

Welcome to A level Music! This is an exciting but challenging course where you'll develop your performance skills (solo and/or ensemble), compose music, learn about harmony and build up your aural and analytical skills.

In order to be prepared for September, we have put together activities for you to complete.

The work will be divided into 4 weeks worth and if you have any questions you can email the Head of Music at dbideau@web.grammar.sch.g

Below are the tasks for each week. Each task will have a link to a lesson and any videos to help. Once complete, there will be a link to an activity to check your understanding. Some of it may be completely new or it may just be a refresher for some of you but if you find it difficult, don't worry as we will refresh it all again in September. Please note all videos will appear at the bottom of the page as well as within the text.

Alongside this, we would also suggest you listen to/watch as much music as you can in order to broaden your musical knowledge. Here is a link to a page that gives daily updates on free streaming of concerts, musicals and plays. It is definitely worth checking out!

Have fun!

Week 1:    

Task 1: You are going to need to know a range of basic music theory to help you during the course. Each week will include some theory for you to work through. We will go over all of this at the start of the course but this will give you a head start, particularly if it is new to you. Once again, if you find it too hard or do not understand all of it please don't worry as you will have some one to one help with this at the start of the course.

Notation (only required for those who do not read music):

A large part of the course will require you to read and write in treble and bass clef. If this is not a strength yet, please watch the music theory video on the treble clef and then try the clef reading test below. You can set the test to include different things by clicking on the icons then click ok. 

Scales (for all)

Read the following online lesson about scales. 

There is also a video on scales below that might help.

Now complete the following tests:   Scale identification  Scale construction  Scale identification

Task 2:

You are going to learn a huge amount of new musical vocabulary in this course. You will need to be able to know what it means, find it in a score and be able to hear it. In order to help you with this we have set up a Skills Audit. Please make a copy of the doc in the link (or print). There is a large amount of vocabulary for you to work through so you can spend some time each week continuing with this task (aim for 45 mins a week).

RAG rate the words by highlighting the 'Current understanding' column in green (know it), orange (know a bit) or red (don't know) for each word on how confident you are in knowing what they mean. In the Description box add your own definition to those you know(not a copy and paste!) We will be updating this skills audit throughout the course so you will gradually see your knowledge expand. 

Task 3: We are going to be studying a wide range of styles throughout the course. Find out some basic information as an introduction for the different sections. This week you can research Musicals. Look, in particular, at the composers Richard Rodgers

Stephen Sondheim

Claude Michel Schonberg

Make some notes on what you find out and listen to their music.

Week 2:

Task 1: Circle of Fifths & Key Signatures

Watch the 3 videos below and as you watch try to have a go at drawing you own circle of fifths following the steps. 

Here is the chart of all the key signatures for you to check. 

Here is another helpful video that gives you 'quick wins' on working out key signatures. 

Now try the tests to see what you can remember. You will need to know these off by heart eventually.      Key identification    Key construction

Task 2: Continue with your skills audit that you started last week (aim for 45 mins). Once you have done all that you know, start to look up words you don't know and write definitions.

Task 3: This week do some research on classical music. Focus particularly on Mozart - his life, music and his operas. Make some notes and listen to his music.

Week 3

Task 1: This week we are going to focus on chords and inversions. Please watch the 3 videos below on Primary triads (major keys), Primary triads (minor keys) and Inversions. Make notes if you need to. 

Now try these tests to check your understanding. Please make sure you have highlighted the boxes major, minor, root, first inversion and second inversion before you start the tests.     Triad Identification    Triad Construction

Task 2: Continue with your skills audit that you started last week (aim for 45 mins). Once you have done all that you know, start to look up words you don't know and write definitions. If you think you would be able to identify a musical feature by hearing it then feel free to start RAG rating that column as well.

Task 3: This week do some research on baroque music. Find out what are the main features of baroque (how would you recognise it if listening) and listen to some music by Purcell, Vivaldi and Bach. Choose a piece you like and have a go at writing a short musical analysis of it. This is a skill you will become familiar with during the course.

Week 4

Task 1: This week's theory lesson is on intervals. Please watch the following 4 videos on understanding intervals and make notes if necessary.   Intervals part 1  Intervals part 2 Intervals part 3 Intervals part 4

There is also a tutorial you can work through if this helps: 

Now try these tests to check your understanding. Again, you can set the level you want to try.   Interval identification  Interval construction

Task 2: Choose a piece of music you are learning or can already play. Find 2 or 3 performances of it online by different players/singers. Write a short review of each one. What do you like/dislike about the performance and why? This will help you think about a performance and how you can personalise it to suit you. It helps to hear a range of versions in order to do this.

Task 3: It is important you broaden your knowledge of music for A level rather than just listening to your favourite styles. Pick a genre of music you know very little about. Do some research and listening into this style of music. 

Extension tasks:

If you have completed all the above work but would like to do some more. Here are some websites you may find useful that have music theory tutorials and exercises you can work through. 

You can also do some composing, practice your instrument and listen to music.

Most importantly, take any opportunities there are to watch streamed concerts/musicals etc online using the link at the start of this web page.

We look forward to seeing you at the start of the A level course!