HMS General Information


Harold Martin School is a focused, instructional environment and caring community. Each staff member contributes in a positive way to the Harold Martin School of learners. Students, parents, teachers, Instructional Assistants, and other staff view the school community as their own and each is an integral part of the continuous program development. The Harold Martin staff creates an atmosphere where learning, enjoyment of diversity, and high expectations prevail.

This Staff Handbook attempts to identify these HMS goals and define other school procedures. The handbook presents what needs to be done and how to do it. This edition is surely open to editing, new ideas and improvement, not only in method, but also in presentation.

Absences (staff)

1. Be sure that substitute plans are completed and easily accessible.

2. File the request on the substitute management system. Step by step instructions are available at the link below.

Hopkinton School District Substitute Management Instructions


Anytime a student or adult is injured, the office/nurse should be notified immediately at ext.1221. Do not move the student or adult if the injury seems severe. Accident Report Forms are available in the Nurse's Office and should be completed as promptly as possible. It is better to err on the side of caution instead of getting a phone call from a parent. Send the student to the nurse if you have any doubt.

Arrival and Departure Procedure

7:55 AM bell and entry. All students wait for the bell on the playground or, in case of inclement weather, in the MPR. Parents and students entering the building must check in at the office. When a parent comes to the office and asks to go to a classroom, it is office policy to speak personally to the staff member, who then has the option of meeting the parent in the office, inviting the parent to the classroom, or suggesting a conference at another time. Please enforce this school policy.

8:05 AM And then a student is tardy. If a student enters your room after 8:05, please be sure he/she has passed through the office.

8:30 AM Have your attendance completed on Aspen. It is the responsibility of each classroom teacher to complete the attendance by this time. Also, complete lunch count and lunch envelopes. Send your classroom envelope to the kitchen promptly and before 8:45. If you wish to purchase an adult hot lunch, notify the kitchen before 10 AM.


Students are dismissed in stages

  • Parent Pick Up for Grades 2-3 (preschool room)

  • 'Tween School 'N Home (TSNH) students

  • Regular bus students

  • Late Bus Students (to wait on the playground)

  • Parent Pick Up for Grades K-1 (preschool room)

Non classroom teachers are assigned to hallway duty during dismissal according to this schedule.

Adults picking up students must sign them out in the preschool room. A note must be sent to the school indicating pick-up destination. Parents may not wait for students in the hallways outside of classrooms. This is a security issue as well as an attempt to keep instructional time intact. If you see parents in the hall outside your classroom, it is your responsibility to politely ask them to return to the music room. Let the office know of any parents who are frequently in the halls and a letter or telephone call requesting their cooperation will be sent.

If you have late bus duty, you must be on the sidewalk before the students are dismissed by the 2:35 bell. If you are a classroom teacher and have late bus duty, bring your class to the bus area at 2:30 PM. This is imperative for safety and security reasons. After the first buses depart you should go directly to the playground to assist with supervision there. Excuse yourself from parent conversations and explain that you are needed on duty.

If a student is going home with a friend, to Brownies, soccer, or any destination other than his/her normal routine, the student must have a note. The note can be written by the parent or by a staff member when after school plans have been confirmed by a telephone call to the parents. Be sure bus students take their notes to the bus drivers.

Try to sort out after school plans with your students first thing in the morning - review notes and be sure each student knows what to do at dismissal. Don't wait until 2:30. If a planning crisis arises, either you or instructional assistant should call the parents. If this is impossible, the office will assist the student. However, calling home during dismissal in the office can be chaotic and is not reassuring to a student who is feeling insecure and anxious.

Arrival and Departure for Faculty

While not mandatory, it is best if certified teaching staff arrives at school by 7:30 AM. Arrival time for other staff members is dependent on the terms of each working agreement. The Principal can require a 7:30 am arrival time for certified teaching staff.

Certified teaching staff is required to stay at school until 3:05 pm unless other arrangements are made between the Principal and teacher. Departure times for other staff members are dependent on the terms of each working agreement.

Should a staff member need to leave the building during the school day, please sign out in the main office. This will ensure that we can account for all staff in the event of an emergency and/or as needed during school hours.

The doors are now armed with a security system. The doors by the preschool entrance are generally open from 7-8 a.m. for staff to enter without the ID badge. At all other times staff need to use their ID badges to enter the building. If you lose your badge or it malfunctions, please school the building Principal.


Assemblies are a regular part of the curriculum and as such are designed to be educational as well as entertaining experiences. They generally occur once a month and may focus on a patriotic or holiday theme. We also have an assembly program we are calling "Showcase" which highlights talents and abilities of students throughout the building. The assembly is generally run by the students themselves. Assemblies also provide an opportunity for students to learn formal audience behavior. Regardless of the type of program, courtesy demands that the student body be respectful and appreciative. It is the individual teacher's responsibility to instruct students to be respectful audience members. Teachers are to escort their individual classes to the assembly site. All teachers should be seated with their classes and help them supervise all students.

Budget Policies

Click here for more information.


The Staff Google calendar of events is maintained on the Sunday Blast page. There is also an auxiliary calendar behind the Office Manager’s desk. Please help keep the staff calendar current by emailing the Principal and the Office Manager any important dates.


Celebrations certainly occur in classrooms and teachers recognize birthdays. For both health and safety reasons (due to allergies) we ask that no birthday treats are brought in from parents. Occasionally, a classroom or grade level may have a curriculum-based celebration and teachers may request special food from home. This should be communicated by classroom newsletters as well as the Summer Parent Flash.

Classroom Safety

Teachers are responsible for maintaining appropriate safety measures in their rooms at all times:

· There must be free egress between entrance and exit ways.

· Paper on the walls should be kept to approximately 20% of wall space.

· Boxes should not be stacked more than one level high.

· No extension cords can be used and only appropriate electrical strips may be utilized.

· No paper products can be on an egress doors.

Classroom Newsletter

Each classroom teacher is expected to communicate with parents regularly via a paper or digital newsletter or a blog. Newsletters do not have to be approved by the Principal, but please include him/her on every parent communication.


Click here for more information.


Sunday Blast – the Principal maintains a private blog for HMS staff only at this site. It is required reading for all staff, is refreshed every Sunday and includes a staff calendar, articles, and videos of the week, important updates as well as links to important HMS documents.

Staff Flash – this document is produced every day by the Office Manager and includes student and faculty attendance info for the day and important timely updates. If a staff member wants something included in the Staff Flash, please have it to Christine by 8 AM.

Mailboxes – these are located in the main office. Check your mailbox at least once in the morning and afternoon. Please do not send students to pick up your mail, as mailboxes often contain confidential information.

Telephones – Please check your voice mail every day. Phone calls will not be transferred to your room unless it is an emergency.

Email – All staff is required to check their email every day and respond to parent emails within 24 hours. Important notices from the central office and the HMS office are sent frequently.

Confidentiality - Comment and discussion regarding student personalities and records should only be discussed with appropriate people in the education setting. Student behavior problems should not be part of public discussions. Professional discretion and courtesy should be used in discussing all staff and district concerns.

Custodial Duties

We are fortunate to have hard working custodians who clean the building every night and prepare the school for the next day. If you have any concerns about the cleanliness, please contact the Principal. If you have a maintenance item you may see the Principal or fill out a work-order on “Schooldude”.

Data Team Meetings

About once every 6 weeks, each grade level PLC (K-3) will meet to discuss those students that have concerns. The full instructions for this will be distributed to the staff.

Duplicating Materials

HMS has two copy machines, one in the Library Work Room and one located in the office. We also maintain a volunteer program. There is a basket in the office, by the copier and teachers may place needed work in that basket with instructions for the volunteer. Volunteers are on a schedule (hopefully 2 days a week) and will call ahead of time to see if there is work for them. Once completed, they will place the work in the appropriate teacher’s mailbox.


Generally, IAs will have one duty a day, either lunch or recess duty. Certified staff will have one duty a week assigned, plus an occasional rotating duty which would include either a before school duty or Drop Off Monitor (DOM) duty. Please refer to the rotational duty schedule.

Emergency Drills

Fire Drills: Each room must have emergency exits posted for fire drills and maps of the school will be distributed to any class that needs them. These maps will show emergency exits and alternate routes. Be sure to discuss fire drills with your students on the first day of school. There will be a fire drill the first week of school and then one a month after that throughout the school year. If your class is at a special during a fire drill, you should meet them at the specialist's designated spot.

Teacher Responsibilities during a fire drill:

• Close doors into the corridor.

• If you have a class, take attendance when you reach your designated area.

• Bring your green and red binders out with you during the drill. You will be asked to show the green or red card to either the Principal or Administrative Assistant when he or she is ready to check off your class. Displaying the green side of your binder means that all of your students are accounted for; the red side means that someone is missing.

Once the evacuation has been completed a signal will be given to re-enter the building.

Lockdown: Once a year we hold a Lockdown drill, which is pre-announced. Students and staff in each room have already established a corner where every person can sit and not be seen from a door or window. All doors must be locked as well. The Principal moves around to each room, checks to be sure the doors are locked and looks to see if any persons are visible. The drill begins with this announcement over the intercom: "Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown." The drill ends with this announcement: "Clear Lockdown, Clear Lockdown, Clear Lockdown."

Shelter in Place / Stay Put: At times, privacy is required to address confidential or difficult situations. Shelter in place requires teachers to enter a state of "soft lockdown" in classrooms in which shades are drawn, windows covered, doors closed, and student transition is stopped until the Shelter in place is called off. An announcement will be made in person or on intercom to move to Stay Put or Shelter in Place. When in this mode, teachers are asked to keep students in the room and away from windows and doors if possible. Concept here is to maintain privacy - not security. Please do not allow students to move outside the room until cleared to do so. If Shelter in Place is called for, students are asked to move to a location under their desks. This is done to restrict the damage from any falling debris and to create “pocket space” in the event of a disaster. Students should remain under their desks or tables until cleared to return to normal activities.

Avoid, Deny, Defend: A drill that requires teachers and staff to assess a crises situation and respond accordingly. This involves imploring strategies to Avoid situations when possible, taking steps to secure and Deny access to your area, and utilizing measures to Defend and protect.

Reverse Evacuation: Reverse evacuation will be used in the event of an emergency situation that requires us to move children back inside quickly. This is generally a weather issue, such a lightning. When the call is heard for Reverse Evacuation, students should move quickly to the rear building (recess) entrance or 6th grade entrance, enter the building, and head IMMEDIATELY to their classroom. Teachers should then take attendance and prepare their red/green binder for visual inspection to report to principal or designee. In the event of a Reverse Evacuation, the school would likely then call for a Stay Put / Shelter in Place or a Lockdown. In that circumstance, the directions above are followed.

We are required to perform Fire Drills on a monthly basis. We may replace two drills over the course of the year with other types (generally in January / February) listed above, but we also may do additional drills to familiarize the kids with them. Please discuss your class list with your special education case manager, nurse, and guidance counselor to determine if prior warning to a drill is required for any of your students. If necessary, this should be a part of the child’s modifications / accommodations page in their IEP or Section 504 Plan and not just an independently made decision of the teacher.

Field Trips

The teacher must file a field trip form in the main office at least two weeks before the trip and the following information must be completed:

  • Date

  • Time of Trip

  • Indicate bus

  • Indicate if absent from lunch

  • Cost of Bus - see price list

  • Admission or other expenses

  • # of students

  • # of chaperones

  • $ charge to students

  • Describe how the trip coordinates with the curriculum

Teachers must send permission slips home to parents and will verify all have been returned before the trip. If a student has not returned the permission slip, the teacher should call the parent to obtain verbal permission, no less than one day before the trip. Do not wait until the morning of the trip to call.

The list of chaperones must be submitted to the office one week before the trip. If an entire grade level is going on a field trip, communicate and be sure each teacher has all the logistical information as well as the correct departure and return time of the trip.

Please plan on a 1:3 ratio of chaperones and students. If there is an admission fee and extra chaperones go on the trip (above the given school ratio), the parents should pay their own admission fee.

The Nurse will prepare first aid kits to take on the field trip and will notify you of any student medications that need to be taken during the field trip.

Teachers or Instructional Assistants going on a field trip need to find coverage for duties that will be missed.

First Day(s) of School

On the first days of school all classroom teachers should go to the playground before the 8:00 AM bell and meet their class. There will be colored bus posters for the students in each grade level. Once your class has been gathered you may proceed to your classroom.

After you have taken attendance, please correct any student names that have been misspelled and send the corrections to the office.

During the day review:

• Playground and lunchroom rules

• Classroom emergency fire exits

• Fire drill expectations

• "Lockdown" drill

The packet to send home with students on the first day includes:

  • Student insurance

  • Emergency card

  • Lunch Program Letter

  • Menu

  • Lunch Envelope

  • Blanket Trip and information release

  • Yearly Calendar

As the emergency cards come in please place them directly in the Administrative Assistant’s box. Information from the emergency card will be entered into X2 Aspen for your access.

As student insurance cards come in, please send them to the office.


Harold Martin School students have report cards sent home on a trimester basis. Students receive report cards from their classroom teacher and from auxiliary teachers with whom they have been working. Report cards will be sent home on the following days:

First report card: November 19, 2021

Second report card: March 18, 2022

Third report card: Final day of school

There is a working Report Card Committee at both elementary schools, representative of all grade levels.

Guidance Services

Our Counselor has a caseload of students that she sees regularly but she is available to speak with students on an emergency or as needed basis. Staff can contact her directly if they have concerns about a child. It is imperative that the Counselor and Principal is contacted if a staff member suspects any level of abuse that may have happened to a child at home or at school or any level of bullying. In addition, if you receive word that a child has some type of diagnosis from a doctor, please notify the Counselor so she can investigate the possibility that the child may need a 504 plan. Also notify the Counselor if you know the child has had significant family changes, a medication change or introduction, as well friendship difficulties or anxiety concerns.

Hallway Guidelines

· Students should walk on the right hand side of the hallway.

· Students should be appropriately quiet, walking by classrooms.

· Teachers should monitor the front and back end of lines as students travel through hallways. This is especially true as students move into the building from recess.


Please refer to this link for more information.


Teachers will be supplied with keys to their rooms as needed. Master keys will only be supplied to personnel in regular need of such keys. If your key has been damaged or lost, please consult the Office Manager.


For professional or personal leave, please refer to your Collective Bargaining Agreement or consult the Principal.

Library Services

The library is the hub of our school. We have an open policy for entrance to the library as students can utilize library services at anytime with teacher permission. Please consult the robust Hopkinton School Libraries Wiki at this link for resources.

Lost and Found

HMS maintains a lost and found of clothing that can be found at the bottom of the stairs to the Multi Purpose Room. A couple of times a year, the leftover items are washed and donated to a charity.

Lunchroom Guidelines

Click here for the Lunchroom Guidelines.


Faculty Meetings occur twice a month, on the first and third Tuesdays from after school to approximately 3:45. IAs will usually attend the first meeting of the month.

Committee Meetings:

Click here for more information.

Parent Communication

We maintain an open communication channel with our parents. They should be free to call or email teachers to a reasonable degree to ask questions related to their child. Regular newsletters or emails as well as personal emails to parents are encouraged. **When calling parents, please leave a message before trying another number. Many times the office will receive a phone call from a parent that saw the school called (Caller ID) but there is no message. These phone calls are disturbing to parents who worry that their child may be hurt/sick.

Parent Volunteers and Visitors

All volunteers and visitors must sign in at the office and wear a name badge. If you see a visitor without a badge, please direct them back to the office.

We have a strong volunteer program, currently run by parent volunteer Julie Zapton. For more information, click here for the Volunteer Handbook.

Playground Guidelines

Click here for the Playground Guidelines.

Professional Development

Please refer to this link:

Professional Learning Communities

Harold Martin School is committed to working as Professional Learning Communities. PLC’s are the vehicle which allows faculty and staff to work with data analysis, RTI strategies, and curriculum and instruction.

As such, it is imperative that all staff members embrace this concept. If you are new to the PLC concept, it will be important to familiarize yourself with the concept and information. Please see the principal for professional materials that may help you with this.

Our school drives collaboration around the four PLC guiding questions:

1) What do we expect our students to learn?

2) How will be know when our students have learned it?

3) How will we respond when some students don't learn?

4) How will we respond if they already know it?

Each grade level will have a PLC Chairperson. These are the responsibilities for each Chair:

• Develops and communicates the weekly PLC meeting agenda.

• Facilitates weekly PLC meeting, delegates tasks and helps to motivate forward progress of the PLC.

• Facilitates the organization of academic data relevant to the PLC.

• Understands and can articulate school and PLC goals.

• Is part of the larger PLC Steering Committee.

The PLC chairs for the 2021-22 School Year are:

Preschool: Kenda Beckwith

Kindergarten: Cathy Cowan

First Grade: Kathy Forgiel

Second Grade: Maddie Donahue

Third Grade: Karen Vittoria


Every spring, teachers gather available student information and place students in classes for the next school year. To provide for the best possible educational setting, placement of students in a classroom is based upon a balance of academic performance, a balance of boys and girls, placement of students with special needs, consideration of parent information, and placement of students who work well together. Parents will be informed of their student’s teacher on the last day of school, and the teacher’s name will be written on their report cards. Students will have an opportunity to see their physical classroom, teacher, and classmates prior to the start of school in August. These transition activities will be held in correlation with a community-sponsored social activity just before school begins.

Retention decisions will be based on a collaborative review of data and the whole child before deciding. Multiple assessments will be considered, including research-based assessment designs, local criteria such as classroom and school-wide assessment data, social development, performance assessments, parental input, and staff recommendations. Retention is not supported by available research as a first option for students experiencing academic difficulty. Therefore, the Hopkinton Schools will continue to identify and implement other options, including:

  • targeted support for students,

  • quality classroom assessments that inform instruction,

  • individualized instruction, reading support, and

  • use of summer programs as dictated by students’ individual needs and various other intervention systems.

When a student is not progressing at an expected level of performance, the Wraparound Team will be formed including teachers, school counselor, and appropriate school personnel that may include the principal, school psychologist, special educators, and other specialists. The responsibility of the Wraparound Team is to make placement and program recommendations to the principal. Those recommendations will be based on available current and past assessment results, documented program interventions tried and the results of those interventions, and anecdotal information. All recommendations will be communicated with the parent/guardian. Areas for attention by the team include:

  • Attention span

  • Ability to work independently

  • Ability to follow directions

  • Memory skills

  • Sufficient mastery of basic skills in math, reading, and language

  • Chronological age, above/below average for grade

  • Physical and emotional maturity

  • Developmental age, i.e., performance consistent with grade level

  • Attendance - if the attendance of the child is a major problem, the administration shall take the appropriate action to enforce state and district attendance policy

  • Test data - including assessment by the teacher and standardized test results if any are available.

  • Parent input

  • Other appropriate to the individual case

The following tests must be met before the team proceeds:

  • The student is in the early elementary grades

  • The student has good social skills and a strong self-concept

  • The student has a positive relationship with the teacher

  • Specific classroom interventions have been implemented, have been documented, and have been unable to support new learning

  • The student support team (wraparound) considers retention a potential program option

If, after considering all the points made in the policy relative to retaining students, the Wraparound Team still feels that retention should be considered, it will follow these procedures:

  • The student Wraparound Team must initiate this consideration by January of the current school year. This will allow intervention to occur and be reviewed by the school team. Frequent updates should be the focal point for most of the year. It is necessary to note that any retention decision should be made after much evidence is collected and after several meetings with parents.

  • Create an individualized response to intervention plan (RTI) to meet that student's individual learning needs.

  • A meeting for discussion of the program option shall be called, involving the current team, the parents, if not already active team members, the principal, and the school counselor. Additional specialists such as speech, reading, and math specialists, speech education teachers, or subject area teachers may be added to the group if needed. The team will:

    • Apprise the student’s parents of all the implications of the retention option.

    • Review all data relative to the student.

    • Recommend appropriate further diagnostic testing, if necessary.

    • Describe a program that shows how the students' needs will be addressed through new/different methods of instruction and include an explanation of why the child's educational needs cannot be met through a promotion or placement to the next grade.

    • Reach consensus on a recommendation to be forwarded to the principal. The recommendation should include the criteria for the retention list.

Criteria for retention list

Before formal team consideration – Date initiated:

  • Student is in the early elementary grades?

  • Student has good social skills (documentation attached)

  • Student has positive relationship with the current teacher

  • Specific classroom interventions are documented and have failed to support new learning? (documentation attached)

  • The student support team considers retention a potential program option

    • After formal team consideration: Date initiated

  • Data relative to the student reviewed including further diagnostic testing completed (list)

  • Parents informed of all the implications of retention

  • Program description shows how the students' needs will be addressed through new/different methods of instruction and explains why the childs’ educational needs cannot be met through a promotion or placement to the next grade? (Attached)

  • Consensus on a recommendation for retention was reached by the Team?

  • A final report of students being retained with action plans to improve student performance in the new school year must be completed and sent to the Superintendent before the close of school.

Retention Timeline:

  • The wraparound team meets in January or prior to considering the option of retention.

  • Team meeting including the parent to discuss retention in March or before.

  • The principal will meet with teachers and parents to discuss and consider the recommendations. If retention or promotion is being considered, the principal will notify parents and the student by April 30 for placement in the next school year.

  • In the event that a parent is not in agreement with the final decision of the principal, a written appeal must be presented to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent or designee will meet with parents to discuss the concerns. The Superintendent of Schools will make a final decision on the appeal by July 15 and notify the parents and the principal.


All important schedules at HMS are housed on the Sunday Blast page.

Staff Room

Staff is encouraged to utilize the staff room for breaks during the day and of course, for lunch. There are two microwaves available as well as a stove and refrigerator. A water/soda machine is accessible for staff only.

Student Discipline

The program at Harold Martin School offers opportunities for learning, making friends, and being part of the school community. Respect and responsibility are two school themes for character development: respect for others and responsibility for oneself and property.

As educators, our charge is to educate the whole child. With that in mind, we need to pay particular attention to our students’ academic needs as well as their “affective” concerns. That is, we want our students to develop into respectful and caring members of our society. In the words of Ruth Charney, we have to “teach children to care.”

Discipline is not something that “happens” to kids; it’s really something that is taught, through modeling, some direct instruction, and often through consequences given to the student. We want kids to develop internal controls on their conduct and patterns of behavior that are respectful to others.

Review the following rules with your students. Although the list appears lengthy, it is important for children to know specific expectations. The principal will call home if misbehaviors are repetitive.

The 3 B’s

Harold Martin School has adopted “The 3 B’s” as our school behavioral expectations. They are:

  • Be Safe

  • Be Respectful

  • Be Responsible

Please emphasize The 3 B’s as you focus on classroom rules and expectations. The 3 B’s coordinate well with our Second Step program and those teachers that implement Responsive Classroom.

Basic Rules

  • Respect yourself and others.

  • Conduct yourself in a manner safe to yourself and others.

  • Respect personal and school property.

  • Listen carefully and follow directions.

  • Hats may not be worn in the school building.

  • Walk in the halls, stay to one side, and use quiet voices.

  • Walk down the stairs in single file and use the railing.

  • Gum chewing is not allowed in school.

When does a student need to see the Principal?

  • This question is nearly impossible to answer definitively. However, here are some guidelines:

    • Any behavior that is violent or of great physical harm to students should be referred to the Principal immediately.

    • Any behavior that could be classified as significant harassment or bullying should be referred to the Principal immediately.

    • If you have given the student consequences more than twice for a particular misbehavior, you may decide to refer that student to the Principal.

    • If you see behavior of a sexual or profane nature, that needs to be referred to the Principal immediately.

    • If you are seeing a discouraging pattern of behavior, you may want to involve the Principal along with the School Counselor and/or Behavioral Specialist and others in a problem solving session to help deal with the child’s behavior.

    • Teachers also have the option to refer their student to the Behavioral Core team (BCT) if they feel they need further assistance to deal with a student who is having difficulty.

    • Discipline procedures when a student needs to see the Principal:

      • There is a Student Assistance Form in the office. Please fill this out as soon as possible and give to the office manager. In most cases, the School Counselor will investigate the situation as soon as possible and then pass the situation along to the Principal for determination of consequences.

      • In most cases, the Principal will contact the parent by telephone.

      • The student and Principal will develop a plan of action with the goal to improve upon the student’s behavior. This will often involve a consequence of some sort.

      • There may be a note mailed home to the parent that documents the whole procedure in addition to the telephone call.

Sunshine Fund

All staff donates $10 to the Sunshine Fund each year. Money collected is used to send flowers, cards, and other gestures of friendship will throughout the year. A staff member coordinates the Sunshine Fund as well as birthday buddies and December buddies.


Student supplies are kept in the staff room. Teachers are free to take the supplies that they need for their classroom but to be reasonable. If there is something that needs to be ordered, please see the Office Manager with the necessary ordering information.


All TEP information can be found by clicking here.


(Change from previous years):

Classrooms are expected to utilize both the hardware available (i.e. iPads and Chromebooks) and/or the resources in the computer lab at least once per week. Karen Locke is our Technology Integrator and she will be working with you on a regular basis. Karen Pond is also available to work with teachers and classrooms with a more limited schedule given that she is also the Data Specialist for the district.


Those staff that need to fill out timesheets must fill them out and process them within the deadline. If you have questions, please see the Office Manager.