

The Hopkinton School District recognizes the need for homework as an integral part of the learning process. Homework supports and complements classroom instruction. Homework provides students with an opportunity to review and prepare for each class primarily in the quiet of their own home. Homework reflects the objectives of each course’s curriculum.

The term “homework” refers to an assignment to be prepared during a period of supervised study in class or outside of class which requires individual work in the study hall or home

The purpose of homework is to help students become self-directing, independent learners. Homework assignments shall support clearly defined school and classroom objectives and shall be used to reinforce and enhance school experiences.

The emphasis shall be placed on the value of the assignment to the child. Homework will not be assigned for the purpose of providing busy work for the children. When homework is assigned, there will be timely and meaningful follow-up and feedback by the teacher.

Teacher Responsibility

1. Teachers will consider the full merit of assigning homework. Homework increases in complexity with the maturity of the student, with the purpose of promoting independent learning.

2. Consistent assignments will encourage students to develop independent research skills and to work independently with others.

3. Teachers will give meaningful assignments where the purpose is clearly understood by the teacher and the student.

4. Homework assignments will be consistent in the amount given each day or in a week’s time and the time required for completion of assignments will be consistent as well.

5. The information for any homework assignment will be clear and specific.

6. Homework assignments and their grading will take into consideration individual differences of students such as health, ability, conditions and educational resources at home.

7. Homework will not require the use of reference materials not readily available in most homes, school libraries, or the public library, and should require the use of those materials only when the pupil has had instruction in the use of them.

8. Consideration will be given to the expanse of commitments and family obligations in assigning homework.

9. Homework will not to be used as a form of punishment under any circumstances.

Recommended Guidelines

The following guidelines refer to specific amounts of homework for each grade level. While these time levels are not absolute, they do provide parameters that will assist parents, teachers, and students in making sure that an appropriate amount of homework is assigned.

Homework assignments for primary students should be informal (e.g. collecting leaves to identify trees, collecting pictures for a scrapbook, writing creative stories of personal interest).

In elementary grades, assignments in academic studies should be introduced (e.g. mathematics, spelling, developing reports).

In grades seven through twelve, grade level teachers in the middle/high school shall confer at least once per semester to ensure that students are given homework assignments within the following guidelines.

Level Frequency Total amount of work