is making lots of friends. Nina’s favourite subject is home economics, foods class. She feels most proud of her good marks on her tests. When Nina grows up she wants to be a teacher. Nina’s advice to future ROMS students is to be yourself. 

Savannah is excited to attend Reynolds Secondary next year to further develop her soccer skills in the soccer program. Savannah’s favourite memory at ROMS are the bowling field trips in grade 6 and 7. Language Arts is Savannah’s favourite subject in school and she is wanting to become a lawyer in the future. Savannah’s advice to future middle school students is to be good and not get into trouble. Best wishes to Savannah as she continues her learning journey at Reynolds 

Rhylen will be attending Claremont Secondary next year. Rhylen is most excited for less restrictions when in high school. His favourite subject in school is art class and his favourite memory from ROMS is the aquarium field trip from grade 7. His proudest moment in school so far is joining the mountain biking club. When Rhylen grows up he wants to be a heavy machinery operator. Rhylen wants to share to the future ROMS students that middle school is not that bad. 

Indigenous Peoples Day at ROMS

Royal Oak students and staff created a gallery walk of inspirational Indigenous Canadians with both digital and poster displays. Classes had a chance to do the gallery walk over the past two days, complete an activity and reflect on Indigenous Peoples day.

January 2024

Royal Oak Middle School 

June  2023

Highlights from Royal Oak School 

January 2023

Royal Oak Middle School 

Gabrielle Stevens presenting at our Remembrance Day Assembly on Indigenous Veterans

June  2022

Royal Oak Middle School Grade 8 Farewells


Daemon is excited to be going into Grade 9 at Claremont next year. He is a kind and friendly young man who will have a great time learning what it means to be a Spartan. With his great sense of humour he will have no trouble making friends. Congrats on completing Grade 8 and I can not wait to see what you accomplish next year!


John is a kind and curious young man. He enjoys reading and playing video games. He is most looking forward to spending time in the Claremont library. In addition to being an avid reader he likes drawing and spending time with his friends. Good luck next year at Claremont!!


Jacob is a Grade 8 student at Royal Oak who is very excited to move to Claremont next year. He is most excited about IGS (Institute for Global Solutions) class! His favourite assignment in his time at ROMS was the ABC’s of China. I know you’ll do great things at Claremont!


Myles is stoked to join the Basketball team at Claremont next year. With you on their side they can’t lose! While he’ll miss his ROMS friends, Claremont is full of potential new friends. Myles is an easy going friendly guy who will have an awesome time in high school. Way to go Myles!


Venice will be sad to leave the ROMS sports teams, but is excited to rock the Claremont Spartans uniform next year!! He will also miss Mr. Stanch since he is such an awesome teacher. His parents and step parents are his biggest supporters, always cheering him on. Have a great summer Venice!

June 2021

Royal Oak Middle School Grade 8 Write-ups from their teachers!

Coleton E

He's definitely a curious and keen learner! He wants to do well, and he asks a lot of questions. He is well connected with his peers and overall he's a friendly and happy student. ~ Carmine Sparanese

Destiny P

Destiny P is a compassionate young woman and an eager learner.  We have enjoyed watching her confidence grow over her years at Royal Oak Middle School and especially the leadership that she has taken on as an indigenous student.  Destiny is heading to the baseball academy at Lambrick Park Secondary in September - we wish her well in the next stage of her learning journey.

Natasha T

ROMS welcomed Natasha mid-September and since that time she has made many friendships and connections. We know that she misses Alberta, but we know that she will find joy here in BC. We wish her many successes as she moves forward and on to Claremont. ~ MS. TARYN MAH

Parel K

Parel is a very hardworking, self-disciplined student. She is creative and insightful. She can articulate things very well verbally and in the written form. Marks and grades are important to her and it shows in her work. She too is well connected in a positive way with her peers.~ Carmine Sparanese

January 2021

June 2020

Charlotte W

Joshua J

Joshua S

Lucia Rosborough

Congratulations Grade 8 Grads!

Storm L

Shelby S-M

Victoria B

January 2020

Orange Shirt Day

13 Moons Infographic & Story boards - Mr Davidson, Div M1

Using the information found in the W̱SÁNEĆ moons resource, students were asked to display the Moon’s information along with visual representations of the moon and the events that occur during the moon. The students selected the moon that mostly closely matched their birth date.  

After reading a number of stories, students were asked to create a story board illustrating key events, the students were also asked to describe the scenes in their own words.  

June 2019 - Congratulations Grade 8 Students!




February 2019

Making beaded poppies

June 2018

Royal Oak staff and students celebrated their first annual Indigenous Education Week June 4-8. Students participated in a number of activities including a traditional tea lab and working with Google Drawings to create beautiful art.

Traditional Tea Lab

Student created Coast Salish Google Drawings to acknowledge the legend of the Orca 

Annual Elder's Tea

Royal Oak hosted its 3rd Annual Elder's Tea.  Our indigenous students who participate in the Eagles Club invited friends, family and local elders to share in lunch, stories and learning. We thank all the family and elders that made this event possible. 

Over eight weeks gr. 6-8 students got together bi-weekly for the Eagles Group to learn about Indigenous plants. Tsartlip community member Beangka Elliott taught The sessions.With the help of Beangka the students used the plants they learned about to create gifts for the annual Elders Tea. During the four sessions the students learned about rose hips, cottonwood buds, and cedar and they made rose hip jam, cottonwood bud healing salve, cedar oat bath, and cedar infused body butter. 

No Stepping Back performance at UVic.

"This play invites us to reflect on our responsibilities as Canadians when it comes to truth and reconciliation. Weaving together “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” “The Secret Path” and “Frog Girl” with diverse accounts of survivors, this original applied theatre work addresses the complex history of residential schools and their catastrophic effects on Aboriginal communities, families and individuals."  source

Congratulations to our Grade 8 students transitioning to high school!

Aaliyah B.

Eve B.

Natasha C.

Kirsten H.

Cailin M.

January 2018

Eagles Group 

The Royal Oak First Nations Eagles Group is a group of students from grade 6,7, & 8 that come together every two weeks to participate in different Indigenous focused activities. This year the group have been very busy with a variety of things.

In October the group was so excited to have Doug and Kathy LaFortune attend the group. Doug shared some of his artwork and did an art lesson with the students. Everyone loved it! Following the session with Doug and Kathy the students took what they learned about Coast Salish designs and applied it to carving bars of soap. 

In November we took the class out on the land to do a tour of SṈIDȻEȽ (Tod Inlet) with Beangka Elliott. The students got to test their knowledge of plants as they started the day by playing round of plant bingo. The students learned about multiple Indigenous plants and their uses and  they can’t wait to go back in a different season to learn more.

One student had the idea of making a stew with the group. After hearing this members of the Moose Hide Campaign very kindly donated moose meat for us to prepare a delicious stew for our final class. The last week of November Dominic Paul came in to share with the students about where the meat came from and the process of hunting. He also shared about the Moose Hide Campaign and invited us to the annual event in February. The students were very honoured by the generous gift.

Before winter break the group came together to share a meal that they prepared on their own. The students cooked moose stew from the meat that was so generously donated by Dominic Paul and Raven Lacerte. They also made baked bannock to go with their stew. Everything turned out delicious! 

Orange Shirt Day

Royal Oak Middle School was a sea of orange this past September 30th. The students have been doing a lot of work around learning about the history of residential school and understanding the meaning of reconciliation. During the week leading up to Orange Shirt Day grade 6 students had the opportunity to hear from residential school survivor Eddy Charlie. ROMS marked the day by inviting Doug and Kathy LaFortune to be a part of their Orange Shirt Day school photo.