IB Philosophy

This page is for those IB students doing Philosophy.  If you are an A Level Religious Studies student your transition activities are here

For IB Philosophy Students there are three things to do to prepare for September:

1 Philosophy in Films

2 Philosophy Experiments

3 Philosophy in the News 

1 Philosophy in Films

Open the doc to the right ....

IB Philosophy Preparation Activities 2020

2 Philosophy Experiments

This website has some really good activities to get you thinking philosophically.  They are all useful but to start please have a go at:

Should you kill the fat man?  - very good for starting to think about ethics

You're being tortured in the morning - very good for thinking about the nature of identity and memory

It is helpful to read any analyses at the end of each "experiment" to get full value from the task.

3 Philosophy in the News

Studying philosophy requires you to relate complex theories to the real world.  Our Twitter feed often has links to real world stories that are useful in our studies. 

This is the website we use for our IB philosophy course.  You will not need to access it now but feel free to have a look.