General Information

Telephone Use

Staff will not be called in class unless it is an emergency. PERSONAL LONG DISTANCE PHONE CALLS may not be charged to the School District.


Faculty and support staff are expected to dress in a professional manner. Appropriate classroom apparel should be worn at all times while on school grounds and during school related activities. Casual attire may be worn during outdoor or field experiences with students.

Social Networking

It is recommended that staff not make social networking connections with students until they are at least 21 years old.

Publication of Photographs

The Hopkinton School District is increasing its web presence. Periodically, staff members’ photographs may be published to the district website. The photograph will only include descriptions and first and last name. Staff members who do not wish to have their pictures published on the district web site should inform building administration.

Closing of School

Teachers will be given a "Check List" to complete before they leave for the summer. Inventories are done at the close of school. Teachers may revise their inventories at any time.

Daily Routine

Teachers are expected to arrive at school 30 minutes before the first scheduled class and to remain in their rooms, available to students, 30 minutes after the dismissal of students.

Bulletin boards in the main office and teachers' room need to be checked.

At the end of each day, check area of responsibility to ensure that: 1) all windows are closed; 2) the computer(s), monitor(s), and printer(s) are turned off; 3) the floor is free of litter; 4) furniture is arranged in an orderly manner; 5) lesson plans for the next day are in designated area; 6) the classroom doors are locked if applicable.

Staff Newsletter

The Hopkinton School District Staff Newsletter – The Hawk Eye is published during the school year. The Hawk Eye is emailed to all staff; copies are available at each school. The purpose of the Hawk Eye is to provide the staff with timely, essential information. Reading the Hawk Eye is highly encouraged.

School Health Procedure

A teacher cannot prescribe or administer internal medicine in any form. All medication brought to school must be held in the office or nurse’s office. Medication should be delivered directly to the school nurse, Principal or elementary teacher by the parents/guardians and should be held in a container properly labeled with (1) student’s name (2) medicine (3) dosage (4) method of administration (5) time schedule (6) doctor’s name (7) parent/guardians' signature.

Please inform the school nurse of any health related concerns you have for your students.

All medication (including over the counter medication) should be delivered to appropriate school personnel by the parent/ guardian. All prescription medication must be delivered and contained in its original pharmacy container.

The school nurse is directed to keep such medications in a locked cabinet or refrigerator. No more than a 30-day supply will be kept and maintained by the school. The school nurse will contact the parent/guardian regarding any unused medication. Such medication shall be picked up by parent/guardian within ten days after its use is discontinued. If the parent/guardian does not pick up the medication within ten days, the school nurse may dispose of the unused medication and record as such in the student's health record file.

The school nurse is responsible for keeping accurate records regarding the administration of medication to students.

Students may possess and self-administer an epinephrine auto-injector if the student suffers from potentially life-threatening allergies. Both the student's parent/guardian and physician must authorize such self-possession and self-administration. If a student finds it necessary to use his/her auto-injector, s/he shall immediately report to nearest supervising adult. The school nurse or building principal may maintain at least one epinephrine auto-injector, provided by the student, in the nurse's office or other suitable location.

Students may possess and self-administer a metered dose inhaler or a dry powder inhaler to alleviate or prevent asthmatic symptoms, auto-injectors for severe allergic reactions, and other injectable medications necessary to treat life-threatening allergies. Both the student's parent/guardian and physician must authorize such self-possession and self- administration.

Students shall not share any prescription or over-the counter medication with another student. Notice of this prohibition will be provided in student handbooks. Students acting in violation of this prohibition will be subject to discipline consistent with applicable Board policies. This policy shall extend to any school-sponsored activity, event, or program. In addition to the provisions set forth herein, the school nurse and Principal are responsible for ensuring the provisions of Ed. 311.02, Medication During the School Day, are followed.

Sanitation Practices - Trash

Please ensure any item that is placed in the trash is not removed, especially edible items.


If students are involved in an accident at the school (building, grounds, or school-related event), we encourage the following:

1. Stay calm and keep the accident victim as comfortable as possible.

2. Send someone for help (Nurse or Administrator, if possible). Do not leave the injured student alone.

3. Fill out an Accident Form as soon as possible to give to the school nurse within 2 days of the occurrence.

If a staff member is injured during school hours he/she must fill out a Workmen's Compensation Claim and return to the SAU business office within 3 days of the occurrence. There is a sample in the Forms Addendum and NCR forms are available in the main office.


Please notify the office if you know of a student who will be withdrawing from school. When notification is received, a "withdrawal form" will be circulated to ensure that all student records are collected. The form will also cover hot lunch debts, library books, etc. There is a copy of the new Withdrawal Form in the addendum. Once the form has been completed, it should be returned to the office so that the student's permanent records can be forwarded to his/her new school.

School Cancellation

On those infrequent occasions when foul weather or hazardous driving conditions interfere with regular school opening, school cancellations will be broadcast on the following stations:


WJYY 105.5 FM

The WMUR website is an excellent resource for school cancellations

In the event that it is necessary to close school during the day, the same media outlets will be utilized as well as email notification and parent/guardian phone calls.

Note: Employees who typically work during snow days who need to take the day off due to the uncomfortable driving conditions, should log the day as a vacation day. If the District closes due to a declaration of emergency, the day will be paid.

School District Auto Call System

The district utilizes an auto call system that will call each staff member automatically with delay or cancellation information. Individual calls will only be made through the call system. If a staff member does not want to be included in the call list, the staff member will have to watch for public announcements. Please contact the Business Administrator if you would like to be added or deleted to this system.


Every staff member has a paper and e-mail mailbox. Check them daily for e-mail messages, notices and telephone messages. Staff is expected to check their e-mail mailbox once per day and to respond to parent inquiries within 24 hours.

Emergency Cards and Insurance Forms

All Emergency Cards and Insurance Forms that are collected should be forwarded immediately to the main office.


Donations may be made to our school district at any time. All donations need to be turned into the SAU office with backup to ensure proper procedures are followed. Donations of $500 or more must be approved by the Hopkinton School Board. Donations of books and materials are an excellent way to recognize individuals or to contribute to the educational program. Donations under $500 need to be mentioned to the Hopkinton School Board. Donations of computer equipment must be made through the Director of Technology.

Donations of equipment, books and materials will be acknowledged by the Hopkinton School Board. Monetary donations may be made to the Hopkinton School District.


The Hopkinton PTA is an active organization. Their fund raising efforts sponsor enrichment programs and field trips. Membership to the PTA is $10 annually and all staff are invited to join the membership. PTA meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of the month and are held at Harold Martin School at 6:30 PM. Check the District’s online calendar for the latest meeting dates and times.

Parent Concerns

Parents/Guardians who have any concern should start at the level from which the concern stems. If satisfaction is not reached at that level, an appeal may be made to the next step in the echelon. The steps are as follows: Teacher, Principal, Superintendent, and School Board. This means that if a parent has a concern with a teacher, he/she should first arrange a meeting with the teacher to see if the problem can be solved informally. If satisfaction is not reached the parent may appeal to the Principal and so on up through the hierarchy. Similarly, if the concern relates to a matter relevant to the building administrator, the parent(s) need to start at that level and work up through only if satisfaction is not achieved. It is not procedurally appropriate to skip steps in the process.


Students are responsible for textbooks and reference books which are assigned to them or which they have the occasion to use.

· Please be sure all books are stamped with the school stamp, which is in the office.

· Each book that is issued to students should be assigned a number.

· The teacher should keep a record in the rank book of the number assigned to each student.

· Reference materials are not to leave the school.

· Make sure students cover all books assigned to them.

· Textbooks that are lost, damaged or stolen should be reported to the Principal for reimbursement or compensation.


Do not leave money or valuables at any time in your desk or classroom. Caution students to keep all valuables on their person.

Parent/Guardian Conferences

Parent/Guardian Conference Day is in November. Teachers should schedule an appointment with the parents of each of their students. Not all conferences need to be held on Conference Day. Teachers may also wish to schedule conferences in the spring.

Notice to Students and School Employees Concerning Asbestos Containing Materials

The Environmental Protection Agency requires on an annual basis for schools to notify students and staff members whether asbestos containing materials are present in their school facilities. In an effort to ensure that all asbestos materials within our schools are both identified and safe, the district conducts required three-year AHERA asbestos re-inspections, as well as six month interim inspections on an ongoing basis.

All of our schools do contain safely encapsulated asbestos containing materials. The district has been able to confirm in all cases that existing asbestos containing materials are safely encapsulated. A copy of the Three Year AHERA Re-inspection Report for Maple Street School and Hopkinton High School are available in the MSS and HHS main offices.

Should you have questions concerning asbestos related issues, please do not hesitate to contact the Superintendent's Office.