

You will have studied Combined Science GCSE or Physics as a Separate Science and are most likely considering Mathematics, also if you wish to progress further in your studies beyond IB/ A level. 

Below we have provided some requested tasks. These are split into 4 sections. The first 3 are to be done each week before half term. The final one should be completed after half term.

We will be asking to see these requested tasks in September when you start the course. In addition we are also suggesting some reading or research below.

If you have any problems you can email the head of Physics,

Requested Tasks

Week 1

Many of you will have made use of Seneca during your GCSEs. Well the Seneca Team have made a preparation course for A-level, but of course it will be great for IB too. Click on the link to get to the course, alternatively if you already have an account with Seneca you can use the class code djh49eonia. Our Physics team will be able to see what you have completed. We request that you spend at least 2 hours working through your preferred topic areas. Now of course all Physics lessons are like this one

Week 2

Isaac Physics is a good resource for A-level and IB Physics. Click on the link  and again complete two hours of work on the section GCSE to A-level transition. Now enjoy this video and take a tour of an exoplanet.

Week 3

Have a go at the questions in this link and also these Maths problems Bring your completed questions along in September and highlight what you found particularly hard, this will help us to help you when you start your course, again we request that you spend at least 2 hours on these questions. Now try flipping your phone

Week 4 (after half term)

Click on the link for Amazon it should send you to a workbook called Head start to A-level Physics  the on-line version is FREE at the time of writing, hopefully it still is. This is a great resource whether you are doing A-level or IB. I recommend you look and work through as much as you can, but we are requesting that you spend a minimum of two hours completing at least one topic that you feel will most benefit you. To add a bit of interest try finding out the speed of light in your kitchen

Suggested reading

Before the course starts you may wish to find some of your GCSE Science work and some of your GCSE Mathematics. We re-visit topics so you don’t need to be on top of any particular topic, just think about how physics solves problems through logical explanations and Maths. You could look at some of the more popular Science books like “Big Bang” by Simon Singh or “The first three minutes” by Steven Weinberg but you will probably appreciate them more after a little of Year 12.

Suggested research

Use the internet to look at any really interesting bits of science you like - the Large Hadron Collider, Hubble Space Telescope pictures or some amazing engineering, for example the longest bridge in the world. Perhaps look at Newton’s Laws of Motion on Wikipedia. Enjoy your summer and go surfing- check the waves reflecting, refracting and superimposing. You wouldn’t actually need to get in to check the relation between frequency, velocity and wavelength by estimating times and distances.