Design and Technology: 

Product Design


Design and Technology: Product Design is an Edexcel course that covers both theory and design work.  You will be formally assessed at the end of Year 13 with an external examination lasting 2hr 30mins.  You will also submit a NEA (coursework) Design Project portfolio and prototype around Easter in Year 13.  The Examination paper is worth 50% of the A-Level qualification, and the NEA Design Project makes up the other 50%.

It is important that you have the organisation, determination and attitude to learning to allow you to work in an independent and pro-active manner throughout this course.  The more you can do outside of the classroom, the more we can do in the workshops experiencing the tools, machines and techniques covered in the Specification!

Your Challenge:

Below are a number of key topics (mathematics skills, design project skills, core content, material properties, materials) which will be focused upon in the A-Level.  Use the links provided to take you to GCSE notes, videos and tests.  Use these to help you gain a broader understanding of Design and Technology.  

Your challenge is:

1) Make sure you know what this course actually involves!  It's a very demanding course, with lots of content to cover.  Read through the Specification so that you understand exactly what to expect in terms of the topics that will be covered during this course and the detail and demands of the NEA Design Project.  Pages 13 to 23 of the document state the theory content.  Pages 26-35 state the NEA sections.

2) To study the notes (links supplied below under different headings- Topic 1 Mathematics Skills,  Topic 2- NEA Skills, Topic 3: Core Content, Topic 4:  Material Properties, Topic 5: Materials) and then complete as many of the tests as you can, while scoring as highly in each as you can!

2) To provide a screen shot of the test title and the test score as evidence of completion.  Present these simply in a document of your choice.  'Simple' does not mean 'lazy' or 'unprofessional'.  It means make an effort to show off your ICT skills by making the layout neat, consistent and clear.

3) To present and analyse your scores in a visual format (graphs/ charts etc.).  Feel free to be creative!  Consider how to work with your individual scores for each test, total scores for different topics and a grand total score.  Again present this information in a document of your choice.  You may combine Task 2 and 3 into the same document if you wish.  You may find the link on the right helpful for completing this task.  Organisation, communication, presentation and analysis skills are all very important in this course, so show me what you can do with this data!  

In September you will be asked to show your teacher your document(s).  The more you embrace this task the easier you will find the transition onto this demanding A-level course.  We look forward to seeing your work!

4)  Enjoy watching some D&T related TV programs- take a look at the 'Additional 'reading' section below for suggestions!

Additional 'reading'... well watching!

In addition to the challenge presented above, you may wish to watch some of the excellent programmes that are out there which highlight Design and Technology in real life.  Below is a list of topical programmes for you to enjoy, try delving into a few of them!

How to Make (BBC 4)

The Repair Shop (BBC1 & BBC2)

Inside the Factory (BBC2)

Grand Designs (Channel 4)

How it’s made (Discovery channel/ youtube)

All That Glitters: Britain's Next Jewellery Star (BBC2)

Handmade: Britian's Best Woodworker (Channel 4)

Topic 1- Mathematics Skills:

Maths skills are very important and are assessed throughout the examination, you should therefore make sure you are confident in the following areas: (see image on the right).

Use the links below to help you improve your skills, read the notes and complete the tests.  Screen shot your test results and save in a document to provide evidence of successful completion.

Topic 3- Core Content:

A lot of the A-Level theory builds upon the GCSE.  Use the links below to investigate 1 topic of your choice from the core content to help give you an understanding of the issues involved in the world of designing and manufacturing products.  

Use the notes and complete the tests to help you build your understanding.  Screen shot your test results and save in a document to provide evidence of successful completion. 

Topic 4- Material properties:

Material selection is a key part of both the theory and the NEA.  Depending upon which GCSE course you have followed, you may not have studied much about materials.  Broaden your understanding by looking at material properties using the links below.

Use the notes and complete the tests to help you build your understanding.  Screen shot your test results and save in a document to provide evidence of successful completion. 

If you have any further questions about the A-level D&T course, please email Miss Jones (Head of Department)