
Non-Academic Surveys and Questionnaires

Parents/guardians will be notified at least ten (10) days prior to the District administering a non-academic or non-educational survey or questionnaire to students.

Parents/guardians will be permitted to review the survey or questionnaire prior to it being administered, if so requested. Parents/guardians may opt-out their child (ren) from the survey or questionnaire. Such an opt-out notice must be in writing, including e-mail, and directed to the appropriate building administrator. Parents/guardians who do not opt-out their child (ren) from District administered surveys or questionnaires will be deemed to have consented to the survey or questionnaire.

For purposes of this policy, “non-academic survey or questionnaire” means “surveys, questionnaires, or other documents designed to elicit information about a student’s social behavior, family life, religion, politics, sexual orientation, sexual activity, drug use, or any other information not related to a student’s academics” or as otherwise may be defined by applicable state law or Department of Education regulation.

Legal References:

RSA 186:11, IX-d, Non-Academic Surveys and Questionnaires