Beautiful Oops

The setting of this piece is of a cello player on an abstract stage with a musical staff in the back. I first started using graphite to outline the cello and the person. Next, I used a Sharpie to draw the staff and outlined the cello in order to bring unity to the cello and the designs on the bodice. I also colored the cello and bodice with a colored pencil to provide texture. Finally, I used cool colored watercolor paint to soften the piece to make it have a calm effect.

I used formal balance by centering the subject of the piece. The leading line is the ink stains that leads to selectively focus on the cello and the player. Originally I was going to turn the ink spot into a comet in space; however, I knew that would be the typical choice so looked at it again and saw a cello instead.

Usually, when I think of a cello I think of elegance, beauty, and calmness so I wanted to covey that using the cool colored watercolor. I was also inspired by a student who does play the cello and thought that it was really cool. If I could revise this piece I would like to rework the musical staff somehow to make it blend with the piece.