

I. Statement of Purpose and Intent

The Hopkinton School District requires that school-aged children enrolled in the District attend school in accordance with applicable state laws and Board policies.

II. Definitions

There are three categories of absences from school in the Hopkinton School District:

Excused absence:

1. Officially documented medical appointments or illness (family notification of flu like symptoms)

2. Legal obligations

3. Related to family member’s military active duty deployment

4. Family loss

5. School related absences

6. Pre-approved college visits

7. Observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday

8. Pre-arranged absences for extended leave or vacation

9. Participation in the Supervised Out of School Suspension Program

10. Such other good cause as may be acceptable to the Principal or permitted by law

The Hopkinton School District understands the importance of family and enriching travel experiences. The District also appreciates the value of attendance and class time. Though the missing class time cannot be replicated, with parent/guardian and teacher support in planning, lessons can be adapted to utilize unique travel related experiences for the benefit of all. Families and staff are encouraged to collaborate to minimize any learning gap created by an extended absence.

Family approved (not truant)

1. Illness

2. Significant family related event


Truancy is any unexcused, unapproved absence from class or school.

Ten half days of unexcused/unapproved absence during a school year shall constitute habitual truancy. A half day absence is defined as a student missing more than two (2) hours and less than 3.5 hours of instructional time.

III. Intervention

The principal or his/her designee, upon being notified of a student’s truancy, shall develop a Truancy Intervention Plan (TIP). The TIP may include but not be limited to the following action steps:

· An investigation of the cause of the truancy

· Communication with the parent/guardian (letters … meetings)

· Assigning a staff mentor to support the student

· Introducing/assigning a student to an extra curricular program

· Developing an attendance contract with short and long term goals

· Connecting the student to support services (school district, community and/or state)

The TIP must contain a process to evaluate its effectiveness.