Theory of Knowledge

Theory of Knowledge is a pretty abstract element of the Diploma Programme but to prepare please have a look at the following three transition tasks.  There is no need to write your responses - just do some proper thinking.  In addition you may like to have a look at some of the articles in our Twitter feed.

Area of Knowledge - Maths

Invented or Discovered

Is Reality A Mathematical Structure? Watch this short clip from a Horizon documentary about the nature of reality. Think about the maths you have done in your educational journey so far.  What do you think about these two questions?

a. Do we "uncover" maths as we investigate the universe or do we create maths and impose it onto nature?

b. Do you think that in principle everything is knowable or are there necessarily limits to human knowledge?

Area of Knowledge - Natural Sciences

Consider these big questions in science.  Which do you find most interesting?  Which is most important for our species to answer?

In Theory of Knowledge we examine the power and the limitations of Biology, Physics and Chemistry to unravel the mysteries of life, the universe and everything.

Areas of Knowledge - Human Sciences

Science loves to measure, but is it possible to meaningfully measure everything?  Have a go at this quiz about the "best" countries in the world.  Are all these metrics meaningful?  

In Theory of Knowledge we investigate the problems of measurement in the human sciences like economics, sociology and psychology.  

Have a look at some of the articles on our Twitter ToK page.