Arrive Alive

This project was to create a composition for the Joe Bornstein Arrive Alive Contest. The piece uses formal balance with the road centered in the middle and the trees on the bottom balancing the road on the top. The materials used were watercolor paper, graphite pencil, watercolor pencils, watercolor, a letter stencil, markers, a black pen Sharpie, and a silver paint Sharpie.

To compose my piece I first sketched out a design on drawing paper. Then I transferred the design onto the watercolor paper using a ruler and watercolor pencils. Next, I colored in the road and watercolored the imaginary road to look like half of a bottle. Then I drew in the car and painted the dirt, grass an trees. Finally, I stenciled in "Arrive Alive Don't Drink & Drive" in marker.

This project was to bring awareness and send a message about the dangers of distracted and inebriated driving. I went with this design because I wanted to let the viewer know visually that the cause of the accident was because of inebriated driving through the imaginary road. However, due to the way the bottle turned out and the amount of extra space below the road, I decided to add in "Don't Drink & Drive" to make it more clear on what it was. Originally my design was simple and consisted of two car about to form a heart, but then becomes broken due to distracted and inebriated driving. If I were to do this again I would like to make the neck of the bottle longer and make the imaginary road more transparent.