
Welcome to Photography A-Level...

During the A Level you will develop your photographic skills in a variety of areas including common Studio and Darkroom practices. You will produce a personal body of work which will be measured by the four strands of Assessment Criteria - ‘Develop’, ‘Experiment’, ‘Record’ and ‘Refine’.  

Suggested reading

For more information on a variety of areas that you should research before the start of the course, look at our helpful booklet - ‘Bridge that Gap

Check out our Pinterest board with a great selection of Photographers/ Artists that can be used to inspire your projects:

Tasks to complete...

Photography work is driven by personal interest, therefore shoot what inspires and interests you. Before the start of the course, you should be utilising the good light and taking as many photographs as possible. Complete the four week challenge below and this link for further details:

Create a Google Slideshow to showcase all of your work - HAPPY SNAPPING!