

    • A function takes in an "input" and creates an "output".
    • Your inputs are called the independent variables.
    • Your outputs are called the dependent variables.
    • Generally, your x values are the inputs.
    • Generally, your y values are the outputs.


y = 2x + 3

    • We usually put in values for x, which is our input/independent variable.
    • y is dependent because the value of y depends on what x is.


f(x) = -4x - 4

    • Sometimes you'll see this notation. f(x) is just a name for y.
    • f(x) is the function called f.
    • f(x) as a whole is the dependent variable.
    • What's INside the parentheses of the function is your INput.
        • So x is your input. It is your independent variable.


v(t) = 8t

    • Sometimes math uses different letters to fit the problem.
        • v could represent velocity
        • t could represent time
    • t is INside the parentheses. What does this imply t to be?
    • What is v(t) implied to be?