Digital Society


The Information in the Global Society course will allow you to improve your knowledge of the use and impact of ICT on business, health, government, law enforcement, armed forces,environment and education. It also looks at the way in which we use mobile and modern technologies in our lives. To learn the theory behind the subject and why data, processing and output are important in today’s world. The impacts both ethically and socially of ICT on society and individuals and in particular the advantages of using modern technology. The course is about our Global World and so examples of the uses of IT from all cultures and countries have to be researched and included in all areas.

Weekly reading and watching

Watch the BBC Technology programme CLICK, the long version on iplayer each week.  or use iplayer plus reading the online newspaper technology sections for CNN 

Research and Write a Report

As we are in the middle of a pandemic. Please research from all around the world how they are using technology in the following areas to carry on functioning.

Health Systems and Care Providers

Education with virtual learning

Business and organisation through online resources

Modelling and Predicting by Governments of the Crisis

Uniformed services e.g police, fire and emergency services

Home and Leisure

Put your ideas together into a report and make sure you include all the references you have used. They must have examples from all across the world not just UK/Guernsey.

Please make sure you bring this to our first lesson together.

Online Course to undertake

This will teach you about mobile design, development and creating mobile experiences, as well as bigger concepts related to mobile technology.