Drama and Theatre

BTG monos.docx
Too Fast script.docx

Welcome to Drama

Congratulations on opting for the exciting and practical challenges of A Level Drama and Theatre.

You will be able to pursue your interests and skills in creating, performing and evaluating live theatre. Drama and Theatre is a practical course for those interested in performing and directing.

In Drama and Theatre, you will study;

Be prepared to start the acting based practical work straight away. Remember, be imaginative, take risks and create work that is professional and polished. 

Bridging Tasks

Week 1

Activity 1 – Subject Knowledge Audit

Activity 2 – Short Essay – 500 words (include 2 quotes)

Week 2

Activity 1Directing a monologue 

I have added the Too Fast script. You could either buy the other scripts or try to find them on line

https://www.dramaonlinelibrary.com  has some of the scripts.

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Activity 2Directing a monologue 

Week 3

Activity 1Revision 

Week 4

Activity 1 – Performance Review Essay – 500 words

As part of the Drama and Theatre Studies course, students are required to attend live theatre performances to gain practical inspiration for their own performance work. The live theatre experience will also inform a ‘Live Theatre Review’ in the written exam.

Watch one performance of your choice.  Look on youtube for the National Theatre, RSC, The Globe, Frantic Assembly, Le Navet Bete, Geko, you can use musicals as well - lots of which are streaming free at the moment. 

Structure for your review.

Introduction: explaining which play you watched and a brief summary of the story.

1st paragraph: choose a particular actor that your liked and explain why you liked them. Give specific examples, their use of performance skills (vocal and physical)

2nd paragraph: how the production used staging and the performance space

3rd paragraph: how the production used technical design elements (set/lights/sound/costume)

Conclusion: overall did you enjoy the performance and would you recommend it to someone else.

If you have any problems with any of these tasks please contact me for help on abirkett@web.grammar.sch.gg