Artist Inspired Art

The setting of this composition took place in the lobby of the FPAC in which I had my friend doing a pirouette. This was composed using a scratchboard and etching tools. Before starting this piece I practiced on another scratchboard and practicing Albrecht Dürer's etching style.

I took the picture using informal balance. I first used a pencil to draw out an outline and then scratched the outline. Then I shaped and added depth by hatching and cross-hatching. I did not make any revisions in this composition.

This composition was inspired by Albrecht Dürer's art style and Edgar Degas subject of ballerinas which expressed movement. The subject of this work is important because the drawing or painting of this subject matter was the started the transition from composing works for patrons to composing for themselves and for normal people. If I were to do this again I would like to redo the shading on the face.