
This project was to create a realistic scratchboard of a picture or collage. I used formal balance with the subject of the piece being a ship in the middle of the scratchboard. First I had to make a collage. Then I took a 22 x 28-inch scratchboard and scratching tools to create my piece.

To compose my piece I created my college and then grid it into half-inch squares an took a 22 x 28 in. scratchboard and grid it into 1-inch squares. Then I took different scratching tools and made lines, hatch marks, and squiggles to create texture and value.

I chose this design because in band we were playing a song called 'The Jig Is Up' and came up with this idea when I thought about the story of this song. The subject is of a ship centered in a lake of a tropical waterfall, but due to time constraints, I was not able to finish in time. If I could, I would like to finish my piece.