

Chemistry is truly the "central science". New breakthroughs in fields such as genetics, biochemistry, medicine, materials science, forensics, nanotechnology, drug discovery, the environment and next-generation computer hardware are all driven by chemistry.

Chemistry is about the molecules all around us. It is about matter: specifically how matter changes. Doing a qualification in Chemistry will allow you to learn about why the things around us behave the way they do.

Chemistry opens the door for many careers because training in chemistry is essential for many positions in industry, is highly desirable for science teaching, and is very useful for careers in the public service and management. Both the public and the private sectors increasingly draw their higher management echelons from chemistry graduates.

But, most importantly, it is just so fascinating! If you want to understand the workings of the world around you - then chemistry is for you!

Compulsory tasks

Download this booklet and work through it.  Bring it to your first lesson in September.

Booklet as a word document

Extension tasks

Work through the tasks on

Suggested reading

Suggested research