Entended Blind Contour

The purpose of this project was to "blindly" draw your hand, another person's face, and your own face. In the first stage of this project, I used a Sharpie as I "blindly" drew the subject in front of me. After completing the blind contour I went on to complete the picture by adding more Sharpie lines which were lighter so as not to lose the original Sharpie lines. After completing all my Sharpie lines I used watercolor and water color pencils to fill in the negative space.

My project did really evolve since the first thing I saw in my blind contour was a tropical waterfall scene. Since the blind contour lines were already abstract I didn't care to be careful when adding the lighter Sharpie lines. For example, the rocks were drawn using my non-dominant hand, or I would draw lines by holding the Sharpie from a higher position. The stray lines I made on accident only added texture to the piece. Since there is a little bit of something everywhere on the paper, you see everything as a whole.

The scene depicts a canine looking animal's head looking at a stream/waterfall. This type of project was new to me as I don't recall doing a blind contour before, but it was fun. If I could revise the piece, I would try to include the mist that was supposed to accompany the waterfall; however, I messed up by accidentally going over the "mist" area in blue watercolor pencil. I would also like to redraw the bird next to the eye of the canine into something else.